Thursday, February 13, 2014

Spring is Here

This morning, while it was still dark, I took Sasha outside. As I stepped out in the early morning stillness. I heard the mockingbirds and the meadowlarks. As I smelled the air, I could smell spring. The feeling of the air warming up and the grass turning green. As much as I wished it would wait, I came back in the house filled with joy. The smell of springs arrival greets me and I just seem to loose what little mind I have. I long to be outside and watch everything. I keep praying silly prayers like, "Please Lord, don't let the Flickers leave until I can see them." As I walked with Sasha, I am looking forward to the days when branches on the ground aren't in my mind an animal. 

We planted these last year for the wedding and some of the seed got into one of Ron's tree containers and it has bloomed and bloomed all winter. The frosts didn't even seem to touch it. I wanted to get it's picture. It has given me such joy.

Today as Sasha and I walked the Phoebe's that live here and spends most of the time eating the bugs off the front porch and taking baths in the swimming pool decided to go for a walk with me too. He flew always one tree ahead of me. Making his call. I could only see his silhouette but it gave me such promise.

 One of the things I love about gardening, is there is always something to surprise me and make me happy. This hyacinth is blooming in my barrel in the front. It smells heavenly. There are two crows that have taken up residence next door in the pecan tree. They have to be the most curious birds I have ever seen. I can't go outside at all without one flying around watching. When I am in the front one of them sits on the power pole cawing. If I am on the porch one will be in a tree, making that sound like two marbles in your hand rubbing together.

 Ron and I were walking together outside making plans of this years garden, and the crows were flying out above the pasture. They were doing all kinds of acrobatic stunts. As Ron watched, he saw them drop a rock out of their beak while the other one swooped and caught it. Then that one would fly up high and drop it and then the other one would catch it. As we stood there and watched we were mesmerized by their antics. They were playing catch.

I can't believe all of the snow storms that are coming and coming. I can only send you pictures of spring. I wish I could share with you our warmth.
Have a wonderful Thursday, thank you for stopping by today.


" God loves us with an everlasting love,
He is our Refuge when we are afraid,
Our Strength when we are weak;
Our Helper when we cannot cope."
(Elisabeth Elliot, (The Shaping of The Christian Family, p.118)


TexWisGirl said...

loving all your blooms! you will be enjoying the views soon enough! :)

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Warmth. I've forgotten what a warm day feels like but the wood stove is throwing off some marvelous heat. We've got about a foot and half of snow on the ground, more pouring from the sky and another storm coming. I think I'll do what the dogs are doing - curl up and nap.

Empty Nester said...

Wow. You weren't kidding. Spring really is there. I'm glad it's not here yet. You know how much I love winter. :) When spring comes, I think of my grandmother and it's still difficult to have spring without her. She was all about growing flowers in the yard. Her yard was gorgeous in the spring every year. Tucker and I are enjoying another snow day. Not because of snow but because of the melting ice that's falling from the top of our main bridge. It nearly killed people last time so they're playing it safe this time. And smart.

camp and cottage living said...

Your beautiful blooms make me long all the more for Spring!
I'm praying for you, KIm. How hard it must be right now not to be able to see clearly..
Take care-Kimberly

Kim said...

Grrrrrrr......LOL - just kidding. I'm happy for you even if Spring feels like it will never get here

Alica said...

Thanks for sharing your spring with us! We know it's coming! :)

Sue said...

Sitting here watching snow fall and reading your post,seeingyour beautiful flowers brings me much joy and hope of things to come. I can ony imagine the awe you and Ron had while watching the crows play catch, Moments like this are treasures for sure.Enjoy your beautiful spring weather, thank you for sharing.

Julia said...

I knew that you would get and early Spring and I' so glad for you. I love that spring smell. I'm still hoping that we will get an early Spring too.

I love seeing the first blossoms in the Spring and the buds turning into leaves on the trees and bushes.

I'm keeping you in my prayers.
The time is almost here and you will slowly get your vision back.


In the mean time it's still very much Winter here.

Miss Debbie said...

Such a happy made me smile to "hear" you sound so joyful! !! :-)

Nellie said...

We were not greeted with a very spring-like view this morning - eight inches of snow, we estimate covered the ground. It is probably spring-like, though, for the temps to rise and the sun to shine, causing rapid disappearance of all that snow! The crows here are not very nice to other birds, and they were absolutely sure we had the blueberry bushes just for them!:-)

xo Nellie

Debbie said...

ummmm, we woke up to snow and freezing rain but i am fine with that!! i must buy a hyacinth, for in the house....the fragrance is just amazing!!

Christine said...

Sounds idyllic, Kim and I'd love a stroll in the garden to enjoy the spring breezes.
More rain and storms here though we have escaped the worst of them, unlike other regions in the UK.

Nancy said...

I am so glad you are able to enjoy all these beautiful flowers right now...They have brightened my day as we are home bound from too much snow....

Meg said...

It's funny how your weather and our weather are so different, even 11 minutes away. We aren't blooming here yet. Very close, but not quiet yet. It's interesting to see that we are a few weeks behind you. Isn't the weather just wonderful? I have been outside as much as I can the last two days. :)

Vintage Gal said...

Kim ~ I am so envious of your spring. I long to feel the sun on my face and hear the birds singing and look at all the lovely flowers. Thank you for sharing this with me ~ sigh ~

Dog Trot Farm said...

Well I am has snowed the entire day...we have an additional foot of snow on the ground... sleet is now pounding against the window...another storm is forecast for Saturday and Tuesday...Spring is a lifetime away, or so it feels...I love your photos, did you know just before snow arrives the air smells like apple blossoms? Thinking of you, hugs from Maine...

Pom Pom said...

Hi Kim! Yay for those crazy crows! They ARE smart! I'm so glad the weather is nice. We had weather in the 50's today and the students LOVED it!

Laura said...

I just found your blog this evening and I look forward to reading more!
Enjoyed visiting, and I am a new follower.

White Spray Paint

GretchenJoanna said...

Yes, the garden is wonderful that way, changing at least a little bit every day. It's such a gift to have one to walk in and see the glory of the Creator.

simply bev said...

Thank you for sharing your Spring-y photos. We're covered over with so much snow here and I yearn for warmer weather! said...

Thanks so much for sharing and using your eyes! to show the beauty of spring. Renewal...have a wonderful weekend!!

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

We're getting snow today ... and while I do enjoy snow, I'm getting ready to be done with winter ... so I'm enjoying your pictures of spring. Happy Valentine's Day!