Today we walked around, I could see birds and I could see hummingbirds. I could see clouds racing across the sky. I can see my kids faces. Ron has the cutest little soul patch. I didn't notice it until yesterday.
The bad part is my freaking hair is gray!!!! I mean like I almost have a skunk white stripe. Oh and the wrinkles, I have been in denial I guess. I am old. I am vain. Before the doctor today I put a tiny bit of eye liner on my good eye and lipstick and ear rings and a necklace. It didn't help. I look like my grand mother.
I still have a bubble on my lens to keep my cornea safe, but that should go away tonight then I can really see. It really is like high def. Ron had bought a new computer monitor for me after Christmas and I know I wasn't as appreciative for it as I am now. It is so clear and I can see what I couldn't see before.
When we were driving this morning, it is like a new town. I kept oohing and asking has that always been there? It really is incredible. I didn't know that Sasha has a very fuzzy face.
Anyway, it is like being in a brand new world. I haven't been able to read in so long, I picked up a book today and I could see the words again. So many things.
Thank you so much for your comments and your prayers and your thoughts. I think waiting is the hardest thing to do. Without your thoughts and prayers I might have run screaming from the building. :)
Life is such an adventure,
1 Corinthians 13:12
now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know
in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known."
you're making me laugh. yeah, we're all getting old. :) those mirrors...
so glad you can see colors again! loved the part about not having a brain transplant. :)
I'm so glad that you can appreciate the world in a new light just in time for the new Spring blossoms.
It's fun when your family looks better than you remember but gosh, you're not old and wrinkled. Those are your wisdon lines and you've earned them. I used to wear a tiny bit of eyeliner but I have difficulty seeing my eyes now so applying a eye liner is quite a chore. I only wear some when I look like a hag. Funny I don't wear it all the time, hahaha because I usually look like a hag in the winter time especially when I don't get enough sleep. Wearing a hat to work also gives me a bedhead everytime.
Enjoy your new found freedom.
Yay! Yay! Yay! I love reading about the transformation! I'm so happy for you.
Awww...what a gift!!! God Bless You!
I am just so happy for you Kim. You deserve to really see the world just as your heart always sees it. I love that you are so thrilled.
An eye transplant, not a brain transplant! Haha! I didn't know corneas could be a color. I'm so glad the walls aren't nicotine colored. :-)
I am just so happy for you, Kim! What pleasures you are having rediscovering the world around you! Hugs, Nellie
I am so happy for you! Aren't you glad God taught doctors how to do such marvelous things?!?! You made me laugh about the quilt pattern! I understand completely!! :-)
You make me laugh! Enjoy all the sights friend.
Blessing abound!
If only all were blessed to see this beauty instead of taking it for granted. Enjoy.
You are so cute and you crack me up! I think you would look beautiful with a head of grey hair! Heck, I think you're beautiful however you look. :) It's so exciting to hear all the wonderful things you get to see now, and how it's all like new and you're finding new things. That's just awesome! :D
Life in high definition again must be awesome! But I enjoy your sense of humor and you are a beautiful person inside and out!
Ah, yes, those gray hairs and wrinkles.
I realize now that everyone is beautiful when they are younger.
What was I thinking ? That I would always look the way I did when I was in my 20's ? Yep, I guess so.
All the things we take for granted....thanks for sharing, and thanks for the reminder to take things in with "new eyes" today!
It's like a new world for you! YAY! I'm so happy that you are seeing things now. xo
SOOOO happy for you Kim! I have living for this post when you were checking out the world through your new eyes! haha on the wrinkles and grey hair. Every once in a while I catch an unguarded glance of myself in the mirror and think, who in the world is that fat old woman? lol Guess maybe "some" things are better left unseen. ENJOY the sights around you!!!
This such a wonderful post Kim! I laughed out loud at your 'discoveries', especially in the mirror. :)
I remember years ago when our pastor had eye surgery and got up to preach. He said he wondered if the ones he saw nodding off during the sermon had been sleeping through his sermons for years and he never knew it!
SO happy for your 'new' eyes!
Finally getting over here to check up on you. I set my alarm for your surgery on Tuesday and thought of you all day long! SO happy that all went well!
I'm so happy for you, Kim! This summer will be so much more vivid for you this year.
BTW, what is a soul patch?
I have complete faith that you will figure out your quilt pattern too.
Dear Kim, I'm so glad that you are able to see more clearly now. I remember when I first got eye glasses-I couldn't believe that you could see the outlines of the leaves on trees. Getting old really stinks-but it beats the alternative and I thank the good Lord that I am alive today. Enjoy your new eyesight-so glad everything is looking better.
Hugs, Noreen
oohhhh Kim, it's all good, even the grays!! And now you know why I love purple so much!!
I am so happy for your miracle of new sight...Just think of all the beautiful things you are seeing now; don't worry about the little things that appear as age....they are really wisdom....
SO happy for you! and thanks for the reminder.
wish you a blessed weekend~
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