
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Thoughts on Saturday Morning

I was walking around with my camera. I was looking really hard
for red leaves. I have written that my husband grows trees. It
is one of his hobby's. On this tiny little tree was this nice little
red leaf. I took a picture of it. Not really much red around here
on October 2nd.

So what do you love about fall? I was thinking about that
I love that it cools off. I am tired of hot weather. I have never
looked good in shorts. Ever. I really don't now but
I wear them. I can't wait to go back into my jeans. I love jeans.
I love boots. I love sweatshirts and I love watching movies
curled up on the couch with my favorite blanket.

I love watching the clouds race across the sky. I love watching
the wind blow in the trees. I love the smell of rain in the air.
I love that all of the dust gets washed out of the air.

I love the smell of wood burning from the fireplaces. I love
the smell of damp leaves on the ground.

I love sewing and not sweating because of the 100 degree weather.
I know, I am griping about the heat. I will stop soon, like next week,
when it is supposed to be gone.

I have been mad at the weatherman all week. I caught myself, when he
said, " Stop sending me hate mail! I can't control the weather." I didn't send
him any hate mail. I knew that I need to stop blaming the messenger.
That was when it dawned on me I was mad at the weather man.
The hot weather makes me irrational.

I can't wait to drink coffee and hold in in my hands and love how
it makes me warm. I am tired of sweating. Really tired. I have been
trying to let my hair grow out. It has got pretty long, but I can't curl
it or do anything with it except put it in a ponytail. It stays wet
all day. I am afraid if it stays hot, I will have moss on my neck.

I was even looking at short hairstyles again. I know that this will pass.
I am not going to cut my hair. But sometimes...

We are under a flood watch. I keep hoping that one will show up.
I haven't even seen a sprinkle. Or thunder or lighting. Hardly any clouds.
Have I ever told you that my Great, great grandfather got struck by lightening?
He was trying to get the corn in before a summer storm, in Pauls Valley Oklahoma.
It was 1919 in July on the fourteenth. He reached through a fence and lightening
struck. He was toast. I was in my great-grandmothers house when I was kid.
on her table was all of this old money melted together and his "spectacles."
She told me the story. His name was Zachary Robbins. I think about it
when there are thunder clouds.

Well, can you tell, my mind was a bit of a blank today. I just ramble on and on.
I will stop for now, and have a great Saturday. I am really hoping for rain.
I don't want to work in the garden.

Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, for His wonderful works to the children of men!

(Psalm. 107:6)


  1. Hi Kim,
    I love so many of the same things about Fall that you do. I love jeans, boots & sweaters and that chill in the air. Love pumpkins and red leaves, too. Hate sweating as well tho I think it's good for you - but I hate it anyway. Oh, and I love Halloween! We don't live in a neighborhood where we get trick or treaters, but I love carving jack o'lanterns anyway and watching them glow on my porch at night.

  2. Hey your photos you take as you walk around your property!

  3. dear kim,

    your rambles are more entertaining than
    my deepest thoughts! moss, ha ha!

    i just cut my hair pretty short and love it
    but no peer pressure. when it is hot, a
    pony tail is the best.

    so sorry about your incessant hot weather.
    surely fall with come soon.

  4. Yeah, when I wake up early in the morning and I hear the air conditioning kick on, I know it's going to be another hot day. The sky sure looked weird this morning. Lots of yellow and orange. I hope we get a storm.

  5. You didn't get rain on Thursday?? We got rain for about 10 minutes. Enough to get the ground good and wet! :D

    I had forgotten about that story of your great-grandpa. Still kinda freaks me out...

  6. and after I've walked all around and seen your beautiful flowers... i'd like one of your pumpkin cinammon rolls please! :)

    Happy weekend!


  7. I don't mind your ranting. No use to keep it all to yourself, lol. So sorry for all that heat. We finally got some sunshine this afternoon after all that rain. Too bad we can't seem to get an even portion of rain, sunshine, heat and cool weather. How sad about what happened to your great grandfather. Nice photos. JB

  8. I think we all welcome the cooler weather. I would also welcome some rain which has been scarce in these parts.

    Stunning photos!

  9. Kim, I am looking forward to fall just for the change. I, too, am tired of heat, tired of being sticky. I never thought I'd hear myself think it, but it's true. Remind me I said this when there's 2 feet of snow on the ground and I'm hating life and missing summer, because i will never admit i said this then.

    Don't cut your hair. I am also trying to grow mine long, but it continually breaks off so it stays short. I need less heat, less summer days and salty beach water on my hair. More conditioner. I need to learn to do hats...maybe one day when I'm old I'll wear a hat.

    We had a great rain 2 days ago. It rained for 2 days straight. My old tired farmhouse was leaking everywhere. Today my husband and the guys are up there fixing the roof - amen to that, it's long overdue! If I could I would have given you some of my rain. In fact, I'll donate my next upcoming rainy day to you - you can have it! Stay dry and cool!


  10. Beautiful pictures...well even putting on winter clothes around here is wishful son wasn't the leaves to fall so he can pile them up and jump in them....looking for the fall weather here also.

  11. I like fall because it is kind of the beginning of the respite period. We don't have to mow grass every week and we can sit out on the screen porch and actually enjoy the weather. We don't have to water all the annuals and although they are wonderful, there is something renewing about cleaning up the flowers and the beds and putting them to rest before winter. And...I love all the things you said about fall too. Did your great grandfather die due to the lightning strike? Wow.
    Amy :)

  12. I'm looking forward to all the signs of fall myself. Love those cool days just wish they would last for months. I live about 20 minutes from Pauls Valley...You sure have to be careful of those thunderstorms with all that lightening. Wishing you a wonderful Sunday filled with many blessings.


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Think of this as coming onto my porch and having
a visit.