
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Twaddle on Tuesday

Hello there. How are things where you live? I watched the weather report this morning. Cooler days might be around the corner. It will be October by then so of course. Wasn't that Blood Moon spectacular? I have enjoyed all the the photos online. We had a cloud bank so the eclipse was almost gone and the moon straight up before we got to see it.

Feed My Sheep by Me
Here is my latest finish. Feed My Sheep. It is a pillow. A big pillow. I took it to the post office to mail it yesterday. The post office said it would be sixty dollars for postage. I ended up getting a much smaller box and stuffing that pillow in the box. Not happy about that. I got it mailed though. I don't think I will be doing anymore pillows. It was a interesting project. I do pillows for my house all of the time. In fact, I need to do a bunch for the fall even now. Just not to mail.

It was pretty warm in the afternoon yesterday. I let my chickens out in the yard. I was out in the pasture watering everything and I looked up. There was a red tailed hawk, zeroing in on my hens. I couldn't believe it. I am sure if I hadn't been out there he would have had chicken dinner. He circled around and around and since I wasn't going any place he finally gave up and flew to the south, like he was just out for a day of soaring around the skies. All the chickens were put back in the coop. It is almost October and with the fall migration happening, I will have to be more diligent as the red tails and the sharp shinned hawks are looking for winter hunting grounds. We have a million doves, so I know that will make them stick around. You can tell though, they would like chicken to eat as a way of mixing it up.

I am thinking today might be a nice day to dye wool. It is cool enough so that I can open the house this morning. As soon as all the boys go to work. They all get so depressed when I dye wool. Even Ron, they just hate the smell. When Megan comes over and I have been dyeing she likes the smell like I do. I think it is funny that the girls like the vinegar-wool-dye smell and the boys don't. 

Okay, Tuesday Twaddle is over for today. I hope you have a lovely day,


“Perhaps, after all, our best thoughts come when we are alone. It is good to listen, not to voices but to the wind blowing, to the brook running cool over polished stones, to bees drowsy with the weight of pollen. If we attend to the music of the earth, we reach serenity. And then, in some unexplained way, we share it with others.”
― Gladys Taber


  1. Dear Kim, I love visiting you, your pictures and stories. Stretch is awesome. Also your big pillow (just how big was it?).

  2. Good morning, Kim,
    I like to read your chicken stories. This one was a little scary, but had a good ending. I'm glad you're feeling some cooler weather. We are supposed to hit 90 this week, but I think that will be the high for the rest of the year.

  3. Yikes! I must tell Jenny to put the girls away if hawks are flying! I'm glad you saw that hungry guy!
    You should have smelled the vinegar in Jeff's kitchen! STINKY pickle making! I'm sure the dye pots smell better than THAT!
    It's cooler here today so Birdie and Bug and I might walk down to the store or to the park. They are coming over while Kelli has her hair done (Millie Rose is at preschool).
    Your pillow turned out SO WELL! I can just see you punching it down into the box. Why is shipping so expensive! That's crazy!
    Sending lots of love your way, sweet friend!

  4. Goodness that big pillow does look quite big!
    Can I just say I love your header, the colours are just wonderful.
    Hope your Tuesday is going well.

    All the best Jan

  5. Well I sure hope your right about the cooler weather coming our way....I am soo ready for it. Love your chicken rug but goodness sixty bucks to mail seems pretty high. We had some clouds too so we didn't get very good pics of the red moon but I have seen some spectacular ones. I love a vinegar smell. Reminds me of mom and cleaning windows, lol. Hope you have a good week!

  6. All seems to be as it should be. The pillow is wonderful

    Have a blessed evening.

  7. Here's hoping the weather breaks! We're supposed to have record heat on Friday. Summer is hanging on to the bitter end. I took the kids swimming yesterday, and they said that the water was freezing. So changes are coming!

  8. hope you can keep the chickies safe. love the sheep!

  9. My goodness! That is a lot to pay for mailing a pillow! I do love the Feed My Sheep one, though. That is the theme for our Conference UMW for this year and next. I have always thought you are very brave to tackle dyeing your own wool. That is the way to get the colors you want, though. xo Nellie

  10. That's why I don't want to hook pillows for sale. Too hard to ship. Very cute pillow though. Someone is lucky

  11. I've been hearing a hawk screaming around here lately. If he dares to go after my chickens, I'll be so mad!! We didn't get to see the eclipse either. The moon was so big and bright earlier in the evening, but by the time the eclipse began, it had clouded over and we've hardly seen the sun since. It's been really humid here, and is raining now. Looking forward to cooler days and nights soon! I love your beautiful sunflowers! You must be so fast at hooking pillows and rugs! Every time I look, it seems like you've done another one!

  12. Darling pillow! I am happy for you that you were able to finish and get it sent on it's way .
    It will be nice for you to have that checked off the list :)

    Glad your chickens are safe!

    Yay for cooler weather.... you know, if you get cooler weather, then we'll have it a few days after you.

    Hope the rest of your week is lovely.

  13. We missed the moon here in northern Ohio. Cloudy...sigh.
    $60. OUCH!!! The flat rate boxes are a deal if the item will fit...especially if you print the postage online. Every little bit helps.
    Hugs :)

  14. Shipping is really so expensive....especially when an item is a strange size, even if it's fairly light weight. Cute sheepie pillow!

    We've had some hawks flying around the premises lately. I'm watching them diving for cottontail bunnies. We don't mind as we are overrun with rabbits right now. I don't think they're diving for the chickens when there are so many rabbits and mice here.

    It's cooling off here too. The last couple days we only reached 65*. I think tomorrow will be hot, but then more cool temps and maybe some rain! I hope so !

  15. The rug hooked pillow is adorable Kim! Postage is just too costly though.
    Hope that naught kite leaves the chickens alone.
    Enjoy your wool dyeing day!

  16. Your pillow is lovely, Kim !
    Here's a tip - when I ship pillows I use a poly mailer (a white plastic shipping bag).
    That yellow Rose is GORGEOUS !

  17. Hi Kim, the pillow is cute... $60 bucks for postage... wow! Beautiful rose, is it fragrant? BTW, I 'stole' your saying at the bottom, put it on my blog.

  18. It is hot and muggy here and we are expecting another hurricane. The rug is beautiful!!

  19. I see the rug is a pillow, by the time I got to the comment part, I forgot that. It's hell getting old!!

  20. Hawks love a warm I do love Gladys Tabor; she's always been a favorite.

  21. It is a wet and windy day here in Maine...I thought of you as I watched the sunflowers sway in the breeze...I am so glad to read that Kessie is feeling well...a healthy new grand baby will be in your arms soon...Your rugs and pillows are just so lovely, I am so amazed at how much you get accomplished in such a short period of time...This is the time of year when I dust of my Gladys Taber books...her words are so perfect...Thinking of you my friend...Hugs from Maine...

  22. I love your ending quote I am reading a Gladys Taber book right now. 60.00 to mail a pillow the post office is out of control. Lovely sunflowers.

  23. Hi Kim, just a note to see how you are doing, I am still off line most days, so much going on here at the farm.
    We also have problems with hawks, and have to keep our chickens closed most days , and I don't like that.
    We are still planning to build the new fenced area for them soon, just waiting for the weather to change.
    I am so looking forward to cooler weather, which is predicted this weekend, with lots of rain, the hurricane is going to skirt our state, we have 6 t0 9 inches of rain predicted, but most of the time the weather man over predicts, lol, we need rain but not quite that much at once.
    I love all your needle work, and the pillow is adorable, as we raise sheep you just know I would love it~
    Have a great day,
    love from me to you,


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