
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Down The Rabbit Hole

It is a beautiful, beachy kind of day. Clouds and a nice breeze. One of those lovely days. I read this yesterday and it reminds me of how to look at every day.

Yesterday is a memory,
Tomorrow is a hope,
Today is a gift; that is why it is called, present.

It is funny how a little saying like that reminds me to keep my eyes open to the little gifts that show up right on time and even when I least expect it.

One of the ways I always know that I am doing too much and I am starting to get too stressed, is I do stupid things which I call "going down the rabbit hole." Just like Alice did when she followed the white rabbit in Alice in Wonderland. It is also a story about some very nice people.

I had to go run errands, I had too much on my list of things I needed to get done. I knew looking at my list I should break it down into two days instead of one day. I had so much work I needed to get accomplished at home so I was feeling rather scatterbrained. I kept telling myself to take deep breaths and just calm down.
I was doing rather well on time and I thought I could fit one more thing into my schedule. My chickens and the rabbit were almost out of food. There was a little feed store on my way and since they carry the kind of feed I like I thought I would just stop.

My car was already pretty full but I thought I could of course fit feed in the back of my car. This is a locally owned business and I love going there but I am not a regular customer.
I went in and told the couple that was working how much feed I wanted. One of the things we did this year is we have gone paperless. I am still getting used to it. I used the little machine and they were waiting for me to open the back of my car, so I ran outside.

They loaded my car and I went on my merry way. Two days later, I was in the grocery store going to pay for my groceries and no card. I have another one I have that I don't use but I had to use it and I started going in my mind the last places I had been. I was so sick at my stomach. I raced home left my groceries in the car. Looked up the phone number and called the feed store. I told the girl that answered the phone that I thought I had left my charge card there. She asked and the gal who had waited on me two days previous said, " Yes, tell her I got it, I kept it in the safe for her."

I really was shaking as I drove down to the place, telling myself to calm down. I parked my car and went inside. The lady spotted me and reached over into a box and handed me my card. " She said, " I kept waiting for you to call or come back, did you just miss it?" I said, yes, I just noticed that it wasn't there and this was the last place I used it." She laughed, and I told her how much I appreciated it and thanked her and she just smiled and said no problem.

I sat in the car and told myself I can not do stupid stuff like this anymore. I can't let myself get so stressed that I loose track of what I am doing. I am so thankful for honest people. I will continue to get my feed there. It might not seem that big of a deal but it is so huge to me. So no more rabbit holes for me. I hope I have learned my lesson. The last time I got this stressed. Meg was going in to have a baby and I left my instant teller card in the machine. I got that back too but it was weeks later before I missed that one.

I hope you are having a wonderful day,


  1. Take a deep breath. You're okay. How fortunate that they saved the card for you and it did not get into bad hands. I hate when I start doing so much, so fast, that I feel like I'm racing around . I tend to lose focus then. I trip and fall into rabbit holes!Relax!

  2. If it makes you feel better...I have left my card in the ATM machine at our bank multiple times! Every time it was because I got distracted. So glad the machine "eats" it if you don't take it out in a few seconds. They always have it for me in the bank when I realize I have misplaced it. They all know me by name now!! Ha!ha!

  3. Ugh, that's happened to me too. You were lucky they were honest. Next time split your chores not 2 days. And breathe.....

  4. Apparently I stress you out a lot! lol Well I'm glad those people were so nice and honest too. You can't do this to yourself, you know you always get sick when you start getting like this because you work too much and don't slow down. Deep breaths, sit with your chickens, and delegate! Make other people do some stuff too. :)

  5. Good grief, that's really scary! Reminds me of the time I left my purse with all my stuff in it at Del Taco when I was pregnant with Alex. Rabbit hole, indeed. I didn't even miss my purse until the restaurant called around on my cell phone, trying to find me. :-p

    I've worked way too hard these last two days. I don't know what kind of rabbit hole I'd slip down if I left the house.

  6. I have "misplaced"my card a couple of times!! Soo scary. And the worse part? I never did find it!! No one used it so I cancelled it and just had to wait for another one, but how was that? Talk about skittered. I scare myself sometimes! Have a good day!

  7. I know just what you mean. I can't handle too much thinking and organizing. I am going to leave that for my girls. It's never been my strong suit anyway!
    We were at an egg hunt and twice someone tapped Kelli on the shoulder and said, "Is this your credit card?" I guess it kept falling out of her pocket. I took it and put it in my camera case, but of course I couldn't quit thinking about it being there! She doesn't worry much, but I am a worrying old lady when it comes to that kind of stuff!
    I even get sweaty when I'm paying for stuff at Target!

  8. I'm glad that you got your card back from an honest person who realized that you had left it there. I hope that you will slow down and take it easier from now on before you get sick for the wedding. That wouldn't do...

    I once left my purse on the top of the car when I was loading the baby in the car seat. I made it to the top of the lane and someone saw it fall on the road as I was turning onto the highway and they picked it up. They call later when I got back home to return it. I was lucky. Talk about feeling sick to my stomach when I needed my ID to get my license renewed. It wasn't expired yet, thank goodness or in this case, thank God.


  9. stress and hurry can do terrible things to us. glad all worked out well.

  10. I'm glad there are still honest people out there...and that you encountered one of them!! Is that a peony bud at the top of your post? If so, I'm jealous! My peonies are just starting to poke through the dirt!

  11. Don't be to hard on yourself. I don't know of one person who at one time or another hasn't left a bank card, license, or credit card some where. I'm so glad you remembered where you left it.

  12. Cut yourself a little slack, Kim.:-) When I was teaching, I left my checkbook in one of the drawers of the filing cabinets. Not only was it my checkbook, my driver's license was also there! My heart sank when I realized it wasn't with me, but there it was - waiting when I was able to get back to look for it.

    xo Nellie

  13. You are too hard on yourself Kim! Isn't it nice to know that there are good people out there? :)

  14. We all do things like this, I can get stressed over something so minor as a dropped sock. Be gentle with yourself, and forgive yourself, just cut down a bit on the amount of things that have to be done today. Even one less will make a difference. So thankful God blessed you with someone who cared enough to keep the card safe. hugs!

  15. Hi Kim, we all have days like this, don't be so hard on yourself. Isn't it reassuring to know honest people still exist in this old world of our's. So often all we read and hear about is the negitive. I so enjoyed seeing your beautiful flower photos, spring has sprung in your neck of the woods. I hope you enjoyed your "working vacation," you certainly got a lot accomplished...I love your rugs, seeing that beautiful family of yours, and that wonderful porch, oh, how I love that porch!!! Thinking of you, Julie.

  16. you need to get some rest and take a deep breath.
    i'm so glad this turned out ok.

  17. I don't usually lose track of things when I 'go down the rabbit hole' (LOVE the way you put it) because I'm overly cautious due to the fact that this happens to the husband on a regular basis. REGULAR. BASIS. I'm not exaggerating. I have slowed way down this week. I had to because of the knee. Don't wait for something like that to happen!

  18. We all do things like that ... and some of us (like me) even more so. However, it's not good for you to push yourself so hard, dear one. {{hug}}

  19. Oh HONey, I'm sorry you are feeling so stressed. And glad there are lots of honest people in the world who are happy to return lost things :) Ok, just breathe deep, it'll all be ok!

  20. cute title, even though.....

    really pretty images today!! i am so jealous, are daffodils are just starting to bloom!!


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