
Sunday, January 21, 2018

A Trip to the Beach

In my whole life, I have never gone to the beach in January.  Everything is brown and the wind blew and it was cold. Except it was very clear and the sky was nice and blue. It was so nice to get away and plan for the coming year. I didn't realize how much I jump up and run off when I am at home because there is always something that needs attending to or taken care of. Ron made lists of things we need to do and get done. So once its down, since we are both about lists this works for us.

This is a nature preserve. We love to walk here. There aren't very many people and the wind and the crash of the surf is about it. As far as you can see is unspoiled land. Not to get all tree huggery on you. Its just nice there are a few places like that.

The elephant seals are coming in to have babies this time of year. They are huge and when they get up on those rocks they just kind of blubber around. That was what I was thinking as I stood and watched them. They do make sounds kind of like pigs. Then they sleep. All afternoon.

It is possible to go on vacation and stay on Whole 30. Much harder than I thought it would be. I cooked before I left home and brought food and we managed to not go out to a meal one time. It was hard but I feel like we made a huge break through. It can be done.  We start our fourth week on Monday. I finally made it though the wall and I think I will stay on it longer than 30 days. All of my anxiety is gone. For the first time in 37 years, Ron and I went on a trip and I didn't have a single panic attack. You have no idea how incredible this is for me. I sort of thought it might be a fluke, but then I rode in the car home and again no anxiety or panic attacks. This is what it is like to be a normal person. It felt so good.

As I walked this morning, I felt my head finally clear and I felt my creativity flowing back into my mind. I guess that is why its good to get away from the house. There is always so much vying for my attention.

I dyed wool last week. I finally got my pictures uploaded. My regular camera won't work so I had to use my I phone.

Not the colors I was hoping for, but nice colors just the same. I do enjoy dyeing wool. Now to spend more time hooking for awhile.

I think the road ahead is a nice one. Thank you for stopping by to be apart of this journey we call life.
There are so many good things in life. There are hard days and not so hard days. I am thankful for them all.
They help me to value what is good and to be thankful for the hard and to see joy where I find it.
Bless you today,

“Anyone who thinks gardening begins in the spring and ends in the fall is missing the best part of the whole year; for gardening begins in January with the dream.” -Josephine Nuese


  1. I'm glad you had a nice time away, and that Whole 30 is working for you!! It sounds like you made it "over the wall". Your beaches are so different from ours...the rocks are beautiful!

  2. What a great getaway you had!! The part about no panic attack, no anxiety -- that is huge, isn't it? Your body and soul were together able to make the most use of the seaside refreshment!

    It's okay to be tree huggery once in a while :-) I'm going to write that phrase down so I don't forget it.

  3. Wow, I'm so glad you're having breakthroughs like that! I'll bet it was amazing. I ate a lemon bar over the weekend and it made me so mean. Sugar and flour are overrated.

  4. It sounds like Whole 30 is working for you and glad vacation went so well.
    Great wool colors!
    Hugs 😊

  5. I'm so glad you were able to get away to the beach. It has a beauty all it's own during this season. Thankful that you anxiety is gone.

    Hooray for carrying on with the Whole30! It is starting to feel like a "way of life" for me right now. You too?

    Love the gardening quote.

  6. Walking in nature is healing. Glad you felt its wind and smelled its joy.

    The wool is amazing.

  7. I think your wool is perfect. And, I loved the footprints in the sand - in January.

  8. Beautiful wools and wow you did great not going out to eat! I would love to visit the ocean again...It's one of my favorite places just to sit and think. Thanks for sharing the pictures. Have a beautiful week...Ginger

  9. what a great post kim!! i'm so glad you got away, it's where i go all the time in january and i just love it. i wonder if you are feeling better and more creative because of the diet?? that would be wonderful! i am not strong enough to give up certain foods, i have tried several times and failed! in my "unhealthy" life, i have given up so much - i can't give up certain foods!

    i love the seals, they sure do blend in with the rock, don't they?? people have been seeing harbor seals in this area, i looked but did not see any!

    the wool colors are beautiful, i can't wait to see what you do with them!!

    next time you go to the beach, write your names in the sand!!!!

  10. Hi Kim, sorry I've been away from commenting on your blog and others lately. I had computer issues that were dealt with today.

    Congratulations for staying with the Whole 30 until now. good job and I'm so happy you can see the remarkable results.

    Getting away from the routine is what you needed to see the bigger picture. You should get away more often.

    Take care and stay with what works.
    Hugs, Julia


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