
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Summer Days

I keep reading all of these El Nino reports. How it might be a big El Nino as big as 1997-1998. I hope so, but I think as dry as it is it might take 10 El Nino's to make it wet and green.

Ron had a commission tree he has been working on. The tree is in a Botanical Garden in Washington State. It is one of the most photographed trees. In fact, once you see it you will start noticing it on ads and lots of pictures of it on Pinterest.

The man who wanted the tree, asked Ron to do something different. He wanted the tree and the limbs painted. Both Ron and I thought that it was just terrible and I know for me the thought just made me sick. This is one of his bigger trees and it took him lots longer than normal. Sunday night he painted the trunk and the branches. I just have to show you, how wrong we were.

This is called the Portland Maple.
It is stunningly beautiful in person. Photos can't capture the movement you can see when you look at it.

I will go mail it this morning to the man who bought it. Who knew something as simple as painting it would change it so much. This has been a test for Ron, he started it the Friday night, before he got bit by the spider on Saturday. It seems like at every turn there was a road block of some kind. Now that is all packed up, I will really breathe a sigh of relief when it gets to its new owner. Who is leaving the country on Sunday.

Have a lovely summer day.

“Ask me about my childhood, and I will tell you to walk to the edge of the woods with a choir of crickets chirping from every direction, a hot, humid breeze brushing through your hair, your feet, bare and callused. Stand there, unmoving, and watch the dance of ten thousand fireflies blinking on and off in the darkness. Inhale the scent of cured tobacco, freshly plowed southern soil, burning leaves, and honeysuckle. Swallow the taste of blackberries, picked straight from the bushes, and lick your teeth, the after-taste still sweet in your mouth. Now, stretch out on the ground and relax all your muscles. Watch nature's festival of flickering lights.”
---Brenda Sutton Jones


  1. Oh, that is a BEAUTIFUL quote, Kim! I love it.
    I'm so happy for Ron that he produced such a lovely tree and sold it. I wish it safe travels.
    We have had rain and clouds for the last two days. It's a nice break and it has kept our house guests inside to rest. They were tired!
    Take care today, dear one.

  2. Happy Tuesday, Kim! The tree is beautiful, and I hope it arrives in good condition at its destination! xo Nellie

  3. Congrats to Ron for selling another one of his awesome bonsai trees!!

    Oh, it does look dry there. I think so much of the west is dry, dry, dry! I too hope for rain, and enough rain to get a good deep soak on the ground.

    Your quote is a nice one... captures the essence of summer time :)


  4. The tree looks so good painted! I hope Dad experiments with paint more after this. It's so weird for you guys to be so dry, and it just casually storms and rains out here. Climate is weird, man.

  5. Hi Kim, what a beautiful tree Ron created. He must be so proud and glad that he got it done. What a nice profitable hobby he has for when he retires.

    It must be so sad seeing everything turn brown. I feel bad that we get so much rain but there's not much I can do to share our excess.


  6. the bonsai tree is GORGEOUS, just GORGEOUS!!! that man knew something, he must have seen one painted like that!!

    i am going to google el nino, i want to read exactly what it means!!!

  7. WOW! Who knew, hey? That is gorgeous! xo

  8. The Bonsai--amazing! What a surprise.

  9. Ron does amazing work ! The tree is gorgeous. Maybe now he will paint others ?
    I love the beautiful descriptive quote at the end of your post. You can "feel" summer as you read each line.

  10. Wow, oh wow! That bonsai is fabulous. If it's even more stunning in real life, I am in total awe of Ron's amazing work. I admit that I'm always confused by El Nino and La Nina ... El Nino means rain? Praying that it does! ;-)

  11. I'm so happy your husband's artistry is getting broader recognition. Thank you for sharing about it, and the photos!

  12. Absolutely amazing. I would have been horrified to ever try painting it but it's amazing!!


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