
Thursday, September 10, 2015

Happy Thursday!

I really need to come up with some snappy titles to these blogs. I felt funny though, because what I really wanted to call this post is, I am a Gomer Girl. Yep, some of you might not know who Gomer is so I will tell you real quick. In the Bible there is an Old Testament guy, a prophet, named Hosea. God tells this nice clean guy to go marry this girl, that Mom might not be that thrilled with, and Hosea is supposed love her.

It always amazes me how men just do what God says. Doesn't it you? Okay, getting side tracked. Me and Gomer go way back. All the way to 2009 when I started blogging. A whole new world opened up for me. This long lost desire of hooking rugs became just full blown lust. I was walking one morning, listening to someone talk about Hosea and the speaker said. "( Gomer speaking) For she said, " I will go after my lovers, who give me my bread and my water, My wool and my flax...

That day, I stopped walking and came in the house grabbed my Bible looked that verse up, and it said it. Right there in Hosea 2:5-6 I sat down right there. I prayed and told God, I would give Him my desire to hook rugs, I asked Him to take away my desire and I would be happy. I would only sometimes look at hooked rugs, but for the most part I stayed away. Then out of the blue as I had worked to conquer myself, one of my lovely blogger friends gave me everything I needed. Who knew six years later, Me- ole Gomer herself would be designing, selling and hooking rugs like I am. Totally the Lord. Giving back in a better way than I ever dreamed.

Now here to 2015 I am doing a Bible Study on Hosea by Jennifer Rothschild. I want you to know, I am even more like Gomer now. You know why? Go-ME-r. Yep, right there in the middle is me. What I am learning though, is God chose Gomer, by name, by hand for Hosea. Just like God chose me. She made mistakes, she blew it over and over. Yet God was always sending Hosea to buy her off of the slave block to bring her home and love her. How many times I can't even count anymore  I have blown it and God is always there, reminding me that He will heal me. He will love me.

I know in this crazy world that seems to get crazier by the minute. I know I can't be the only one, dealing with unreasonable people.  This summer has been one that has been a challenge. The harder I try to live at peace with everyone, the harder it seems to live what I believe. Enter Hosea. he took this wife, he had children, and over and over again, he loved his wife. I feel like every morning when I am reading Hosea, by the end of the day, God brings a situation, that reminds me how He loved Gomer, how He loves me. Can I be brave enough, to just trust Him even in this? Normally,  I am looking for my own personal rocket launcher.

I am just loving this book, one of the reasons I decided to study it is because I have always felt Hosea  is it is a book about judgement and condemnation. Instead, like I find every time I open God's word, just another love letter, written to the world, but then it becomes a personal love letter to me.

I just had to share this today. I have to share this about me and Gomer. You know because we are both hookers. :) (rug hooker for me) Just in case you don't know me.
 Have a completely splendid day!!

" I will love them freely...
His shoots will sprout,
and his beauty will be like the olive tree,
and his fragrance like the cedars of Lebanon.
Those who live in his shadow will again raise grain
 and they will blossom like the vine..."
Hosea 14:4-7


  1. Thanks a lot for sharing your Bible study with us! It's wonderful to remember how much God loves us -- and just like we are! Beautiful post.

  2. :) I've been away too always post such thought provoking things, Kim! Hope your day is going well!

  3. I loved this lesson!!! Great words and wonderful conclusions.


  4. Every time I think of Hosea, I am amazed afresh by the constancy of Gods love for Go-ME-r. Thank you so much for sharing this and how wonderful that God allowed you to be a hooker!!

  5. Kim
    I love your story from the heart! It definitely makes me want to do a study of Hosea too.
    It's interesting how you got started hooking.

  6. If you had asked me if I was like Gomer, I would have immediately said no but after reading your lesson today, I know that I too let things of the world pull me away from God and that God does pull me back every time with His loving hand. And thank goodness He brought me off the slave floor. God surely brought me to your blog today to speak to me that I need to watch the influences of this world on my life. Thank you sweet Kim for a wonderful post.....

  7. I love your insight about Hosea and Gomer.
    I'm happy about your rug hooking and you are making a lot of your buyers VERY happy!

  8. Lovely blog! thanks for following, i love reading your posts, blessings from us

  9. not familiar with gomer before so thanks for the lesson!

  10. i have gone back and forth on "awesome / clever" blog titles. after doing that for some time, and not being able to find posts that i was looking for (because the title was too clever), i went back to just naming they with simple titles, direct and to the point. this makes finding a post easier. (can you follow).

    LOVE your pumpkins!!!!!

  11. Wonderful sunflower shots. So pretty. This was an interesting read as well.

  12. Thanks for sharing your study with us. I long for a good study of God's word ... while topical studies have their place, I long for a deep study in His word.

  13. Ah Kim, I love how you clarify that you're a rug hooker. After seeing all your wonderful rugs, how could anyone get you confused with some other kind of hooker!!!

    I love how you appropriate what you read in the bible. That's what we are supposed to do instead of thinking that the Bible was written for others.

    A refreshing post.

  14. Oops, my comment just vanished. I'll try again. I love how you appropriate the bible readings in your life. It's what we are supposed to do. Some people think that the reading are for other people and not them.

    How could anyone mistake you for anything other than a rug hooker with all the many nice rugs you have hooked.

    Good luck with your pillow rugs.


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