
Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Now April...Finally!

I love it when the iris starts blooming. I know that spring is officially here. I am afraid I will be kind of boring. I haven't done much except spring cleaning and washing windows and chopping weeds.
I do love it all but it keeps me away from the computer.

I managed though to get His Eye is on the Sparrow, by Beth Twist framed. I don't normally frame the things I make just because I am always shocked at how much it costs. This time I figured I would frame this because for me it is such an accomplishment. I never dreamed I would finish. All told it was 4 years. From the time I started until this last week when I got it framed.

I also finished a rug. I have never used wool strips to bind a rug before. I thought I would try it. It looks pretty but I don't know if I would do it again. I do like the ease of using wool yarn.
It looks very pretty in my dining room.

It was a cloudy day and the colors are brighter. Just a bit. This is a Maggie Bonami pattern.
I just love spring. I am tired today from all of the hula hoeing I did yesterday. But as soon as I step out the door and I can smell the orange blossoms and the fresh spring air. I can hear the mockingbirds and the meadowlarks and I forget how tired and sore I am and I go a bit crazy. I hope that this weekend I will finally get to planting in the ground. Its my plan on Saturday to finally get to spend the whole day in the garden. I have melons coming up in the seed trays under the lights and I would really like to get them growing in the garden outside. I am going to trellis so much stuff this year. I hope melons do good on a trellis.

Here is my driveway that I worked on yesterday. I love it when it looks so clean and really working down that driveway with the smell of orange blossoms is so incredible. The sound of the bees quietly humming as I work around the trees. Yes, I still have the bees in the wall of my shed. It will mean taking off the skirting and the outside wall and we haven't been home long enough to tackle that huge job. 

I would love to be outside today, but I really much get to cleaning my pantry. I have put it off and now its reached critical mass. I hope you have a wonderful day. I hope that April is good to you. I think that is why I got married in April. Its just a beautiful time to be alive. We will celebrate 39 years this month. I can't even believe its been that long. It doesn't feel like it. I feel like my life with Ron just gets more magical and more fulfilling each year. The day we got married he had wrote a song and some of the lyrics went, " we don't know how in love we fell, if we fall for a 100 years we won't know to tell, so lets begin this arm in arm." He was such a sweet songwriter. Now he writes code and he is still a great writer just a different direction.

I wish you all the best today this second day in April.

“Every intoxicating delight of early spring was in the air. The breeze that fanned her cheek was laden with subtle perfume and the crisp, fresh odor of unfolding leaves.”
― Gene Stratton-Porter, The Song of the Cardinal


  1. The Tennessee state flower is the iris! I've never been able to have much luck with them, though. April is a busy month for us with five family birthdays, plus my niece's anniversary! I'd love to smell those orange blossoms!

  2. I just read your blog to the kids. Alex missed you so much that he's going to write you an email. It smells wonderful here, too, since all the mesquite is blooming. It has tiny powdery little yellow flowers.

  3. Wow! The weeds are GONE! The orange trees look so pretty, too!
    Good job! Now, rest those elbows.

  4. Every time I see His Eye I am in total awe. Something to be so proud of. Your rug is pretty cool, too. I love Maggie patterns.
    Those little irises are a favorite of mine!
    So hard to believe it is April.

  5. Your iris are so beautiful and your driveway is so neat and clean.
    I think it's great to have decided to get your cross stitch piece framed. It looks amazing.

    I went outside today to take some pictures and the snow is going down but my flower beds are a disaster as I never had the time to clean the flowerbeds as I usually do. I'll will have a big job to do as soon as it's dry enough to clean up.

    Take care and enjoy this beautiful month.
    Hugs, Julia

  6. I'm glad Spring has arrived too. I must admit I'm quite envious of you, Iris blooming already and Meadowlarks singing. They have to be one of my Favourite birds.
    Good luck organizing that pantry.

  7. Hi Kim, Blessing to you on celebrating your anniversary this month, what a beautiful love song from your dh! like you when I am busy it takes me away from all social media, and now I find it so hard to get back to blogging, so I decided i would take today and visit my friends.
    Your driveway looks wonderful, and you described a perfect spring day, I love the smells of spring when I am outside, though lately the heavy pollen has kept me inside. Our weather has been so sporadic yesterday it was in the thirties, today it will hit 70, quite a big difference isn't it.
    Wishing you much joy in your gardening, as one gardener to another.

  8. Happy April Sweet Kim and thanks for the breath of spring. It is snowing here again as I type this. I am weary of it even though I know it won’t last much longer. This has been a difficult winter for many. I don’t know that I have ever heard a mockingbird...then again, I am not very bird-smart.... I do know the cardinal’s song, and have heard and seen one around this past week...and, of course, the Robin’s. Your “Eye on the Sparrow” is AMAZING and it looks perfect where you have it hung. Like Lauren, I am completely daunted by the thought of stitching something like that. Love your rug perfectly “old” looking. I am glad you can stop and smell the orange blossoms amidst your work. Happy Anniversary month! ~Robin~

  9. If the rain would ever stop here, I might get to hear bees buzzing, too. I am longing for them :-) -- Love to hear about the smell of the orange blossoms by your driveway!!

  10. I've never smelled orange blossoms. Everything looks so clean. A lot of mud and dirty snow here. Congratulations on completing His Eye on the Sparrow. Sounds like a hard project.


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