
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

A Grateful Heart

I didn't wake up this morning with a grateful heart. I just wanted you to know that right from the start.
I woke up sore, tired and sort of grumpy. You see, yesterday I decided it was time for spring cleaning. So I cleaned upstairs and down stairs. Even the stairs. I mopped and straightened. I was busy yesterday from sun up to sun down. I even managed to cook dinner.

Today though, is a different story. Then I read this. "It seems to me that my "cross" is each particular occasion when I am given the chance to "die"---that is, to offer up my own will whenever it crosses Christ's"
From A Lamp For My Feet, p. 118

 I was outside this morning,  reading of course. I was watching my hens wander around the yard, enjoying the freedom they have by not being in the chicken coop. I watched the cat sleep in the rocker next to me as she would every so often set the chair to rocking slowly. I came in the door to put my things away and the golden morning light was making a warm glow to all of the rooms. I looked around at my clean and straightened house. The quiet pressing in as I listened for sounds that someone was up. Then I was filled with a grateful heart.

I thought to myself, having a grateful heart is more about choosing instead of being. I can be grumpy. I don't have to stay grumpy. I can enjoy my work and look forward to the wonderful day filled with all kinds of good things. I have this beautiful, and lovely spring day ahead of me.

I realized I have the whole day today to make it a great day.

Happy Tuesday!!


“Happiness of heart can never be measured out and bundled up, it's intangible. We keep running after it, grasping for it, and the heat of our running so seldom brings it closer. But now and then there may be a moment. We look at something and know it is good and beautiful. Those moments are happiness.”
― Gladys Taber, Harvest at Stillmeadow


  1. Aw. It's so nice to feel free to be honest with the Lord. Grumpy feelings, lazy feelings, "doing" feelings, and then we rest in rest. His rest. I hope your day is gently comforting. Praying for you and for Ron. Abundant life. His promise.

  2. My house was all clean this morning, too. I feel like all I do these days is work my tail off, and it's hard sometimes to not be grumpy. All I have to do is think of where I was a few years ago, and I'm so, so thankful.

  3. Love this post, Kim! Yes, we make a choice between being "grumpy" or happy. This is such a good reminder! xo Nellie

  4. Oh goodness you couldn't be more correct. We do make those choices don't we? In whatever situation we find ourselves in, be it in want or in plenty, we SHOULD be content. I really needed that this morning! Have a wonderful, HAPPY day!

  5. are such an inspiration to me. Yes, choosing rather than being. xo

  6. May your message be contagious.

    Have a blessed day.

  7. I love this and it is so true. We all have within us the gumption to have a good or bad usually takes effort, but so worth it.

  8. I think your choice of spring cleaning was a very big, selfless choice. What a great feeling to have that done.

    I'm glad you chose happy over grumpy. So much easier to live that way. And more fun!

  9. Sweet post, Kim. Thanks for the reminder to live intentionally, and to be anxiously engaged, and to choose happiness :)

    I've always loved that quote by Gladys. Simple and profound.

    Enjoy your weekend, and know that you guys are in my thoughts and prayers.


  10. you are such a kind soul kim!!! when i feel overwhelmed with cleaning, i always say, "how lucky i am to have a house to clean"!!! and i feel better!!!

    we are lucky kim, and i know you know it!!!!

  11. The only control we have at times is our attitude and the good Lord is my compass. I strive constantly to be positive. Hugs cheri


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