
Saturday, July 22, 2023

Hot Days of Summer

 You know I am only about 2 1/2 hours from the beach. Its a beautiful 66 degrees, 50 at night. Today here at my house it is supposed to be 109. Why don't I go? Because a million people have the same idea. 

So I am going to turn the house into a cave and find things to do. Its a good day to write a blog. We have a river in Kern County called the Kern River. It goes by other names like The mighty Kern but mostly this time of year its called the Killer Kern. This year because of the rain and the snow pack, it is unlike anything that I have ever seen in my life time. Yes, I was born here. My daughter Emilie house sits for her In-laws and she invited me out. It was a fun little field trip. I always wanted to live out in this area, but when we were looking at houses out there, I knew I would have children driving that road and decided against it. Its still a terrible road. 

In normal dry years, the river at this point is a safe, little area. You might see people going down this place in inner-tubes. Not me, I grew up on too many horror stories. Its higher than I have ever seen it and the wild life just love it. We walked around down there and there was so much to see. 

Its not a very good picture, but there is a beaver family, making dams in the river. We found three houses that had been abandoned as the river is changing its course, as the water levels are rising and going down. My son-in-law the night before had been skipping rocks and the beaver came out and slapped his tail really hard on the water. That was how they found out he was there. 

Along the side of their property, is this foundation. Its really old. No one knows who built it. Down the way is a old park. Its called Hart Park and the WPA ( The Works Progress Administration.) built lots of stuff in there so I wondered if that was built by them in the 30s. 

Coming up from the river is this old stairway, to kind of an island up on top. There are three other stair ways going in other directions from the top of the island. Its the same masonry as the one that is in the river like a dock. 

 Can you see that buzzard sunning himself on the fence. We had walked up to the top of the island and I could see two of these parents sitting there and when I looked up the babies were in the trees. Just watching us as we roamed around. I couldn't get any closer. In the mud next to the water I saw, a freeway of tracks, raccoon, possum, fox and coyote. There were deer and things I didn't know. My tracking skills are getting rusty. 

This is the fireplace there on the island. So does that look like a face? I didn't notice it when I was standing in front of it, but in my picture could it be a Big Foot face. ;) The top picture is the back side and the rocks that build it up you can see. The river had rose so high this was in the water. It was still muddy when I was there you can see a little pond behind it for when the water was even higher. 


This is one of the beavers homes that he has had to leave as the water level drops. Now you know where the saying comes, " A busy beaver." He is a really busy guy.

On the other side of the river, up on that hillside is a camp ground. I went there once when I rode my horse out there. Its been years and years since I had been that far. 

I know its not a very good shot, but there is a family of owls that live down there and as we walked under a tree they flew off. The male flew up here and the mom and baby flew down the river to get away from us. I was enthralled. Its really a lovely place and even though its not that far out of town it still took me an hour to get home. I bet this spring it was just lovely. My son-in-law grew up out here. So when he gets to house sit for him its like being at home. I enjoyed myself so much. 

I hope you enjoyed your visit too. Thanks for stopping by,


“July is hollyhocks and hammocks, fireworks and vacations, hot and steamy weather, cool and refreshing swims, beach picnics, and vegetables all out of the garden."

~Jean Hershey---


  1. That stone fireplace is just gorgeous.
    Merle Haggard sings a song about Kern River. I never even knew if it was a real river. Thanks for sharing all the information.
    Hopefully you can hibernate and stay cool!

  2. What a lovely area I bet they love house setting there. A lot of animal activity. Our rivers and lakes are running so high because of all the rain here. I am blessed with wonderful friends with beach houses and I do enjoy it but the people!!!! I am always glad to get back to my little space in the mountains

  3. I live just an hour from all the Delaware and Maryland beaches and I don't go there either unless it is to attend rug camp. But there was a day when as a sun worshipper you could see me lathered up with baby oil with iodine. No more tho.
    Glad you enjoyed the visit back in time but think you made the right decision for your kid's sake.

  4. Goodness, you went on a safari! All of these pictures! I'm going to have to sit and look at them with the kid. I wondered if the Kern was really high with all the rain!

  5. The creek looks inviting. In summer + weather temp., we always headed to Cold Run creek.

  6. I love the fireplace and the first thing I saw was the face. Pretty cool.
    We've had a lot of rain here too and the level in the River St John in front of our place is also high. When it's low we can on the beach.

    I'm glad that you enjoyed your little visit.
    Take care.

  7. I enjoyed your photos, I see the face. I'd like to prowl around there with a metal detector! I would not want to mess around the wildlife though. I don't like the buzzards here, they are everywhere now, and are Road Buzzard Hazzards. They need a good drop to land where they want, but are terrible at lifting off, they are too heavy and have huge wing spans. It's all they can do to get out of the way when you come around a curve and there they are. They not only feast on road kill, they love nut trees especially black walnuts and they like to eat the ones crushed on the roads. Used to be they lived only in the mountains here, but mountain top removal took their normal habitate. The same thing happened to the bears, so they are everywhere now. It's very sad

  8. What an adventure you were on!! Wonderful photos as always. I'm intrigued with the island and all the stonework - that fireplace is awesome! (And, yes, yes! I see the face!!) Does someone own the island? Are there people who camp there? Your son's inlaws must have a beautiful property to be in such a setting. I love the ocean but can't do the crowds so I think it would make me sad being so close to one and not being able to bring myself to go. We've had some very pleasant temps the past several days, although no rain still...and this coming week it is to get to be very hot again. One day midweek I saw the predicted temperature was to be 95º. Eeek! Enjoy your Sunday in the cave! ~Robin~

  9. You always find some places in which to wander. Wish I could enjoy it with you.

  10. Hello Kim, Yes, indeed I enjoyed my visit, it's hard to look at the photos and read at the same time you write so well!
    It took a minute but I found the face in the chimney, so intriguing, i can only imagine what a wonderful visit you had, I am a nature girl too, and enjoy walking and listening to sounds and seeing sites around! I have this song bird that sits atop of my chimney and comes each morning to sing to me.

    Beavers are very destructive and can be very aggressive, we had a problem with them a few years ago, and had to call the wildlife man to come and trap them. They had water backed up on our property so much so that we couldn't get to the back fields, it took us a while to figure out what the problem was. ~haha
    I hope your temps. cool off soon, we are pretty warm here and the humidity makes it worse, especially since we have had so much rain. I guess you got a sample of our humidity while you were visiting.
    Thank you for visiting and for your sweet comment. I would really like to get back to blogging, hopefully soon, it has been such a busy season for us, our garden produced over abundantly.

  11. I'm glad you took the opportunity to go exploring along the Kern where you have so many memories, good and bad. Good to hear that it still has extra water flowing.... but I guess I should expect that, knowing that snow is still melting up in the Sierras. Our cabin is not quite open yet!

    I don't know if I have ever even seen the Kern, but of course I knew it was real. I feel that I grew up close to Kern County, but the reality is, it was still too distant to become familiar with. Our family didn't even take the time to explore our own county, or the foothills and mountains closer by. So I'm glad to read whatever you share about that area. <3

  12. Thank you for the interesting tour.


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