
Thursday, October 29, 2015

Almost Halloween

I haven't done a post in almost a week. My goodness. I can say that my chicken coop is clean, my flowerbeds are ready for winter. My house is clean and I feel like winter can come in at any time. I have tried to stay caught up with your blogs, I would work myself silly, and come in and take a break and see what you all have been doing. You are all so inspiring to me. It made me long for a needle and thread or a hook.

I don't share recipes very often, but I am going to share this one. I went through and cleaned out my old cookbooks. I had so many diet cookbooks and other kinds that I felt were just unhealthy. I got rid of almost a half of a trash can. We have big trash cans. I did keep Susan Branch and my Gooseberry Patch cookbooks.

Cookies in the cookie jar, I cannot take food pictures to save my life.

This recipe comes from "In the kitchen with Family & Friends by Gooseberry Patch."

Molasses Cookies
1 cup butter
1 cup sugar
1 cup molasses
4 T. milk
4 1/2 cups flour
2 t. baking soda

Cream together butter and sugar; add molasses and milk. Combine flour and baking soda; add slowly to the molasses mixture. Roll the dough into 2 logs, about the size of a paper towel tube. Slice the dough into 1/4th slices. Arrange on a greased cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes. ( I chilled the dough for easier handling about 5 minutes.) A perfect cookie.

Pattern from Notforgotten Farms
I finished Old Tom. Nice little pattern. It was fun to do and it came together quickly. I am still working on my Give Ye Thanks. I feel like I hook and hook and I just don't get anywhere. It is nice to have little projects to make me feel like I am accomplishing something.

That is it. I hope to have some super heroes over this Halloween.

My Super heroes.
 This was last year. They will be bigger this year. I don't know who they will be this year.  It is always fun.
Have a great Halloween too. Since I have been so lax in updating.
 Thank you so much for stopping by,

 “‘Dear God,’ she prayed, ‘let me be something every minute of every hour of my life.’”
—Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn


  1. Thanks for sharing!
    I have being away for a while, but im
    back, blessings bloggy friend.

  2. I missed you & your encouraging posts but figured things were busy in your patch & you have been! But I'm glad all is well!
    Have a lovely weekend!

  3. Awe... your Grands are "SUPER" cute, super heroes :)

    "Old Tom" turned out great!! You will finish the "Give Ye Thanks" rug in no time, as well.

    Thanks for sharing the cookie recipe! I love molasses cookies, and I'll give these a try .

    Doesn't it feel so good to have a clean and organized house and have everything squared away for the winter?! I love that too!


  4. We could all use some super heroes on our side!

  5. I wish my house was clean and in order but it's not...
    Those cookies sound easy and tasty with a nice cup of tea.

    Oh my gosh, that little bat is just adorable. It's so small I almost missed it. lol. A serious bunch of Super Heros....You are lucky to have the little grandkids coming for a Halloween Treat or Treat visit. We don't get any trick or treaters anymore in out elderly neighbourhood any more.

    Your old Tom turned very nice.

    Happy Halloween.

  6. I feel the same way about quilting sometimes ... I quilt and quilt and feel like I don't get anywhere. I know I do, but it sure doesn't feel like it sometimes. ;-) I love the Gooseberry Patch cookbooks. My hubby is picking up candy for our trick or treaters ... I asked him to be sure to buy candy we don't like. ha!

  7. I wish I could say the same about being ready for winter. My favorites today are: Old Tom, The Super Heroes, and the cookie recipe!!!

  8. Aw! Those ARE cute super heroes!
    I'm excited about tomorrow!

  9. Your cookie recipe sounds like a good one. I love a molasses cookie. You've reminded me that I need to go to the store and get some candy for the trick-or-treaters!

  10. those little superheroes are (were) adorable!

  11. Just love those four very cute...I have been trying to locate an old fashioned molasses cookie like my grandmother would make...thanks for sharing this recipe...I'll give it a try...I just finished cleaning the coop, one garden left to put to bed...thinking of you...Happy Halloween!!!

  12. I love "Old Tom"! He's beautiful!
    I'm a fan of molasses cookies too -- yummy!
    Have fun with those lil super-heroes!!

  13. Those cookies sound good! I don't know if anybody around here would go for them, though. They just don't do semi-sweet. I love your turkey rug!

  14. I love your Superheroes! My grandson is a Ninja this year.
    Old Tom looks terrific! That was a fun rug to hook.
    Happy Halloween :)

  15. For everything to be clean and ready for that's an accomplishment.....Your grands are so cute and the cookies sound delicious....

  16. I just love your superheroes ... thank you for sharing.

    Have a good first week in November

    All the best Jan

  17. it's so funny kim, as you inspire me. you hook so quickly and my knitting goes slowly, sometimes i compare. you cook, you bake, you were just washing rockin' it kim, no doubt about it!!!

  18. and today, halloween is behind us!!!

  19. Wow! Kim you have been so busy, I have too! I would love to say my house is clean for fall but it isn't, though I have been so busy! I have a new job, caring for another Alzheimer patient, sometimes working 30 hours, which doesn't leave much time for other things!
    I am also having cataract surgery, with implant lenses next Tuesday, please remember me in prayer!
    from me,


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