
Wednesday, September 9, 2015

And Now Wednesday

Among other things with Monday being a holiday, here we are already at Wednesday. As I watched the sun rise this morning. I feel like I am looking into Mordor. The smoke from the fires is so bad. It seems to get worse when we have heat. We are having a mini heatwave. Living here my whole life, there are rhythms to this place that are unique. I suppose every place has them. Like if you can see all the way to Mt. Whitney, there will be some serious rain. The other one is in September, it just stays blazing hot until the first week of the fair, and then the second week it cools off. The county fair will be starting soon. Growing up this time of year, when we would be getting our animals ready for the fair, we had to get up before school to wash and brush our steers. Then as soon as we got home from school we did it again. As a teenager, we showed horses, beef cattle, sheep, and dairy cows.

Me at  a horse show.

Me and the great Cincinnati Red (They won the World Series that year, so I named my steer after them.)
Then life changes and babies come and life goes a different direction. God intervenes. I thought I would meet a cowboy and we would run off to the prairies and I would live the rest of my life on a cattle ranch. Instead, I married a man who liked computers and writing music and playing music and he wanted a big family.
Now every closet in this house has guitars, and a banjo and I think we have three pianos. Now he writes code instead of songs.

 Now life is about the life has so graciously given us. In September, I always go back in time. I don't know if it is because school starts and it is a time of new beginnings.
I always think, I am thankful for what God's has given. The not givens are none of my business. Gods plan was much better than I ever dreamed.

Life continues to change at an incredible pace. More than I think I can even keep up with sometimes. Thank you for sharing my walk down the halls of my life today.
I hope your Wednesday is just fantastic.

Grownups! Everyone remembers them. How strange and even sad it is that we never became what they were: beings noble, infallible, and free. We never became them. One of the things we discover as we live is that we never become anything different from what we are. We are no less ourselves at forty than we were at four, and because of this we know grownups as Grownups only once in life: during our own childhood. We never meet them in our lives again, and we will miss them always.
Elizabeth Enright


  1. that porch of your always looks like so much fun. you have a great family!!! it must seem weird as school starts and you don't have lessons to plan!!!

    i was surprised to see you in a barn, dressed in all white, looking very "hot" i might add!!!

  2. Such a bunch of nice pictures. It makes me homesick.

  3. Do you enter your rugs in the fair?

    I'm so sorry you have more smoke. We have 100° weather this week, but smoke would make the heat much much worse. We don't have any of that currently.

  4. Oh no that is too bad about the fires.
    Isn't it wise just to enjoy one day at a time? God has been good to you and thank you for allowing us to join you in your journey!

  5. Isn't it funny how our "plans" to do certain things don't always pan out the way we expected them to. I was always going to move to Hollywood and become a famous movie star. Alas I've only been to the Bus Stop in Hollywood and am far from a movie star but I wouldn't trade my life as I'm sure you wouldn't either. - Enjoyed seeing the nostalgic photos and photos of your family. You sound like a fun bunch. I must ask what part of the country do you live in?

  6. The quote gave me the chills!
    Aren't you CUTE with that cow! Adorable!
    Yes, I love how the years roll along and we roll with them, discovering Him in new ways. So good.

  7. I love that quote because it is so true! Cute shot of you with your steer, I didn't know you showed!


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