
Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Now November

 I was thinking early this morning if I don't get a post written, I will miss all of November. I don't know where this will all lead but here it goes. 

Whew what a month! We continue to have good weeks with Haylen and weeks that are a bit more challenging. Its so much harder on Makenzie and William. Being a parent is always the hardest. I just stand back and pray and pray some more. 

He did get to nurse the other day and did really well. That is so wonderful I think. He is now 10 weeks old and 34 weeks of gestation. Every week continues to be a milestone. 

Elliot and Karren are getting married on Sunday morning. A very quiet ceremony do to that which must not be named. If you were keeping tabs, this is how my life looks so far. Sold and bought a new house, moved to a new area. Ron works from home full time. We had three new grandbabies born, two girls and one boy. Ben and Megan had a terrible car wreck but walked away from it. Our grandson was born at 24 weeks and his Momma almost died after loosing almost all of her blood. Elliot and Karren are getting married on Sunday. Oh I need to add to that list the election. So gee whiz. I am afraid really of turning into Eeyore. 

So as it goes, my favorite line from Charles Dickens is this: It has been the best of times and it has been the worst of times. But all in all I still am so thankful for the givens and try not to reflect on the not givens. I get a new daughter in law, we have a lovely house and a lovely neighborhood. Ron gets to work from home which is very nice. We have wonderful new babies and all of the Momma's are doing great. I have hooked my giant rug, I finished a Halloween rug. Its been about 3 years since I finished a rug so that was wonderful. 

Here is the giant one by Edith O'Neal. Cape Ann. I am so excited about sitting in the evening in front of the fireplace and doing the background. Its so nice to do big rugs in the winter. Just a few more flowers. 

I have also been working on my sampler by Shakespeare Peddler. She is called Ann Womak-1838.

Its big too. I am going to age it a lot when I get finished but I think I still have three more alphabets to go. I am on my fourth skein of red now.

My favorite picture of the baby. All of that stuff on him and yet he is laughing. He has already such a sweet personality. 

So that is how life goes around here. Next week is Thanksgiving. Our governor has passed all sorts of stuff again. We are going to ignore him and have the kind of Thanksgiving we always had. 
"All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke.

Since I am hardly posting, I wish you the best Thanksgiving ever. 
I leave off with one of my favorite sayings. It has comforted me in all sorts of trials. 

" If God is almighty, there can be no evil so great as to be beyond his power to transform.
That transforming power brings light out of darkness, joy our of sorrow, gain out of loss, life out of death." Elisabeth Elliot. 

But just in case, Release the Kraken! Go Sidney!



  1. Wow! What a year it has been for you and your family...Just incredible. Some history has been made and keeps being made every day. So many changes and challenges and newness and Covid-19 on top of it all...
    The little precious one is just adorable. I can't believe he's smiling already.
    You got a lot done on your big rug and cross-stitch.

    Take care, stay safe and well, and Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
    Hugs, Julia

  2. So glad you wrote a post! November is just flying by, isn't it? I'm a walking zombie after three days of 3:30s. I feel like a victim of sleep deprivation experiments. I think I won't remember most of this year just because of that. Let's remain thankful for the good things. :-)

  3. So happy that Haylen is doing well. I can't believe he is already 10 weeks old.
    Congrats on the addition of a new daughter in law this weekend.
    Both your sampler and rug are lovely. You are making great progress.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  4. Oh my stars and garters Kim!!! You literally made me spit out a perfectly good Chardonnay on that last line LOL. Everything so somber and even....and then Sydney and the kraken.... LOVE it! I don't hold many attorneys in great respect, but Sydney I do. Godspeed to her and all those who fight for the light. You have, indeed, had an eventful year...even apart from the eventfulness that 2020 has put ALL of us through... But, yes, I think the column of blessings weighs up incredibly well against the tragedies. The photo of your grandboy laughing is just so heart lifting... Congrats on the new DIL coming soon and hope you treasure your family time...both at the wedding and at your Thanksgiving. I believe I will be spending mine alone, but not because of COVID....but it's least I won't be cooking an entire Thanksgiving meal for just me like I ended up doing last year. Clean up will be much easier with a tv dinner. Both your rug and your stitching look amazing. I love redwork...and blackwork.... Did we see your completed Halloween rug??? (so so sorry if you did post life has been a bit of a train wreck these day. I am so glad you took time out of your busy life (especially with a wedding and Thanksgiving to be planning for) to post. Always love the peeks into your world and your words of wisdom and encouragement. (And, yes....I'm still smirking ha ha....and you don't have to publish this comment if you rather not. ;-) ) Hugs & Smiles ~Robin~

  5. you have had a busy time that for sure so nice to see the baby is doing so well. Congrats to the wedding couple and glad you are settled in your new home.
    Good luck with Thanksgiving we are keeping it just us Husband has had major health issues.

  6. You really have quite a stressful and challenging October/November. Your hooked rug is looking great as is your stitchery. I don't do cross stitch but back in the day did some embroidery. Put a hartman hook in my hand and I'm happy. God Bless you and your family, God Bless America, God Bless President Trump and Sidney, get the Kraken crackin!!!!!!!!! Happy Thanksgiving.

  7. A wedding!!! I'm so happy for you all. And for your Thanksgiving, and that you all keep on keeping on. God bless you, Dear Kim!

  8. Good to catch up on what's happening your way. Haylen is growing and I also liked the picture of him laughing. - Our Thanksgiving will be pretty quite. We usually don't have a big family gathering so it's not to bad for us. Enjoy yours.

  9. nice to see the baby is doing so well. great job.
    Thanks for the share.
    clipping path

  10. I certainly agree with the Dickens quote. I hope you have a safe Thanksgiving.

  11. Three new babies- WOW, you have really been blessed this year! It sounds like a whirlwind of events, but I know you know the peace to be found in Him.
    Have a good week, and congratulations on your new house, a wedding, your new babies and the miracle of Ben and Megan surviving a horrible wreck. I'm glad to hear that your grandson is doing well and mom is better.


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