
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Hens and Eggs

This year I knew I would be too busy to buy chicks. I decided that I would let a hen do the work. I am afraid though, I am turning into a bit of a hoarder. I have a little tiny Mille Fleur that is from the first batch of chicks that hatched here. I would take a picture of her but she has always been the wildest little chicken and she just puts her head down and shuts here eyes when I come near. It just breaks my heart each time as no matter how great her fear, she will not leave her eggs. So I try to not disturb her very much or take her picture. She is very serious about her job. She is sitting on nine eggs.

In my other coop, I have a black New Jersey Giant that has went broody every year now for four years. I decided, well what the heck. My little Silkie hens are the only ones the roosters pay attention too so I took some more of their eggs and gave them to the New Jersey Giant and she has been sitting in the nest box and she is the first hen I have noticed that sings happily to herself in the nest box. Just a quiet little song as she sits in the dark. I wonder if they are chicken lullabies?

I don't know if a single egg will hatch. Last night when I went to collect eggs the Momma hen of the little Mille Fleur was fighting her daughter off the nest because she wanted her eggs. I grabbed four eggs from the other Silkie hens. So I took those eggs put them in another nest box and watched as the older hen spotted them and she walked around a bit and then finally got in the nest box herself. She sang too as she settled down on her four eggs. She used her beak to roll them gently under her feathers and as she adjusted herself. You could almost see her sigh with contentment.

There is something exciting about waiting for chicks. The first little hen should have some chicks by late next week or so. If all goes as I have planned I should be getting chicks in April. I just don't know for sure. I am trying to not count my chicks before they hatch.

I have been on the Murray McMurry  the smallest order they will ship is 15 chicks. I am not really set up for that many. Now if I had a bigger chicken pen...

Have a wonderful Tuesday this second day of April. I always forget the beauty of April and today it's beauty makes me just rejoice in the beauty of the green all around me.



  1. Kim,

    I'm a first time reader and I have to say, I really enjoyed this post. You're a fabulous writer and chickens are on my mind, as we're raising our first batch of chicks, so this really held my attention.

    Also, I believe Meyer Hatchery ships a minimum of 3 chicks after April 1st and all of our babies made it alive and happy, so they get a "thumbs up" from me.

    Good luck with your eggs and happy spring!

  2. Hi Kim! How fun to wait for chick hatchings!
    I DO like April. It's gloomy here today, but the weather promises to improve. I'm taking photos at a tiny in-house wedding today. I wish I knew more about the knobs and dials on my camera! Ha ha!
    Take care! Don't work TOO hard.

  3. I hope some hatch! It's so exciting! Make sure to get lots of pictures! It'll be hilarious to have that many mama hens with little families.

  4. Oh how I hope you get your wish of some chicks. My heart was touched at the thought of your hens singing little chicken lullabys. How sweet.

  5. well, i hope you get a few chicks to satisfy YOUR broody urge! :)

  6. LOL I agree with TexWisGirl - It sounds like YOU are broody! Good luck with the hatchings. I admit it would be kind of fun to watch.

  7. Over from Gail's blog, A to Z. Love the photos, esp. of the lilacs. I have two tiny lilac bushes, created esp. for our So. California climate. I hover over them every day, looking for blooms.

  8. I hope you get lots of chicks this year! They sound like very good mamas already. I'll help you build a bigger coop.. you know, if you really wanted to order chickies... just sayin'. ;)

  9. How about from a local farm store? Our Agway here in PA is getting us 15 chicks (but we could have had less) of 5 different varieties (!) coming on Thursday. My kids cannot wait :)

  10. Chicken lullaby... makes me wish you could record it to play on your blog!

  11. I like the thought, a chicken lullaby!

  12. I can't wait to see if you have chicks. I love going to the co-op and watching all the baby chicks. We are not able to have chickens but love the idea of having them. some day maybe

  13. Oh, my! I'm excited to see if you will have some chicks hatch!

    We have sunshine here today, but the wind is very cold! Spring will come, though! I just know it!

    xo Nellie

  14. Hi Kim, would be fun I think to have some chicks, good for you.....Love all the flowers, looks so pretty, Francine.

  15. I'm watching and learning because I want chickens! :) I know it's exciting waiting on the chicks!

    Everything looks so pretty and spring(y) there!

    Have a great evening,

  16. All the best with the eggs! I wish I could be there!

  17. Oh I love that you have singing hens! Years and years ago (before I was married!) I worked at an egg ranch called the Singing you know it never occurred to me WHY it was called the SINGING Hen? How interesting...I love all your flower pictures too btw. Hope you get lots and lots of chicks!

  18. Awww new lil' chicks on the way. Wonderful pics of all the new blooms...lovely spring colors!

  19. That will be so cool to see your little chicken families. I can't wait to see some pictures.
    Good luck with the brooding.


  20. You will have chicks running all over. happy hatching

  21. Oh how I love you chicken posts! One of these days, I'm going to have chickens too. I've decided and I'm determined. :) Besides, I really want to hear those chicken lullaby's.

  22. This is one of the most fun post I have read today...I love reading about your chickens and all their little habits. I sure would love to hear them sing while they are on their eggs. Good luck with getting some chicks.....

  23. I'm hoping April isn't the "cruelest month" this go around; winter has been soooo long and I'm ready for warmer weather. Your snow ball bushes are beautiful!

  24. Now this is exciting-new baby chicks.
    My girlfriend just called to brag that she is getting chickens now. She really knows how to make me jealous!
    Do Silkies have those little plumes on their heads?
    Or is that another breed?

  25. I hope you get a new batch of exciting to watch! Pretty flowers today!

  26. Oh I so hope you get some chicks...that would be so special!

  27. Chicken lullabies... I would love to have an interpreter!

    Blessings, Debbie

  28. well, i personally think you are busy enough right now!!

    the lilacs are gorgeous, i can't wait till mine bloom!!!

  29. How kind you are Kim, to show such compassion to that shy little hen. To see her frailty and still respect her need to be herself is so kind. I hope you get chicks soon.


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