
Monday, August 17, 2015

Ten Things I Love About Today.

Since it is Monday I thought I would just start today by writing about ten things I love about today.

1. Air conditioning---it is supposed to hit 107 today.

2. The love of a good man who loves and believes in me.

3. It is August---Fall is just around the corner. Then lovely pumpkins will be all around.

4. Having a wonderful place to live, lovely people to share it with, and hopes and dreams still left to fill a ocean.

5. Chickens---life is always better when there are chickens to watch. I love that they all come close
to me when I am outside, because they think I am such an interesting person. That when I let them out
they stay in the yard, by what ever room in the house I am. ( How do they know?)

6. Fall...Did I say that already?

7. Lots and lots of grand children, with another on the way. God is so good!

8. Today what I love about today is that I have a life that even when hard times come and go,
There is always, every single day something to be thankful about.

9. The healing of my eyes and my hands. To be able to see and watch faces, and expressions, and to see the sun rise and the sun set. To see colors, to see to thread a needle. To be able to hook for hours and bind rugs. To be able to read. Things I once thought, would be gone forever. My cup over flows in grateful thanks.

10. Waking up today and finding a note from someone who liked my rugs and called me an artist.
Such a simple thing to say, but made me feel like the richest woman in the world. Me an artist? It makes me just giggle.

I thought today, instead of me groaning about it being Monday, I would be happy and thankful and remind myself, that all around every day there is something to be thankful for and to be happy about.

Happy Monday!!!


“I'd like to add some beauty to life," said Anne dreamily. "I don't exactly want to make people KNOW more... though I know that IS the noblest ambition... but I'd love to make them have a pleasanter time because of me... to have some little joy or happy thought that would never have existed if I hadn't been born.”
― L.M. Montgomery, Anne's House of Dreams


  1. Yep you are a blessed woman and your quiver is full too!! Oh and yay for the air conditioning....I would not be able to handle 107 degrees!!! Yikes!!! Dito on the eyes....truly an amazing procedure!!

  2. Dear Kim, This morning I am thankful for you and your blog-you bring such joy to life! I loved seeing all the photos of your family, your home(oh my, looks like you were having a wedding)and reading about your blessings. So thankful that your eye procedure worked and that you are having good vision. Blessings on your day!
    Hugs, Noreen

  3. I love this post...I agree, you are a blessed woman and you have a lot to be thankful for. A great post today. Counting our blessings is a great exercise. I used to do that and my list was endless. Little things we take for granted.

    For example, just getting out of bed in the morning and being able to breath and walk. Being able to taste a fresh cup of coffee, thankful cows give milk for my cereal and cream for my coffee, for the farmer who care for and milk those cows.... etc, etc. The list can be endless but it it shift our focus from Oh hum, another Monday... hehe.
    Did I say I love your post?

    So thankful to have you s a friend Kim...

  4. Wonderful uplifting post, Kim!
    You ARE an artist and deserve the credit!
    So blessed with wonderful family! That is wealthy!

  5. LOVED everything about this post and I might add that you share everything about this with us on your of my favorite places to visit for sure! And what are you ARE an artist, and a really good one at that! Enjoy your week!

  6. what an awesome, happy post!! i remember the wedding and these beautiful family photo's!!!

    you are a lucky girl!!!!

  7. Aw! The photo of you and the gkids is adorable! You have a sweet and thankful heart. YOU are good, good, good.

  8. Loved your post.

    I thought you knew you were an artist?

  9. Lovely to "see" you. Blessings!

  10. Little guy climbing the tree--good life to live and remember.

  11. I LOVE your grateful list !
    #4 - hopes and dreams to fill an ocean ;)

  12. You have another grand on the way? Did you already share that and I just forgot? Even so - congratulations! What a wonderful, wonderful list of things to be thankful for.

  13. What a beautiful family you have, Kim! I was trying to figure out who is who in the picture, and I think I kind of figured it out. :) I agree, there is always something to be thankful for. I'm so glad your eyesight has recovered. That would be the absolute worst to lose, in my opinion. Thanks for the encouraging post!

  14. Love this post and all the pictures. You certainly are blessed. We are having California-ish weather today. Hottest day so far. I'm whining Lol

  15. I'm so glad I went to my blog this morning and saw this. You are so positive Kim. I thought the photo of your grandchildren was especially endearing. All those wonderful little faces and big smiles. Have a wonderful day.Oh, and stay cool if you can!

  16. All wonderful things to be grateful for.
    It's good for us to have an attitude of gratitude.
    Love the pictures that you shared with us; your sweet family, sunflowers, pumpkins, etc...
    I am really looking forward to Fall too!

    Enjoy the rest of this week.



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