
Monday, May 21, 2018

Monday Post

On my birthday, my son gave me his camera. Its much fancier than mine. I have been trying to learn this camera and my pictures will look different for awhile. Its a very nice camera, so its the person behind the camera than needs some work. I am learning.

Ron took pity on me and helped me finish the pool fence. It only took us four hours rather than eight if I had been doing it alone. I am so thankful still. I have to tell you though. The reason I wanted the pool fence painted was because of my beach sign. I saw this beach sign way back on my friend Debbie's blog, "Its All About Purple." 

I loved that sign and I found the letters and I got the board painted. ( You can buy the letters from Hobby Lobby.) But, the fence looked so bad, I knew before I could put that sign up I had to paint the fence. Can you imagine? That is how my mind works though. Here is my sign, finally!

 Ron helped so much. Debbie thank you for posting that picture too.

So then I got to put our chairs and umbrellas out and Ron put some plants out there so one of our outdoor living places is ready to go.

I hope they do okay out there. I hope its not too hot. We can always move them on the porch.

Speaking of porches, I finally finished the Quiet Porch. We spend so much time outside this time of year.
The Quiet Porch is where I do my quiet time and  because its just off the office where I stitch and hook my rugs I go out there a lot.

You can see the town in the distance and the sea trains they have brought in.  Its quiet though.
My end tables are grape boxes I got from Megan.
I do love old boxes from all of the farming that goes on around here, these are from Giumarra Farms.

Last summer because of the heat, I let my hens out in the back yard too much. This year, I didn't want them in the back yard. We have it all nice and pretty this year and I just didn't want them taking dust baths in the flowerbeds. Ron came up with a solution.

He put a little door in the back wall of the chicken coop.

As soon as I let them out of their house in the morning and open the door, they race to go outside.
Now they have this nice little area to stay out in and take dust baths and they watch me when I am outside walking or working. Its very nice for me too. They are under the trees and its much cooler out here. We will see when it gets really hot though.

Just a little picture of my three tomato plants and my peppers and zucchini. I feel like its the neglected garden. I still haven't got the rest planted as we have been doing so many other things. At least I have some green tomatoes.

My last sign.

Maybe I have never mentioned but since I was a little girl I have been obsessed with big foot. When they showed that Patty film on the news it has never left my mind. I saw this sign and I knew I needed one just on my fence before you go out in the pasture. Ron and I hope to take some time off this summer and go to Northern California and visit some of the big foot museums up there.

Anyway, just a little of what has been going on around here. I think I am caught up. I will have to come up with some more projects this week. I am a little tired though.
I hope you have a lovely week. Thank you so much for stopping by.


“You must learn to know the difference between tales and the truth, my Liza, she would say. Fairy tales have a habit of ending too soon. They never show what happens afterwards when the prince and princess ride off the page.”
---Kate Morton, The Forgotten Garden


  1. Ooooh Kim, how wonderful that you were inspired by that sign. I remember it well and that was a long time ago that I posted that!! The sign looks great, you will think of me each time you see it, that's even better!!

    What a wonderful gift to have you sons camera, your images are beautiful today!!

  2. So much work sprucing things up for summer! I love the secret chicken gate. They look so happy.

  3. We love Big Foot, too! No wonder we're friends!
    I love your BEACH sign. I want to swim in the pool today.
    We're getting all cleaned up and then we're headed to the mall and Sam's Club (exciting? YES!)
    It's nice today so everything feels happy! Ha! Wait until it gets boiling hot and I'm a mean complainer!
    Sending love to you!

  4. I think your pictures look great! What fun to have a new camera to experiment with. Love the BEACH sign along with that freshly painted fence. What a good project to finish early in the spring. I also like your Big Foot sign. My son and SIL love Big Foot and one son, who is a hiker, goes by the name Gentle Sasquatch. Kinda cute.

    Love and blessings! ~Jody

  5. That was so nice of Ron to help you finish painting the pool fence. Rails take forever!!! to paint! I love your quiet porch. I biggified the pictures to look at the grape boxes. They add a great touch!

  6. Wow, you have been busy. Your sign and pool fenced area looks amazing and so does your porch. My yard is a disaster right now. I'm still cleaning up from the flood damage. There is no end to it

    Enjoy your leisure time .
    Hugs, Julia

  7. Congrats on finishing the pool fence with hubby's help. Big job!
    I absolutely love your quiet porch. Such a peaceful outdoor room.

  8. Holy moley you have been busy! What great projects. I love them all. We made a chicken run, much like yours, for our chickens at school. They love it and so do the kids. My husband tinks your sign is grand. He is also a bigfoobi fan. I hope you enjoy your quiet place. I know my porch is my sanity. Great post.


Thank you so much for visiting my blog.
Think of this as coming onto my porch and having
a visit.