
Thursday, September 17, 2015

Dyeing For Color

Last Year's Photos
Today is the day!! I have lots of new wool. Lots of new colors. I bought a gallon and a half of white vinegar so I won't run out like last time.  I will wait until the Ron and the boys are all gone. The really don't like the smell. I think it is heavenly and fun. They just don't see it the way I do.

Heavens To Betsy Wool
Isn't this a luscious stack of wool! All washed and dried and ready for all kinds of uses. I just love getting new wool. Getting my things assembled for a great day. One spent in the kitchen dyeing all sorts of wonderful colors.

My Dye Book for Today

Dye packages for all of the wonderful colors
My favorite items assembled for a fun day.

Wool soaking in the sink.
I was walking back and fourth this morning getting every thing ready.Yesterday, I worked on this rug a little bit. I have it sitting in the living room on my free standing frame. As I walked, my eyes kept falling on the word Thanks. I just have to tell you what God did. As I was sitting yesterday, thinking about my life. I have to tell you that September 16, 1969 was the darkest day of my life. Ever. I have passed through many days but by far, that one was the darkest of my life. The day that defines who I am today.

Then As God is so good, yesterday On September 16, 2015 God turned it around so now I will remember it as a wonderful, and great day. Our son Peter, is twenty years old. He is the youngest of the clan. He has gone on a couple of job interviews. His first interview at this place, they had him meet every person in this company. So everyone interviewed him. Then on Tuesday morning they called him back for another job interview. They told him they would let him know. They called him yesterday. He was hired.

 They hired him not for what he knew, but for who he was. For him. As a Mom, I am over the moon. So I am giving thanks in so many areas. You know, it makes all of these hard things that have been going on behind the scenes here, worth it all. I am humbled and rather in awe. You have no idea how many times I wondered when homeschooling, if I had damaged my kids and would they ever be able to excel in life. I got my last report card yesterday. Yes. They can excel. They can succeed. So enough of my bragging. What I liked best of all, was when he got home, he very sweetly said, " God deserves all of the glory, because it is Him who opened the door. I just had to walk through it ." He also added, " All I have ever done is listened to Dad, my life has worked because I listened to him." Which is the second best thing don't you think?

God is so good, in all things.

"Christians are people whose lives don't make any sense---except in terms of another world. We march to a different drummer. We take as our rule of life not the popular quotation of the day but the ancient and eternal Word of God." ( Elisabeth Elliot)


  1. This is a fabulous story, Kim, and it makes all the anxiety you had as a parent worth it. It is so hard at the time to know if you are making the right decisions while raising our children.
    Congrats to your son!

  2. Oh, you do have so much to be thankful for. Sometimes we just need a reminder to remember that.

  3. You should be very proud. That is awesome and may your son always honor the Wisdom of God and his parents.

  4. How GREAT! What good news and I can see why you are so thrilled!
    Look at you go with the dye pot and tools! It all seems kind of complicated to me!
    Have FUN!

  5. really sweet. congratulations to him!

  6. Wonderful news and such an uplifting God glorifying post, Kim! Rejoicing with you as you stir that pot of dye and see the wool change!

  7. Love this post my friend! I can so relate to your son's job situation; my sil-father of 5 ages 10-3 lost his job at the beginning of the month. He has been working diligently to send out resurmes and find another job. He interviewed today and we are praying the Lord's provision for him in his career. Love your colors of wool and of course of trees.
    Hugs, Noreen

  8. Such wonderful news about Peter! I would have dye all over the place if I tried to dye wool - or anything! You are a very talented person! xo Nellie

  9. Congratulations to your son. The first job is a huge milestone. I have to ask, what do you use to dye your wool? Some use slow cookers, big jars etc.

  10. You have every reason to be a proud mother. Congratulations to your son Peter on his new job. I hope that he'll be happy working at his new job.

    You're all prepared for a lot of dying. Love the wool and that Cushing primitive dye recipes book.


  11. Big time congratulations to Peter and how wonderful that he gave the glory to God. Sounds like you raised an awesome son....
    By the way, love all that wool. I can't wait to see the beautiful rugs you're going to hook....I got your note and that's great....

  12. What an interesting way to interview! What's he going to do?

    I'm glad God gave you a happy milestone to put beside the sad one.

  13. It's a wonderful life Kim!!!! The new rug is perfect for this time of year and with thanksgiving coming up!!!!!!

  14. What a wise son, to listen to his father and admit that it is the smart thing to do.


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