
Friday, July 10, 2015

A Windmill For Me

I have to tell you a story.  A very nice story I think. When I was a little girl. The people that lived at the end of the street, brought home a windmill. Donna the lady that lived there had hauled it home to put in her pasture. Her husband Wayne at the time was working for Shell Oil Company in Alaska.

My Mom would say to my Dad, Donna has a windmill, I would like to have a windmill. Dad would laugh and say, " Sue you don't need a windmill." The world went on spinning and I grew up got married and moved away, but always when I would come to visit, I would always look to see if Donna's windmill was still there. It always was, it never got put up but sat on the ground chained to a pole.

Wayne is home from Alaska right now to take care of some business.  He has been over a few times and I got up the nerve to ask, " Wayne what are you going to do with Donna's windmill? He looked a bit startled and asked " Why was I asking, did I want it?"  I told him, I have wanted that windmill since they first brought it home in 1964. I was six. He told me that he had a man interested in it but he would talk to him and ask the guy.
In the mean time I looked around the internet to see how much they were going for and I found out that they have got quite rare and they are expensive. I pretty much figured that that guy would take it and that was it.

Wayne came over last night for a visit and we were just chatting, when out of the blue he said, " Kim you still want that windmill. "I said well yes I did" and he said, " will you promise me one thing? I said of course"
He said, will you promise to put it up? " Then he asked" where are you going to put it?" First I said the front yard but then I thought, since it is so big, it is 12 feet in diameter. I will put it in the back. It is the old fashioned kind so it will need a wooden derrick so Ron is going to have to build one. So Wayne told me it was mine. It has been sitting in the same spot for 50 years.  All of my life I have wanted Donna's windmill. Donna is gone now and she waited all of her life, so for her I am going to have it in the middle of My Field of Dreams.
To shout to the world that dreams really do come true.

My Windmill

I took this picture of it. In the morning Ron and all of the boys will go take a trailer and bring it home. Then we will start restoring it to its new home after 50 years.

Isn't that the coolest thing ever? I kept waking up all night saying to myself, " I own a windmill, I own a windmill!!!"

I will take pictures as it makes it long way home. To finally be unchained, to be restored and once again to be free to catch the wind.

The really funny thing, was when Wayne was telling me I could have the windmill, my phone was sitting on my desk in the office and I heard the cash register sound from Etsy that I had sold a rug. I had to keep a poker face, but I thought it was ironic that at that moment there would be cha-ching sound. Life is so awesome sometimes isn't it?

I don't think my feet have touched ground yet.

"Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly."
---Langston Hughes


  1. wow, that is flipping awesome!!!

  2. That is so cool!!! I hope it's not broken/rusted too badly. Fifty years is a long time for metal to sit out in the weather. What a cool project! Keep us posted on the stages of construction!

  3. what a wonderful story, it truly shows that things come to those that wait.... how marvellous, cannot wait to see it in your field.. stunning story**

  4. Amazing! So happy for you. Take lots of pictures of progress. Can't wait to see it standing. Gee----dreams really do come true.

  5. VERY fun and very cool! I'm happy for you! I'm also happy for you that you heard the Etsy money sound at just the right moment!

  6. oh Kim...that is the bestest story. Ever! Dreams really do come true. I am so happy for you! And, best that you have this one...rather than one of your own making. woohoo! xo

  7. Wonderful story!!!! I am glad your windmill is coming home.

    I have to share mine.

  8. Amazing! I am so excited for you to have a windmill of your very own! Donna would be happy!
    Keep us posted about the restoration and building progress. Can't wait to see pics. of it up and running!!
    Congrats on selling another fabulous rug, too!


  9. A windmill of that sort! We had an old windmill all but fallen on the ground when we moved to the farm in 1959. Too late to save.
    Your flowers and windmill are magnificent.

  10. That's a great storey Kim. I'm so happy for you. I hope that after 50 years it is still in good shape. Keep us updated on the windmill.
    They are pricy.
    keep on dreaming.

  11. I love it when a dream comes true! God is good ( although his timing is a little slow sometimes lol)

  12. Yay! How awesome to have your own windmill!

  13. What a great story. Very exciting !
    (And, I know all about that sound on your phone letting you know you made a sale !!)
    Have a great weekend, Kim.

  14. Kim
    This is such an amazing story, it makes my heart so happy!
    The Lord is just so good and he doesn't forget, does he?
    I can't wait to see Donna's windmill once it's up again.

  15. wonderful story!
    loved it!
    hope to see the photos as you go along!

  16. Great story and so very glad you're getting your windmill. Funny, I've thought about one here...the wind absolutely screams through this valley and I thought it could be used to generate electricity. Well. That never happened but it happening to you is my next best thing -grin-.

  17. That is very sweet!! So, you started out saying that your mom wanted a windmill...I guess you always wanted it right along with her? Enjoy!

  18. God wants to give us the desires of our heart! I can't wait to see it up and turning!

  19. It is so funny that you should end your post with a Langston Hughes quote. He is one of my favorites. I can't wait to see what it looks like up and running. Patience is a virtue and you sure have been patient (50 yrs.) I am thrilled for you.


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