Friday, February 21, 2014

Simple Beauty

I think I have said this but I am so very thankful that I get to see spring. As I walked around yesterday. I saw things that I have taken for granted. The dew in the grass reflecting thousands of colors in the sunlight. The way the light from the rising sun turns every thing to a warm glow. Watching the birds fly over my head, and being able to tell which one is what. How the iridescent blues and blacks on the bluejays and the crows make me stare.

 To see how each petal on a blossom, with tiny little bits of pollen. To see the tiny little green leaves and the little green stem and each one is a different kind of green. I went  to get my hair cut yesterday, and driving was so much fun. Again. I have always enjoyed driving. Looking down to the end of the street and not being terrified was so incredible. I really did feel like the first time I drove from my parents house when I was sixteen. I put on music and cranked it and sang all the way down to the hair cut place.

As I walked through the parking lot, I wasn't afraid I was going to get ran over because I didn't see a car. There at the sidewalk. were three grackles. The sprinkler had made a puddle. The grackle was taking a very splashy bath. Water was flying in the sunlight, as it came down on the black of the grackle in the sunlight it looked like diamonds bouncing off of his back, and the blue, and purple and greens in the grackle were in the drops too. If a bird can smile, that grackle was laughing his birdy head off. The other two grackles watched with amusement. I stood back and watched smiling too, and then realized, I was standing in the middle of a parking lot and people could see me. I walked on. Though laughing to myself.

My hens are just beautiful this time of year. As I looked at them I could see how healthy they are since they moved in to the new coop. As I looked at their faces, I could see all of the small feathers on their faces. The faces are so pretty and I love how red the combs and wattles are this time of year.

Here is little Miss Bossy. For some reason she is the head of the chicken coop now. She wanted to get in my lap as I was trying to get pictures of the other hens. When she is cold she likes to hop in my lap and settle herself down and get warm. I am having chicky fever right now. I can't wait to get some chicks soon. Something about the spring just seems like chicks are the thing to have.

The blueberries continue to bloom. I stood and looked at all of the little bells. To me they do remind me of a bride. I could see them in a bridal bouquet.

So do orange blossoms. I walked out there to see if they were getting ready to bloom as well. I love the smell of orange blossoms.

This is the nectarine tree. I always love the way these blossoms look. Just the lovely pink. I love how blue the sky is and how the colors are so vivid now. Red is really red. I love all of the different shades of colors. Thank you so much for coming along for my journey. Of all of the trials I have experienced so far in my life. I can say, that this is one I am so very thankful for. It reminds me at every turn I take, that beauty surrounds me and to think I let it go and never even missed it.

Have a lovely weekend,

May all of your wishes come true.


Jacque. said...

oh Kim...rejoice! I can only imagine how you must be feeling...seeing with your eyes wide open, so to speak. xo

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I am so happy for you to be able to see what you have been missing and take such joy in things many of us walk right by without a thought. Oh This is a happy happy post. I have a Bossy Bossy too:) I can see you driving and singing yeah HUGS HUGS B

Nellie said...

Kim, I am so happy for you that you are able to enjoy all these wonderful colors around you now! Your chickens are looking very healthy and loved! Enjoy your Friday! xo Nellie

Three Sheep Studio said...

Well there is a reson "Miss Bossy" is the head of the coop.
Just look at her !!! Flamboyant and BEAUTIFUL !
(She would make a fabulous punchneedle or rug hooking design !)

TexWisGirl said...

your joy is apparent. :D

Nancy said...

I love your chicken header...You must have some of the most beautiful chickens anyway..I love looking at their pictures. I think it's so sweet how she wants to get in your lap to get warm...

Debbie said...

love hearing about your total joy on this! Makes me think maybe I have taken some of these things for granted. I think maybe I will make more of an effort today to open up these eyes and LOOK at all God's beauty around me. Enjoy your week-end!

Julia said...

You are still half blind and you see so much beauty. Just wait till you recover the full vision in the other eye. You will see in 3-D.
I can't wait for that day. I love how you describe what you see. What a great freedom for you ro be able to drive without fear again.

Maybe I should get a Bossy chicken to dust my house. I've never seen a chicken with built-in feather dusters. I love the colors of the feathers in the sunlight. So irridescent...

I knew that your Spring was coming early. I hope ours will be early and I also hope that we won't have flooding this year.

Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice.

cards4ubylouise and other treasures said...

I am agreeing with Julia above. If you are seeing this much with one eye....just think what you will see with two eyes @ 20-20 vision. Yay for a miracle working God!!!

Love your chickens. I miss living in the country where we had chickens and ducks and lots of eggs!!!

Beth said...

How wonderful that you can see again. What a blessing.

Primitive Stars said...

So so happy for you Kim.....enjoyed the pretty pictures and your sweet chickens, Blessings Francine.

Willow said...

I loved this Kim.
Isn't it funny how enjoying the simple life can have us staring at things in the middle of parking lots ! lol ( it's a great thing)
Oh seeing your chickens and signs of Spring there, does make me wish a bit that the snow would leave. I do love it when a few of our hens go broody and the wee ones start hatching !

Alica said...

I'm sooo happy for you Kim! Sight has to be one of the most valuable senses. It's something that most of us take for granted.

Miss Debbie said...

You write so vividly...I could see everything you were seeing. And I am SO glad you are seeing it all!!

Debbie said...

all smiles kim....color, sight and clarity, it's a beautiful thing!!!

i saw my first nectarine tree yesterday, at longwood gardens, it was so beautiful, just like yours!!

Christine said...

Truly wonderful! You are overflowing with joy and thankfulness!
I'm going to have to find out what a grackle looks like as I've never heard tell of them!

Meg said...

This is the best post! I laughed at the idea of that silly grackle laughing his little birdy head off. Your blooms are so much farther ahead of ours!

Pom Pom said...

Oh, your chickens ARE lovely! I didn't know that their combs and waddles change shades. I'm so happy for you, sweet friend.

Maryann said...

Love the joy in your writing, it's a reminder for me to really SEE the beauty around me. Have a wonderful weekend

Kessie said...

Oh wow, your pictures are so good since you can see your subjects!! I just love hearing how good you can see. It's been such agony for so long. Do you like the colors on your rugs?

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

What a wonderful post. You have such a gift for expressing how you feel. I am so happy for you and am thrilled that you can see so well. Have a wonderful weekend Kim!!! Oh, the hens are so lovely.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Miss Bossy is beautiful but those pictures of spring are painfully lovely. Less than a month and it seems like spring will never come.

Gumbo Lily said...

I am rejoicing with you! Thanks be to God! Beautiful photos and beautiful descriptions by someone who sees with "new eyes."

Gail said...

Fantastic pictures! I am so grateful you can see the beauty now. I see a great variety of chickens.,

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

You have such a way with words, my friend! I'm so thankful that you are able to see ... really see ... all the beauty around you! And I'm glad you're sharing it with us, via your pictures!

Jenn Jilks said...

Popped over from Debbie's blog.
I love your signs of spring. We're knee-deep in snow!
(ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!