Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Just a Note

I just thought I would pop in for a moment. I have chickens that need to be fed and eggs to be collected. Not to mention dinner to be cooked. It has been a very busy three days. I expect that it will continue to be this way for quite some time. This year 2013 is all about change for me. For my husband, and for our family. When my husband turned 50 he left the job he had had for 22 years, started over in a completely different field and direction. It has been full of challenges and at times, hard. But it has I think been very, very good. We have had these last five years to begin dreaming again, hoping and finding out that we still like each other and still even after almost 33 years, would do it all over again.

The path that the Lord leads us down has been different I suppose than most but it has never been boring and I have to say, blessed and overflowing into our lap. Just not the way we thought it would be.

Today I took Peter for his drivers test for his drivers license. Our sixth and youngest child who is bigger than me and not much of a child anymore but a man is now licensed to drive. Six times to the DMV, six times of driving with kids without a brake on our side of the car. We have survived!!! I am so thankful. I have jokingly said if I had known I was going to have to teach them to drive our oldest would have been an only child.

It worked out though, I drove with the oldest three and my husband drove with the youngest three. I think the hardest thing is sitting on the bench waiting for them to return and find out if they passed the test. Waiting is always the hardest for me.

So one hurdle down today. Next will be getting Peter ready to take his tests for college and then Emilie's Wedding and then Peter graduating for high school. I keep thinking of how doors close and doors open. How in order to grow, we must experience change. Like me not being  a big fan of change but if I can experience the life changing experience of watching my poor husband start over with 22 year olds fresh out of college, then I can close my lesson plan books, box up my records and walk through that door that is opening day by day and even though I want to look back, I won't, I will keep my eyes forward, reaching for those stars that are right now just out of my reach.

Who knows where it will all lead, but I know that there will be days that will surprise me, and knock me down, but I will pick myself up and continue walk on this road and be thankful that God let me have a front row seat in this adventure I call life.

Have a wonderful Thursday,


TexWisGirl said...

love the first photo. and the last. i think you're gonna be just fine. :)

Jacque. said...

You are living the life you were born to live. Praise God!

Meg said...

This post makes me want to lock my children away and not let them grow up. =\ But on the other hand, I'm excited to see where they will go...

Nellie said...

Life is full of changes. Usually they bring along an opportunity to grow. Exciting times are ahead for you and your family! xo Nellie

Beth said...

Our kids grow up so fast. I thought it was bad enough having 2 kids to teach how to drive, I can't imagine 6 times. ;-)

Kessie said...

Congrats to him for passing the test! I knew he'd do it with no problem. It certainly is a season of change. Maybe now you can rest a little. :-)

annie said...

take care, yes, most surely it will be different, but great!

Debbie said...

I have never been very big on change but it really is one of the things you can count on FOR SURE in this life. Nothing ever stays the same. We have had to learn to roll with it haven't we? Sometimes even embrace it. And OK, even be grateful for it. I think God's got BIG plans for you girl! To have educated all of your children is a ginormous accomplishment, and how proud you should be! The last one ready to graduate. I enjoyed this post!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Congratulations to you- for your courage through it all, and congrats to the youngest for passing his test.

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

Another license, good grief. Happy for the new driver, but I know exactly how you feel.

Kim said...

Yay for Peter. That is another step towards independence for him. I'm sure it was bittersweet for Momma though. I can't wait to see what you do with your new free time soon. I'm sure it will be something amazing, like you

Alica said...

Our oldest just got his drivers' license's all about change, you're right. I'm eager to see what the future holds for us and them, but at the same time, holding on tight, because it's going so fast. I wonder if they will be ready??!!

Debbie said...

boy kim, you sure do have a lot to look forward to. the key to enjoying all of it, is to be sure that you have enough help. you will be fine dear one, enjoy all the milestones!!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Your photos are beautiful my husband and I have been married 33 yrs also and it has been a frustrating wonderful ride that I would not trade for anything and I like you look forward to more of the same. B

no spring chicken said...

As usual this is so well said Kim. Life really is a roller coaster but unlike the carnival kind we know there is Someone trustworthy at the controls..

Blessings, Debbie

Mary Ann said...

Love the backdrop, but loved your wise words more. Your family is very blessed.

myletterstoemily said...

none of us could have imagined the lives we would lead.
i never wanted to have children, just puppies. :) sure
got that one wrong!

praying for grace, favor, and joy in this big season you
and janette are 'growing' through.

Gina Gao said...

I really liked these photos. You have a really nice family.

Christine said...

I really loved this post, Kim - keep your arms and legs securely inside the car for the duration of the ride! The front seat is not always what we prefer but God knows the ups and downs.
Congrats to Peter! and to you for being a great parent!
God bless in the coming days

Gumbo Lily said...

Life's about change, isn't it? I'm glad you've got the sixth child all fixed up to drive. I was always glad to get past that. I loved it when the kids could finally drive on their own. Time flies and seasons change. Good post.

Anonymous said...

Life is a journey, not a ride. When Bill hit 55, he was forced to start a new "career" (after 30+ years in manufacturing). So now he is a truck driver.
I think you have a good grasp of what is important. Hugs & prayers.

Patrice said...

Change gets harder the older I get. said...

Life is sooooooooooooo different than I thought...and yet so full. We are doing parent taught drivers ed right now...but I still have number 6 to go and that won't be for another 9 years!!
You are entering a whole new exciting...enjoy, enjoy every open door...and blessings over the next few months with a wedding and graduation

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

Life changes so quickly ... in the blink of an eye. Thankfully while we can't possibly anticipate the changes life brings, we know that the One who's authoring the changes has everything under control and is bringing about these changes for our best. {{hug}}

Marti said...

You are making exciting changes. No change is without its risk or problems, but you grow so much as you stretch your wings.
Marti said...

And there you have it, the seasons of life, and many of them are surprises, some even shocking, but in them all, God's hand surely guides us along, even on the days when we don't 'feel' it! He is there, and in these exciting events ahead, you have so many blessings in store. I can't wait to hear all about them. :)

Miss Debbie said...

So glad you are happy and looking forward to the future with hopeful anticipation! I think you will be pleasantly surprised at the opportunities God is going to give you. I look forward to hearing about them!

Suzanne McClendon said...

Congrats to your child for getting his driver's license. How exciting for all of you! You have some pretty major events coming up in your life. Are you looking for the Calgon yet?

May our Father bless you with peace and calmness through all that lies ahead.

Have a great weekend and thank you for stopping by my blog earlier!