
Monday, December 14, 2015

On Fast Forward!!

Here is sit on Monday morning, trying to figure out which direction to go.  I decided to sit and write a blog.
I would love to tell you that I have sat and had lots of quiet time, reflecting the joy of the season. It is just not the case. I am feeling a whole lot more like the Scrooge and Grinch. Not at all like I want to be. I just seem to be doing everything by the seat of my pants.

 We are having just lovely, cold weather. Rain and snow in the mountains. I am just loving this winter weather finally. The trees are about two weeks ahead of schedule. The weatherman said we are supposed to get wind today, so I think our trees will finally get a long rest. Not a lot of hooking going on. I did dye wool last week, but here it sits just like I left it.

I read this today. It makes me think that I need to focus my mind on being grateful and stopping and listening. Instead of running to and fro.

"First, behold how very ordinary and common things are to us that transpire on earth, and yet how high they are regarded in heaven. On earth it occurs in this wise: Here is a poor young woman, Mary of Nazareth, not highly esteemed, but of the humblest citizens of the village. No one is conscious of the great wonder she bears, she is silent, keeps her own counsel, and regards herself as the lowliest in the town. She starts out with her husband Joseph; very likely they had no servant, and he had to do the work of master and servant, and she that of mistress and maid. They were therefore obliged to leave their home unoccupied, or commend it to the care of others."

---Martin Luther

When I was a little girl. We moved out here in November. It was cold and I would pretend, that this old barn where we kept the cows with calves, was where they laid baby Jesus in the manager. I took one of my dolls and filled the manger with straw. My grandparents, let me leave it that way until after Christmas. I went out every day to check on the baby in the manger. For some reason. the cows left the straw alone that was under the doll. I would go out and sit on top of a metal cow stand and now I know it was Venus, but for me I thought it was the star that led the wise men to the baby. I would sing every Christmas carol I knew. Which was maybe three, Silent Night, Away in a Manger and We Three Kings. We three kings was something like " We three kings of Orient Are..." Then lots of humming. Lots of joyful noise.

Christmas was different then. Not so much about gifts and all of the stuff I get caught up with. It was more about having a nice meal with all of my aunts and uncles and cousins and lots of laughter. It was about watching my beautiful Mother laugh. Even now when I dream of her, it is her laughter I hear. So today, if I could leave you with one wish, I wish you all a day of laughter. The kind that lights your eyes, and gives you joy.
~Blessings with my whole heart, to you~
Have a lovely day,

" When the angels left them and went back to heaven, the shepherds said to each other, "Let's go to Bethlehem. Let's see this thing that has happened which the Lord had told us about." So the shepherds went quickly and found Mary and Joseph and the baby, who was lying in a feeding box. "  (Luke 2:15-16)


  1. It's easy to get all Grinchy. I always find Eden's Bridge's cynical Christmas Is With Us Again sort of cathartic.

    It's rainy and cold here today. I'm going to get on Pinterest with the kids and pick out a cookie recipe. :-)

  2. May laughter abound in your life as well. Merry Christmas!

  3. Yes, peace and quiet. I like that. I want that, too.
    I like the image of little you sitting in the barn and humming the rest of We Three Kings! So dear!
    The Holy Spirit was with us when we were awe filled little girls. He covered and covers still.
    Happy Monday, dear Kim!

  4. i imagine you like fern from charlotte's web. :)

  5. So well said, Kim! I can just imagine you in the barn with your doll singing your heart out with joy! A lovely Christmas memory!

  6. Just think how precious your childlike faith was to your grandparents. I wonder if they by chance hid and listened to you singing. If so, they treasured it in their hearts. What a lovely memory for you to share with us.

  7. Yes, Christmas was different then...sigh.
    Merry Christmas :)

  8. I hold tight to my childhood Christmas memories...a school Christmas play... the role of Mary in the Sunday school pageant...Santa handing out candy canes...The feeling of peace, love and joy that filled our hearts... The world is a different place today...I loved your Christmas memory, I can visualize you sitting in the barn softly singing Christmas carols...Thank you for sharing this most special Christmas memory...

  9. I agree that Christmas was so different then when we were young. I was filled with awe and wonder and prayed my little heart out. I was so filled with innocent faith. Baby Jesus was so real to me and I still remember my little prayer I repeated over and over trying to be holy.

    I remember family and friends visiting and my mom would bake and bake for days so we had treats for the Holidays. I remember the stories and the laughter. It was the best of time.

    It's so nice that you sat down and wrote these sweet memories of your mom laughing and eating with your family and relatives.

    Wishing you peace and contentment.

  10. What a wonderful memory you have of your mother! There are days when I wish for extra hours.:) It truly helps for me to remember the reason we have this season! xo Nellie

  11. Thank you for sharing such good memories. Far from Scrougish behavior!

  12. Lovely post.
    Tkids had their Christmas play yesterday at church, the theme being, "hHy, look at Me!".
    Something along the lines of who is real star here, anyway? I so often think simple gratitude is or should be, finally after a few missteps and one kid doing a dance in the middle of Away in a Manger, yes one boy was off behind the organ showing off dancing , but the real dancer is grand baby to one of our ladies, he bounced, and gurgled all the way through the play. He's almost 10 months, and he has the right attitude, just grin, bounce, sing, and be happy. I think that is the truth right there, the joy and love of a child, doing what he does best.

  13. What a delightful post, for me to read this morning, I love reading about your childhood memories, Kim, this one brought me right back to mine, so similar to how you described yours, Yes! it used to be all about family spending time together!!
    This year has been a little more quiet for us due to my eye surgery, I didn't decorate as much! I have had a lot of time to contemplate and meditate, read, listen to Christmas carols on the real meaning of the season! I must say it has been wonderful! It seems you are too! At first I had to deal with feeling guilty, as I was thinking, " I must do this or the other", but Dh reminded me of what was important and that was getting well! I finally gave in and relaxed.It has been wonderful!~smile~
    Enjoy your season of quiet, too!
    Love from me to you,

  14. Congratulations to William and Mackenzie!! What wonderful news. I am working my way out of the doldrums after being ill and then breaking my's been a horrible last couple of weeks. I wish sunshine and happy smiles to you, my blogging friend..have a wonderful day!

  15. Laughter is the best medicine! What a wonderful memory you have of your Mother!

  16. Lovely post, Kim.

    Wishing you and yours a Christmas filled with peace, and joy.


  17. I always called them belly laughs, I do adore a good one. I am in a bit of a trance, not thinking one bit about Christmas....

    Maybe tomorrow, maybe it will kick in tomorrow!!


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