
Saturday, October 13, 2018

Lovely October Morning

Today is the first real day of fall for me. It was so nice to walk around and see how the leaves have changed and really felt like the world is a beautiful place.

Our leaves are turning rapidly now. I am so amazed at how each morning there is a little more red on the leaves. I need some orange colored trees out there. The nectarine hasn't started turning yet and it will be orange if I remember correctly.

I have been sick since September 20th. I have never been sick like this before and had no experience with something that made it so I couldn't push myself to get well. I am hoping that having the energy today means I am officially on the mend for good. I had what started out I thought to be the flu. Only it wasn't. Its not a good way to diet let me tell you. But enough of that. I am better and I hope to be back to my ole self soon.

I took a picture of the front yard this morning. Its starting to look like fall in the front yard. Ron reseeded the yard with winter rye a couple of weekends ago. We are getting small shoots of grass coming up. I know California and green lawns are important. Our yard has suffered so much since that drought we thought we would try to get something down so it wouldn't look like it was just patches of green here and there.

We really need some rain, as you can see from these leaves. We have had storms pass by but no traceable rain as of yet.

I did work on a small stitchery, by Brenda Gervais. I have worked on it a little and I was so sick this week, I couldn't even sew.  I am that close to finishing it.

I even thought if I ordered wool, that being able to dye wool would help me get well. I haven't been able to do that either. I realized how much I take my health for granted. Do you know what has made me feel the most well?
There is something in that multigreen that has helped me so much. I wish I had found it sooner. It says there are probiotics, and enzymes.

I just wanted to check in and let you know I am still here.

Blessings to you all,


  1. I hope you feel better soon! I've been sick since last Saturday, and long illnesses are just no fun.

  2. that's a long time to be sick, i hope you remain on the healing path!! your leaves are pretty and i like the new needlework you are working on....

    we have had a lot of rain, we got a lot of rain from michael!!

  3. That's a long time to be sick. I wonder what kind of virus you picked up. I hope that you get well very soon.
    I'm glad that the cooler weather has found you.

    I don't do well in the cold weather with my arthritis as my hands and feet pain. We have had a good frost once this fall and although we still have a lot of colorful foliage in the area, our big Manitoba Maple tree in the front yard is almost bare as it looses it yellow leaves early.

    We have had a lot of rain lately after and extended dry spell this summer... The weather has been rater erratic everywhere lately.

    Hugs, Julia

  4. I'm happy for you that the leaves are changing at your place, and it feels like Fall!
    My goodness, I am so sorry that you weren't able to order your wool
    Hopefully, this week you will get to order your wool, and feel better and better.
    Wishing a week of health, and Fall happiness for you:)


  5. I'm sorry you've been sick! I'm sure it's hard for you to be down and out...and I'm glad you're beginning to feel better!!

  6. So sorry to hear you've been sick for so long. I do hope you are finally on the mend!
    Take good care of yourself!!!
    Hugs :)

  7. Oh no! I'm so sorry you've been sick, Kim! What a drag. It is hard to push our 60 year old selves when our bodies are sick and won't budge, isn't it? I am glad you are on the mend.
    Yes, I still haven't polo-ed you, but I think about it all the time. I know getting polos back from you would be so encouraging.
    Take care! I love that stitching! It's adorable!

  8. I am so sorry you have been so sick but I do take a small glass of that kombucha every day or at least I try to. We have had so much rain I wish i could send it your way for a few days.


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