
Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Just Thinking

I am sure that you have seen the devastating fires on the news. I am just in shock. It is always scary when the weatherman announces that the Santa Ana winds are going to be blowing. Its never good when an East wind blows. Monday the wind was stirring in the tops of the trees when I went for my walk. With a Santa Ana wind, it comes blowing in across the deserts. Its hot and feels unnatural. That is when the tumbleweeds pile up along my driveway.

On Monday, I was praying for the people in Northern California. When I looked out my front window and there was smoke billowing. Black, scary, ugly smoke. When the east wind blows, one spark can cause terrible fires. Because it looked from my vantage point the fire was moving toward me, and the fire trucks going down the street, I just sat there wondering what I was going to do.

I found out that fire was not as close as it looked. That day there were 7 fires burning here in town. It did look like the whole city was on fire. Though nothing compared to Northern California. But to the people that lost everything, loss is still loss and saying that you have to start over, is nothing like living through it.

Yesterday I spent the day cleaning up the mess from the wind. You know I thought as I picked limbs and trash, I kept thinking of how the poor people whose houses burned up, how do they go about picking up the lost parts of their lives. It becomes about relationships. It is the people in our lives that become the most important. All of the things that have happened in this great nation of ours in just the last few months makes me pause and think about what is important. What do I spend my time doing? How in that instant life changes maybe forever.

 I was sewing, and looked up to see that wall of smoke. That fast. At the end of the street, a truck loaded with pipe lost the load at the light. So not only was smoke filling the air, there was oil field pipe scattered all over the road way. Thankfully no one was in the way of that truck. It did give me a surreal feeling. There I stood, all by myself, feeling very small and very alone.

I don't like that feeling.

I wish I had some kind of pithy statement to make. I don't. I just wanted to share my thoughts today.
I wish I was smarter and I could come up with better words. A lady the other day told me that when she was a girl, her Mom would say to her after something terrible had happened, "The sun will come up tomorrow." She thought it was terrible, but now that she is a older woman, she sees the wisdom in it.

We really only have today. Its all about what I do with what I am given today. Not next week, not tomorrow. Today. So today, I will make it the best day of my life. Doing what I can do in my sphere of influence, to make as many people happy as I can, serving those God gives me and being a encouragement
to every single person, God brings in my life...Today.

 So today, I wish you joy.

Thank you so much for stopping by today. You are a gift to me.


“The autumn leaves blew over the moonlit pavement in such a way as to make the girl who was moving there seem fixed to a sliding walk, letting the motion of the wind and the leaves carry her forward. [...] The trees overhead made a great sound of letting down their dry rain.”
― Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451


  1. The fires are so wild and devastating. I can't imagine. You're so right, we cling to our people. God be with you, good Kim.

  2. I watched a news segment about the fires this morning and was horrified. Such terrible loss. Were these started by Mother Nature? A terrible accident? Or the dreaded arson? Maybe a combination? I can't see how anyone can deliberately set fire to anything. Glad Y'all are fine and I hope it stays that way. About your words- they are perfect. Every. Single. Post. :)

  3. It is so good to hear that you and your family are safe. We are praying for your safety and for all of California.

  4. oh kim, i have been thinking of you with these wild fires, heat and santa ana winds. it must be so difficult to experience all of this during fall, when the airs should be cool and the winds crisp!! you are a wise woman kim, reminding us of what matters!!!

  5. Oh I feel the same way when I hear about the Santa Ana's kicking up...never good. The fires have been soo horrible this year. Those poor people. I too was giving thought to WHAT would we do. LOVE your thoughts about just having today. It's sooo true. Fill each day as best we can and be grateful we have it. Enjoy the rest of your week!

  6. Cursed Santa Ana winds. The wildfires are so awful, so familiar. God keep them safe.

  7. Ca. has been in my thoughts and prayers this week, and have been wondering if you and other blogging friends were affected!
    Your thoughts about what is most important in life are so true! Our lives can change in an instant!
    I will continue to pray, .

  8. Dear Kim, I'm so glad you are all safe from those scary wild fires. So much destruction in such a short time.

    You are so right that it's all about relationship. Like love is all about relationship. All the rest can be replaced and we put too much emphasis on material things...

    All your pictures are gorgeous. So glad you got some pumpkins.

    Take care, Hugs, Julia

  9. Oh that Bradbury quote! "The trees overhead made a great sound of letting down their dry rain.” That's the first time I've seen a description of that sound, the dry rain of leaves - how many times I've stood stock still and silent as I listed to that dry rain of leaves - there's something enchanted about it! And very very joyful. And so is your post despite the scary feelings and events, with your wise summary - we only have today - and may God bless us through the minutes as we live them and teach us how best to live them as unto Him! Your blog background is very lovely too. Have a wonderful week. I pray there will be no more fires despite the renewal of those Santa Ana winds.

  10. Beautiful pictures and beautiful thoughts, Kim.
    Yes, We only have today. That must have been very scary to see smoke when you know all around you there are fires that are destroying the lives of so many.
    I am glad you are safe.

  11. I am so saddened to know of such devastating fires. I know about prairie fires, but fires so close to people is very scary.

    You are right, we only have today, and we cling to the gift of today that God gives us and make the most of it. Thanks for that reminder, Kim.

    God bless you and yours. ~Jody

  12. We are all feeling a bit helpless about your situation. We had a terrifying fire in Deadwood in 2002. My husband, a police officer, was evacuating the town. I was in the next town at the end of our street looking to see if I should evacuate. While I was down the street, the neighbors came running to tell my a police officer came to my door. I have never been so terrified in my life! Everything was a blur. I remember calling 911 hysterical thinking he had been killed. The dispatcher assured me he was ok and had actually sent an officer to tell me he was ok. All I can think of is how many people in California did not get the answer I received. They and you are in my thoughts. Be safe!

  13. The Santa Ana fires in California are getting worse every year. I feel so sad for the families that loss loved ones.
    I am afraid to turn on the news there is so much bad news.
    Hugs cheri


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