
Friday, September 7, 2012

A Good Week

On Fridays I feel sometime, I slide in sideways. Since school started life has been on fast forward. This morning I was feeling like I was out of breath. From so much running you know. Being married to a man who always sees every day as a good day and every glass is always half full he reminds me of things I might not have noticed.

Here is my list of the good things that happened this week:

1. Emilie and Nik got engaged.
( We found her wedding dress and bought it today. )

2. My son that lives at home that has been looking for a job since he graduated, he found one.

3.  Peter took his test for his permit and passed it with 100 percent. The part that was really cute was we were waiting in line. He looked down at his test in his hand and he got this smile on his face like the sun coming up and he said, " I know this, I really know this." He did he was so excited when he got it all right because he just knew he was going to flunk.

4. My oldest son came by the other afternoon and we got to sit and visit. It was so nice to get caught up with him and you know I am really proud of my kids but sitting there listening to him I was reminded of how blessed I have been and how proud I am of him as a man, as a father and as a husband. I am thankful to have been given this gift to see them become men and women.

5. My daughter came over to visit today and to get caught up. I got to listen to my grand children tell me about school today. They made me laugh. Then I watched my two daughters talk about weddings. Watching them plan and talk made me so happy and thankful.

6. My wonderful daughter Megan, posted pictures today of it not being Friday at her house but Fort Day. Her living room was filled with blankets and cushions and it was wonderful to know how my grand kids have such wonderful mommies.

7. My husband worked in town all week. I got to sleep until 5:30 every day. It was heaven. I feel like my old happy self and not some zombie walking around trying to get my work done.

8. Last night my son and my daughter who work at the same place were driving home at night. People kept driving up beside them and saying, " Hey, your back tire is pretty low you better be careful." Today when my husband looked at it there was nail in it. I was thankful that there are nice people in the world, and my kids were safe and then when he went to have the tire repaired the man said " No charge, come in on another day when I can charge you for something."

So it was a really good week. It was nice to see all of the nice things that happened. There are some weeks when the good does outweigh the bad.
Have a lovely weekend,


  1. Sounds all goo to me! You have a great weekend too!

  2. That seems like a very good week to me. You have a lot to be thankful for. You have food in the cupboard, a big roof over your head, you have a loving family and husband and many friends you are alive to enjoy it.

    So many only dream of having food, shelter and love and are in need. You are so right to count your blessings. A good post this morning.
    And you have me, hahaha.
    Hugs, JB

  3. That is a very nice week summary. Emilie found her dress already?? So now wedding plans are in high gear. I hope your weekend is equally filled with family blessings.
    All those leaves down in your picture with the rocking chair? I can never understand how my California friend gets Fall before I do. :)

  4. Good morning! How similar are hearts and spirits really are Kim. ALL of these blessings would have thrilled me too. : ) Emilie already found her dress?? How exciting. I love wedding planning. I hope we get to hear details as you go along. Enjoy your week-end my kindred spirit friend!

  5. Kim,
    What a wonderful week full of blessings, you have had!
    Just reminds me to look for the blessings, each and every day.

    Hope you have a wonderful, blessing filled weekend also.


  6. i love good people. congrats to 2 of your sons (job and getting driving permit!) and i know you feel privileged to watch your kids and grandkids grow as you know, personally, not everyone gets that pleasure.

  7. What a lovely bunch of things to happen! I feel the same way. Life is good. You didn't tell me the guy didn't charge for the tire! That's awesome!

  8. Yay for good weeks! I am especially excited that you got to sleep in so late. ;)

  9. She found her dress already? That's fantastic! It is nice to be able to spend time with our grown up kids. I love seeing the wonderful young women mine have become. I prayed yesterday too- selfishly for the weather here and then it turned into a whole big thing about everyone else who was praying at the same time and fall harvest... And----we are looking at temps in the low to mid 80s next week!!!! Yes- the good does outweigh the bad. And you just reminded me to take notice of that fact! Thanks! Have a great weekend!

  10. Lots of good things happened this week for you!
    So glad for you!
    I need to stop and actually take stock each week of the blessings God has given.

  11. What a great week! I bet all the wedding talk is exciting!
    Are the hens laying again or is it still too hot?
    Hooray for sweet sons and daughters!

  12. I'm glad you had such a great week! We need those sometimes! :)

  13. And you just enjoy every minute of it!! We KNOW that there are so many weeks when all the kids, grandkids and 'situations' are not falling in place like they should, so these times when it all is peaceful and good... I tresure them I know you do too! :)

  14. Anytime I get to spend with my grown kids is a good time for me. Glad you had a good week!

  15. I'm glad you had such a good week. May they all be something that makes you smile!


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