
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sunday Morning Visit

 I always enjoy Sundays, the slower pace, the quiet of the house. All of it is very nice. This morning my mind is a jumble of thoughts. My mind can't seem to settle down to one topic. When that happens I go back to my old blog posts and see what I was thinking about on this date. I found a nice post to share and then I found a video that I posted. I thought I would share these today. My son did this video for a year, the backgrounds change as does his hair and the kids that are around him. In one of the shots is one of my grand sons, he must have been about three.
Have a lovely Sunday,

I keep hoping the weather will cool off enough to turn these pumpkins into pies. I haven't got to the point of wanting pumpkin pie so bad I will eat it under a fan, but I am getting close.

I read a couple of things that have stuck with me this week and I have thought about them whenever I am just being quiet. Or, yesterday wanting to go shopping for antiques, this came to me, or while I was looking through a clothes catalog with really cool boots.
"When the mind thinks nothing,
When the soul covets nothing,
and the body acteth nothing that
is contrary to the will of God,
this is perfect sanctification."
Anonymous, (in an old Bible, 1599)

This is from Elisabeth Elliot
God shields us from most things we fear,
But when He chooses not to shield us, He unfailingly allots
grace in the measure needed.
It is for us to choose to receive or refuse it. Our joy or
our misery will depend on that choice.
(Secure in the Everlasting Arms.)

Just my random thoughts for a beautiful Sunday morning, 


  1. He hasn't changed a whole lot!
    Cute, goofy kid.

  2. That's a pretty creative thing to do! Your son is a cutie pie!
    I like the anonymous quote. That makes sense.
    I get itchy to visit the antique mall and sometimes I come to my senses and say to myself, "Self, you have too much junk. You should be giving stuff away, not buying more stuff." Sometimes it works.
    My room move is a marathon. It's hard to see progress. I'm moving so slow.
    Please invite me over when the pie is baked. (HUG!)

  3. That was hilarious! I love the people in the background! My favorite is his disclaimer at the end! Love his sense of humor!


  4. LOL!!! The music is perfect for the faces he is making.

  5. Oh that was so funny! That is so like something my Colt would do! So cute!

    Loved your quotes....especially Elisabeth Elliott's!

    Have a gerat week!

  6. I can't see the video on the iPad. I'll check it out tomorrow. (unless I float

  7. Oh my. That video is a hoot.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hugs :)

  8. Lol... you made my day... I love Elisabeth Elliot too...

  9. Ha! Too funny, love the video of your handsome Will.

  10. Your quotes are lovely and ever so applicable. Words fail me at your latest comment at Thistle Cove Farm but know you've been tucked into prayer each time God reminds me of your loving Christ attitude...not the right word...see, told you words fail me -smile-.
    Last winter was ever so hard; Dave's death hit me hard, not being here hit me hard, not understanding hit me hard. I feel as though I've been in a physical fight and lost yet God was faithful, you and others stood in the gap and God is faithful. Bless His name forever!
    Thank you for your gift of prayer; God heard you because He hears the prayers of a righteous woman. Bless His name forever!
    and, bless you all the days of your life; may God bless you and keep you and cause His face to shine upon you until He takes you home and then you can crawl up in His lap and worship.

  11. good morning! The video was a good way to start my day...creative and funny, lol. Enjoy your day!


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