
Monday, February 14, 2022

Valentines Day



 Happy Valentines Day! 

The trees like this are all in bloom. They even have leaves. That is how warm its been. Yesterday I went out in the back yard and it smelled like flowers. I know that this is a false spring, but it does make me just a bit crazy. I really don't want to go in the house. 

I did though, I got closets cleaned and straightened. I de-cluttered too. I wondered why I saved things that I did. I have a box of old cassette tapes, I still couldn't throw away. I don't have anything to play them on, but I still kept them. I even walked to the trash can with them and made a U turn at the cupboard in my laundry room and put them there. 

While I was working on my Granny rug, I was also working on a rug for one of my tables. I have one more side to bind, but I thought I would show you anyway. Since it is a heart rug.

Its going to be for that table. I thought it would look nice. I was recounting my work that we have accomplished by today, and having finished three rugs since Christmas that is a big deal for me. 

I also was digging through my finished rugs and I found this one, I had forgot about. 

If I remember correctly, I had all of these different red leftover worms and I decided to make them into this rug. I really liked it when I found it and I wished I had found it sooner. Its a nice little rug. 

I wanted to show you a lamp that Ron fixed


When we had the floor redone, the cord for the lamp was to far away and there was a electric cord to the wall. He got online and figured out how he could make it turn on with just a battery. He had to buy new light bulbs and a power source, but now the light works about four days, on one charge of its battery. So if the power goes out we have a light, if it doesn't last more than three or four  days.

Max our cat, is in the background. Can you see him? He thought I was taking pictures of him. He really likes all of the work we did for him. We are just here to serve him and he rules even the dog. He was playing with her ball last night. Sasha was so grumpy about it. 

I hope you have a great Valentines Day, I think I am going to make Chicken Cordon Bleu and a raspberry cheesecake today. 


“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.” ― Melody Beattie


  1. We are very far from blooming trees but nice to see. Love your rugs. Dinner sounds wonderful.
    Happy valentines day

  2. Cheesecake? What time should I be there?
    Your heart rugs are so sweet. I especially love the one with 9 hearts.
    Ron did a cool job on the light!!! Very clever.
    Happy Valentine's Day.

  3. Love your hearts rugs. I have one of those antique lanters except mine is with electric and no-one to make it otherwise.

  4. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY. ❤️ It's still a long way before we see signs of spring here but I'm counting days to Spring. Just 34 days.

    I love that heart rug with all the different red. I'm glad you found it just in time for Valentine.

    I was looking for the picture of the cat in the garden but didn't see it.

    Ron is quite handy with that lamp. Three days on one charge is pretty good. You could always have a spare battery.

    Take care,
    Hugs, Julia

  5. Happy ❤️s Day sweet friend! Three rugs since Christmas is an amazing accomplishment to me...I don't think I've pulled a single loop since Christmas. 😳 Both your heart rugs are sweet but really love the 9 heart one!! I think you and Ron should do a tutorial on your blog showing us how to convert electric lamps to battery...that is so cool! Love Max....what a sweet pooty kat. Enjoy your wonderful weather. Not even a glimpse of a false spring in these parts. ~Robin~ (Your dinner sounds had me at cheesecake!!)

  6. I did not know they made such lamp kits. I may have to investigate further.
    Max is very handsome!

  7. Isn't it funny the things we keep? I made pork chops with apple pie filling for dinner on Valentine's, with a chocolate pie for dessert. I ran out of cornstarch and had to use flour, but it set up all right anyway.

  8. Both of your heart rugs are beautiful.
    Max is a hoot, and I can just see Sasha pouting... poor thing :)

    Your Valentine's dinner menu sounds like it was very yummy indeed!

    I love that old-fashioned-looking lamp that Ron adapted to work with battery power!

    Smiles :)

  9. There is your heart rug! I love it!
    It looks very cute on the coffee table! I like the one you found, too!

  10. That heart rug is very dear!!

    Wonderful about Ron fixing that lamp so handily!!

  11. I am shocked you have blooms. We won't see flowers for two or three more months. Thanks for sharing.


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