
Monday, June 20, 2016

First Day of Summer

Happy first day of summer!! I love the first day of summer. I always have. I like the longer evenings with the dark blue twilight. When I was a kid, I told my Mom, ( I imagine in a very bratty voice.) " That when I grew up I was going to be so rich that I would have an airplane and I would get on it when the sun started to set and go to a place where the sun was coming up so I would never have to go to bed at night!!"

She would sigh and say in a tired voice, " Fine Kim you do that." I hated going to be at night. Now, it is my favorite time, she knew as all mothers do that night would become my friend. I still like the longer days and the sun coming up early. I just like the sun though I am fond of the moon now.

Painting is almost done upstairs, carpets cleaned and everything put back. We just have the bathroom left. We are going to take a break though. We. Are. Sick. of. Painting!!!

This weekend I did manage to make Hobbs. I will take him to his new home today. I think he will be happy about it.


I wish I made stuffed animals more often I might get faster. This one still took three days. All of his stripes have to be sewed on by hand. I am glad I really do like hand sewing so much.

A Kessie Rug.

I now have all of my rugs bound too. Now I can start a new rug. I think I will need a day of dyeing wool. We are in the words of the weatherman "having a record breaking heat wave." I think this will be my next rug. I love the ants. That is why I haven't dyed any wool--- and the painting.

 Only this time, we aren't as hot as everyone else. It hit 118 in Arizona yesterday and it will be 120 today. My daughter  just pooh-poohs it. They really are set up for it. The play grounds have these nice covers to keep the sun out and the parking lots  are are covered  too. They are much better equipped to handle heat. Not to mention they build power plants. Unlike this state I currently live in who doesn't do any of those things or repair roads, because they want to spend billions on a train. Okay rant over.

Today is my grandson's 7th birthday. I am going to his birthday party. He wanted a helicopter, a good watergun and a lamp. I cracked up. I have to see what this grandma can do about it.

Enjoy this first day of summer. I have always judged my life by my summers. There is just something wonderful about the toasty air, the smell of the water in the swimming pool, the dew drenched grass and the velvet skies in the evening, filled with spangly stars. The only thing that would make it perfect would be the little lights blinking off and on of the lighting bugs. We don't have them here. But the sound of crickets make me just as happy.
Happy Summer Solstice to you,

P.S. That means Fall will be here before we know it. *wink-wink* 
For Debbie
“Come with me,' Mom says.
To the library.
Books and summertime
go together.”
― Lisa Schroeder, I Heart You, You Haunt Me


  1. awww kim, i saw the hydrangea and wondered "did kim think of me"...then i read what you wrote and i knew i was the debbie, i knew i had to be!!!

    you know the thing about summers, we don't have that many left. i always think about that. if i live to be 75, i only have 17 summers left, that's not a lot. 17 thanksgivings, 17 christmases, it's something to pause and give thought to!!!

    your new rug is going to be awesome!!!

    ps...did he want a "real" helicopter???

  2. Your Hobbs is so cute! My oldest granddaughter LOVES Calvin and Hobbs. Maybe I will make her one- ah who am I kidding. Well I like the idea that I MIGHT. Did you have a pattern? Oh I am sorry you don't have lightening bugs- they are one of my most favorite things. I love them for their selves but also love thinking about a God who would make lightening bugs!!! So amazing- and wonderful!

  3. It's hot and it sucks, but it's hot every summer everywhere you go. We don't have ticks!! I'm am so thankful for that. In cold climates people sit indoors all winter--in the southwest, we sit indoors all summer. Nature will kill you either way. :-)

  4. awww. sweet bloom for debbie. hobbs is really cute. enjoy the summer time.

  5. Hobbs is one cute little fellow. Will be looking for your next production!

  6. Yes, sad to say, now the days will start getting shorter - already!! But it won't happen too fast, and we will have lots of lovely summer evenings to enjoy.

    I like the way it stays warm in the evenings where you are, so you can stay outdoors and enjoy them. We don't get too many days like that in my town, but at least I can have the windows open all night in the summer, which I love.

  7. Hobbs is adorable! I am always amazed at how much work little fiddle things like that can be. We are 106 today!! Plenary hot for me. We are supposed to cool back down tomorrow already and I hope they are right. I LOVE the sound of the crickets. I honestly thought I was alone on that. But there is just something sooo summery about it. I love it. Have a good week and enjoy these long summer days!

  8. P.S. Holly desires a Hobbes of her own. :-D

  9. Lighting Bugs! I live in the South and we have lighting bugs, oh how I love them. Well this year for the first time in my life I got to see the synchronized fireflies in the Smoky Mountains. I was in awe , it was absolutly amazing. No light pollution so there were literally millions. The males are up in the trees and the females are low to the ground. The female flashes and the male answers for a few minutes and then it goes totally black and then they all start again.

  10. I love summer nights too. Happy Birthday to your grandson! Sweet summertime.

    Your Hobbs is so cute and so is the watermelon rug you are about to hook. Enjoy these summer days and nights.

  11. Happy Summer days and a happy 7th birthday to your grandson! Great job finishing Hobbs who is adorable and hope you find the to relax and hook!

  12. Hobbs is very cute, and you amaze me with your creativity. I have zero at the moment. I am planning on painting my office soon...does that count? LOL! Happy summer, and I hope fall comes quickly...I am no fan of the heat.

  13. Hi Kim! Hobbs is super cute! Fun!
    I read this post earlier and I thought I commented but my brain is fuzzy from being Granny for six days straight! Ha!
    The girls go home tonight and I think we'll crash.
    Sending heaps of love your way!

  14. Hobbs is wonderful! Worth every bit of all that work. Your grandson is seven and my great grandson is too, will be eight next month. We love the library and the quote was so sweet and true.


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