
Friday, October 1, 2010

Friday Pretties!

I am linking up today with Joyce for a Friday Pretties.
She is at I Love Pretty Things.

I thought since I am reading Lies Woman Believe, I thought
I would share the truths that Nancy Leigh DeMoss took out of God's Word.
They are truths that set us free. I love lists and for me
I thought this was a beautiful list so I thought I would share it.

1. God is good. (Ps.119:68; 136:1)
2. God loves me and wants me to have His best.
(Romans 8:32, 38:-39)
3. I am complete and accepted in Christ. ( Eph.1:6)
4. God is enough. (Ps. 23:1)
5. God can be trusted. (Isa. 28:16)

6. God doesn't make mistakes. (Isa.46:10)
7. God's grace is sufficient for me. (2 Cor.12:9)
8. The blood of Christ is sufficient to cover all my sin.
9. The cross of Christ is sufficient to conquer my sinful
flesh.( Romans 6:6-7)
10. My past does not have to plague me. ( 1 Cor. 6:9-11)

11. God's Word is sufficient to lead me, teach me, and
heal me. (Ps. 19:7; 107:20; 119:105)
12. Through the power of His Holy Spirit, God will
enable me to do anything that He commands me to do. (1Thess.5:24)
There is no one I cannot forgive(Mark 1:25)
There is no one I cannot love (Matt. 5:44)
I can give thanks in all things (1 Thess. 5:18)
I can be content in every circumstance (Heb. 13:5)

13. I am responsible before God for my behavior,
responses, and choices. (Ez 18:19-22)
14. I will reap whatever I sow. (Gal. 6:7-8)
15. The pathway to true joy is to relinquish control.
(Luke 1:38;1Peter 5:7)
16.The greatest freedom I can experience is found
though submission to God ordained authority. (Eph. 5:21)

17. In the will of God, there is no higher, holier
calling than to be a wife and mother. (Titus 2:4-5)
18. Personal holiness is more important than temporal
happiness. (Eph.5:26-27)
19. God is more concerned about changing me and
glorifying Himself than solving my problems (Romans 8:29)
20. It is impossible to be godly without suffering(1Peter5:10)
21. My suffering will not last forever. (2 Cor. 4:17-18)
22. It's not about me; it's all about Him
(Col. 1:16-18; Rev. 4:11)

All week long, I have read through this list. I admit the
first time I read it, I was shocked. I had slipped, and
I had started to embrace some of the worlds thinking without
even knowing it.
I have continued to read through it every day and it does
feel like balm to my soul, and I admit just typing it out
I still was surprised at some of the things on this list.
This is meat of the word and some of it is hard, but
after walking with the Lord for 26 years. I find that my
life works better when I am trying to live out the principles of
scripture. As my daughter said after observing something that
the Lord had done for us, " You know, being a Christian is like
cheating at life." It always does somehow manage to turn out for
I hope you have a very blessed Friday.

Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, for His wonderful works to the children of men!

(Psalm. 107:6)


  1. Thanks....I stopped at many of those with a hardy Amen...and others were just healing balm to my spirit. I have walked with the Lord for 45 years now and I can say I have only touched the surface of all there is to know and Him!
    I will have to copy these down and read over them again and again.
    Have an awesome weekend!!!

  2. Your daughter sounds like a very wise lady. What a profound and very cool way to see the Christian life! And it's so true, isn't it?

  3. what a great list to start my friday with!! thank you for the reminder of those truths! LOVE your daughter's quote, too! ;)

  4. What a great post and so true and important to remember.
    Amy <3

  5. Kim, Thanks for your thoughtfulness in printing this list. All of it true...
    At the bottom of your Bible I could read, How blessed are those who takes refuge in the Lord.

    By the look of your Bible I'd say that you read it faithfully. You're a good woman.

    Have a blessed weekend, Julia


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