
Friday, September 4, 2015

Just Thinking

I am looking forward to this long weekend.  Are you? Do you have any plans? Ron is off for four days. I think it will be nice as life has been just crazy around here. I am not going to talk about that. I am going to tell you what I learned. This morning, I was in my chair doing my quiet time. I love when the house is quiet and the dark is fading as the sun begins to peek over the mountains. My coffee sitting on the table and my Bible and my devotions on my lap.

I am trying to concentrate. I can't because of the cat that wants in the house, and is meowing at full blast.
I ignore him. I keep reading and thinking and writing. I finally stopped my writing when I realized I am drawing rug patterns instead of writing what I am learning. Mouse---That's the cat is really letting me know that he wants in now!!! ( His was so tiny as a kitten, now he is 25 pounds so it seems to not fit.)
The thing about Mouse, is he is afraid of everything. If you came to visit at my house, you would never even know I had a cat. Even if you stayed a week, you would never see him. You would think a cat this big would be a tiger of a cat but he never has been.

I had just read this: " If God were small enough to be understood He would not be big enough to be worshiped." ( Eyelyn Underhill)
I was thinking about that, when I was aware of Mouse still meowing. I thought to myself over the din, " I wish he would just go explore the yard and do something else." Then this thought occurred to me. Do I do the same thing? I have so many good things around me, but I whine and moan and carry on when things happen that are out of my control? Do I go around crying at the back door, instead of enjoying the sunshine and the fresh air and the blue skies, but I am so caught up in my fears, I can't leave what is safe and venture out to explore?

I went outside to water and feed my chickens. I ignored Mousy and hoped he would follow me outside the gate.

He followed me as far as the safe chairs. I walked around and never looked at him. He complained and griped and let me know of his discomfort.
 I had read this passage earlier and it was on my mind. " J.I. Packer says " Faith requires a going out to, laying hold of, and resting upon the object of its confidence. What we need to see today is that if the object of its confidence is the blueprint we've worked out for ourselves, we're in trouble. If the blueprint doesn't work, the faith doesn't work. If what we call "our faith" means we think God ought to do about things, it won't last long if He doesn't do it our way."

I admit I have read that over and over and I am still trying to grasp it fully. But like Mouse, I think I  should have my prayers answered when I want them answered. Like Mouse wanting that door opened. I fall into a crises of faith when things don't just line up perfectly. I think I deserve this pain free life. This week I heard a interviewer ask this man about the Middle East and all that is going on there. " The other man replied, there aren't any more Christians left in Nineveh. There have been Christians there since Pentecost. He said, that for them end times have come. I have thought about that all week. I realize how much I am like the cat at the door.
I get my feelings hurt and the world is caving in. When real faith must be strong enough to withstand all of the things I don't understand. I just have things to ponder and to think about. Thank you for stopping to read my just thinking post. Oh and by the way, Mouse is still meowing.

Have a lovely weekend, I hope you have rest.


“These black times go as they come and we do not know how they come or why they go. But we know that God controls them, as he controls the whole vast cobweb of the mystery of things.”
― Elizabeth Goudge, The White Witch


  1. In His Time...

    Thought provoking post.

    Have a very blessed day.

  2. We do like to line things up just right, make a plan and work the plan. Faith is so different and Jesus tried so hard to show people that when He walked the earth. Believe in Me. Everyone seemed to feel better about believing in themselves and their perfect behavior. Good thinking, Kim.

  3. Instant gratification - isn't that what we all seem to want? It is easy to see you have been thinking! Yes, I am the same way, I believe. If I have worked hard for something, I think it should work correctly immediately! xo Nellie

  4. Your pictures are lovely! Keep leaning on the word of God, times are going to get a bit rough but we have to remember God is with us and will see us though everyday! When the day gets a little rough, close your eyes and try to picture God with his arms wrapped around you and your whole family!

  5. ..and according to His Will for our lives...

  6. I don't really have any special plans for the long weekend, my son is leaving on Sunday and I will miss him. The house will be quiet again. I love the image of the hydrangeas, mine are looking like fall as well!!

    Have a wonderful weekend!!

  7. I love this post Kim. I've been so very busy these last two weeks that I can only steel a few moments at the computer when I sit to eat a bite or a cup of tea or coffee. I haven't been to leave too many comments either.

    The cat distracting you remind me of my trying to be silent and meditate for an hour a few years back. There were crows outside my window making some ungodly noise. At first I was very annoyed as they were such a big distraction. I couldn't quiet my mind. Then I just acknowledged their presence and I tried to think of something nice about them as I'm supposed to see God in all of his creation. It didn't take long to see the beauty, intelligence and the caring for their family and flock and how they communicate... It was in the spring when they watch over their nests so they were being protective. They also make a different noise if there's food to be had.
    I then shifted my thought of it wasn't my job to control them but to let God do it and they all quiet down like magic.

    I was in awe of the message I received of letting God do his thing and not try to control but acknowledge and surrender to the noise.

    Your Morning Glories are so very pretty even with the drought. They look like tough little beauties.

  8. Gosh, the Ninevah thing makes my problems feel so tiny. You know what, I have no problems.

  9. What you said is so true. Earlier this year I was fed up with all the Federal red tape that makes my job onebig frustration. Then I went to a motivational speaker. Next thing I know I realize I need to look at the great students and staff that I have. Suddenly instead of meowing, I am smiling and content. Your post is so true. Why be miserable and meow, when you can find a sunbeam on the porch. Great post. Got me thinking.

  10. What you said is so true. Earlier this year I was fed up with all the Federal red tape that makes my job onebig frustration. Then I went to a motivational speaker. Next thing I know I realize I need to look at the great students and staff that I have. Suddenly instead of meowing, I am smiling and content. Your post is so true. Why be miserable and meow, when you can find a sunbeam on the porch. Great post. Got me thinking.

  11. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Kim. As always, they give lots to think about :) Have a lovely weekend with your sweetie.

  12. I suspect that we all have our Mouse moments ... I know I sure do. :-(

  13. Let me just say it does not take much to distract me lately!! lol... I find myself going from one task to another...I blame it on the weather...the moon...Kim that is one of the prettiest pies I have ever I wish I had a slice along with your company. Have a wonderful weekend...Hugs from Maine, Julie...

  14. No great plans here, and the weekend is almost over. I have been much too much like the meowing cat lately.
    You always give me something to think about. Have a great day!


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