
Saturday, January 25, 2020

January Notes

We have had a nice amount of rain, so far so the pastures are turning green. I am going to have to get out my trimmer/lawn mower thing and do the fence lines. I love that thing. I have always loved my hula hoe as you know, but that trimmer is just so cool. We have continued on the path of selling the house. I have been cleaning my tile on my hands and knees with this cleaner called" La's Totally Awesome All Purpose Cleaner, Degreaser & Spot Remover" I don't normally buy things that say "As seen on T.V. but I did that day because it said no harmful anything is in it.
I have never used a cleaner like this before. My tile floors are so clean. I am buying it by the gallon now. You do have to wear gloves, though, so there is something in there that is pretty strong.

Right before Thanksgiving, my top oven in my double oven broke. We had bought a whole house home warranty. We bought it only in case we had air conditioners go out. We decided to see how happy we were with one since the double ovens were covered. I went November, December and mid January, without a oven. They came out sent the part away, and a couple of weeks installed the new rebuilt part, which didn't work at all so then they decided to buy us a new double oven. My ovens were 20 years old and very much used. I have been okay with it, not having to shell out the money for those new ovens, and the people who buy this house will have new ovens. Maybe all new appliances too.

Ron is measuring right now so we can take out our carpet and put in wood floors in the living-room, office and the stairs. We will get the kitchen cabinets painted and the laundry room cabinets painted and down stairs will be all new. We are up against lots of competition for the price range we want for the house. I am just a tiny bit excited now. Its kind of like labor, I just have to go through it, but how nice once its over.

  Just an aside, if you think about it could you pray for my nephew Garrett. He will go in for surgery on Tuesday at 5:00 A.M. for a massive brain tumor. They will do surgery on Tuesday to try and remove the biggest part of it and then continue the rest of the brain surgery on Thursday. He is 29 and was finishing up grad school in Michigan. We are praying that it is non-cancerous. Please pray for the doctors wisdom. My family and I would greatly appreciate it. Its been very hard this month and all of the upheaval this kind of thing brings. But God is good and He is never surprised by anything.
Thank you.

I hope you have a lovely weekend. Work will continue, but its good. Its always nice to have something to do with my hands.
Thank you for stopping by,

 “Do not wait; the time will never be ‘just right.’ Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.” —George Herbet


  1. I will pray for your Garrett and for your family. Also, I hope that your home sells for what you are going to ask for it. Moving is such a big upheaval and a ton of work. I would do it in a heartbeat if it were easier. :) Have a blessed weekend.

  2. I will keep Garrett in my prayers. How very scary.
    You sure are putting in a lot of work before listing your home, but I'm guessing when it sells it will all have been worth it.
    Sending hugs and prayers.

  3. I like that . . . better tools will be found as you go along.
    Praying for Garrett.
    You'll feel so good about your house, all bright and shiny.

  4. I’m sensing some excitement, as you are preparing your home. I’m glad you are moving forward one step at a time.
    I will pray for Garrett’s surgery and recovery.

  5. WoW! It is so fun to see that green grass!
    We are a quite a ways off from green grass, but as you know, we don't have all the snow this year.. Yay!

    Continued prayers and thoughts and get well soon wishes for Garrett, and prayers for your family for strength to overcome this trial.


  6. Sounds like you are keeping busy this winter(?). It is kind of green for winter. I will think positive thoughts for Garrett.

  7. So nice to catch up with you, Kim, looks like everything is going well with the preparations for selling the house. Praying you feel it soon.
    Sending loving thoughts and prayers for Garrett and a speeding recovery!.


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