
Saturday, February 17, 2018

A Beautiful Morning

Oh Happy Day! Today, it will be warm. Tomorrow, the wind and cold comes back. The poor trees that got the wrong signal will be shoved back to winter. I was driving around this week and I saw little blooms on newly planted almond orchards. Our temps will be down in the 20s by next week.

But today, it feels like spring. Here is our pretty almond tree.

I knew this morning I had to walk out and take pictures just to show you because after the wind they are predicting I don't know if they will be here by Tuesday. I keep watching the other trees like a hawk, because so far so good, the other fruit trees are still asleep.

I joined another group on Face Book. I really need to stop. This one is a quilt block group that uses wool.
My first block is this.

Its called the "The Little Red Hen's Wooly Mysteries, 2018 Curiosity Quilted the Cat!" I got the pattern for the second cat yesterday. The patterns just appeal to me so much. Not to mention I love seeing how each person does the kitties just a little differently. I can handle one block a month. The best part is its free.

I also managed to finish this rug. I can't say I am wild about it, but I did finish it. It is from the book by Barbra Carroll, Woolly Fox American Folk Art Rug Hooking.

I am beginning to think I have too many projects going at any one time. Its okay though, because once it really gets warm, I don't think I will be in the house very much.

 I plan on starting my rabbit rug today. Well, that is if working outside doesn't seem like a better idea.
I hope you have a wonderful three day weekend.

Blessings to you all,

“She turned to the sunlight
    And shook her yellow head,
And whispered to her neighbor:
    "Winter is dead.”
― A.A. Milne, When We Were Very Young


  1. Yea,we have sun as well here in North Texas. I got the onions,lettus and potatoes in the ground :-)

  2. I was so excited to get them finally planted. I can not wait to plant some more vegetables..

  3. You are so creative, Kim! I hope your trees are ok! We've been having roller coaster weather here too. Temps in the 60's this week, then snow last evening. Crazy winter!

  4. Things are warming up here too but still a lot of snow.
    I love those flowering trees, such pretty blossoms.
    You are so industrious with rug hooking, are you still selling them?...
    What a cute little appliqué kitty. You do so many projects but it's a good thing, because you will never get bored.
    Have a good week.
    Hugs, Julia

  5. Hoping your fruit and nut trees are going to be ok. It seems early for blossoms. Is it? For you? Snowing and going sub-zero for temps tonight. Putting all the lambs and ewes to bed in barns with lots of straw. Hoping for warmer days.

  6. Blossoms, already? Wow! I do love blossom time. Good for you joining the FB group. I joined a cross stitch group and then quit because it was too big with too many posts. I think your kitty is gorgeous! How fun!
    Your rug is very lovely, Kim! You're fast!
    I hope the trees can hold on to their flowers.
    Sending love your way!

  7. Your applique kitty is just too sweet. That will be a fun quilt!
    Hugs :)

  8. Projects keep a person busy. Kids today don't know how to sit quietly and make something. I love your rugs and applique. Bi am astounded that your plants are blooming! We have over a foot of snow and it is still coming down.

  9. you are fine kim, i need something different, other tan knitting...i started a blanket, 7 times and i just can't get it. i did not know about these groups on Facebook, maybe i should look in to something.

    your trees are just gorgeous, 65 here today, 70 tomorrow, but then the temperatures plunge again!!!

    and i like the rug!!!


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