
Thursday, June 25, 2015

A Nice Summer Day

My goodness, I haven't wrote a post in a week. I couldn't believe it. This month is just flying by isn't it?
I think June will go down as one incredible crazy month. On the morning Ron went to work after the black widow bite, my sister was rushed to the hospital for a burst appendix. Then she developed ARDS which is Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. She spent a week in ICU. She was off of the machines finally last night. I am hoping that she will get to be out of ICU today. Maybe hopefully, this weekend she will be able to return home. So it has been quite a month.

I went out this morning and picked this lovely bowl of tomatoes.

 I have been making naan bread every other day. Our favorite snack is fresh tomatoes with feta sprinkled on top. Here is the wonderful site that I got the recipe off from. Mill Hill Meadow. Kerin is such a talented and fun blogger.

I worked on a couple of rugs and the mermaid rug has been tough, but I kind of like it.

My Pattern.

I will be glad to finish it.

I also worked on this little rug. I just needed to do a little red white and blue. This is from one of my favorite designers, Cathy Greschner At Red House Wool Studio

Long May She Wave.
I hope every thing has been nice going on at your house.
I wish you blessing upon blessing today.

" It is nothing short of a transformed vision of reality that is able
to see Christ as more real than the storm,
Love more real than hatred,
meekness more real than pride,
long-suffering more real than annoyance,
holiness more real than sin."
---Discipline: The Glad Surrender, p.62 Elisabeth Elliot


  1. My goodness! You have had quite a time! Prayers being offered for you sister! That's a lovely gathering of tomatoes. Ours just aren't doing very well.:( Off to the Farmer's Market I go.:) xo Nellie

  2. i like the flag design. so sorry about your sister! my goodness, hope she's back home soon!

  3. You have been thru a lot . Your poor sister I pray she recovers quickly. Your rugs look good. Hugs cheri

  4. I can't believe how a stressful month June has been for you and your love ones. I glad Ron is back at work and I'm praying that your sister will make a full recovery. My brother went to the hospital with pain and was checked and sent back home and by the time he got home his appendix bursted and he was very sick and had to have emergency surgery. This was quite a while ago.

    I'm glad that you're harvesting tomatoes already mine are just starting to blossom and some have little tomatoes the size of little marbles.

    I'm anxious to see the mermaid full length and finished. It looks like quite a challenge. Hooking water waves would be daunting to me. Great job on the beehive and flag. Aren't Cathy's designs the darn cutest thing. She so very talented.

    I can't believe that June is almost done. I've been so busy weeding and working that I barely am aware where the time goes and I've been so bad at blogging and taking pictures of the grandkids.

    Have a great weekend with extra blessings.

  5. Hi Kim, glad your sister is better. Your rugs are coming along nicely- I wish I had the patience. Hey, I ordered Dillow's book and it arrived yesterday. It was exactly what I needed right now-for know? Have a blessed day!

  6. Your tomatoes are lovely. I can imagine putting some naan under the tomato and feta. I see some of my Sunsugar tomatoes are nearly ready - they will be the first ones.

  7. You really have had quiet a month! Hopefully everything will settle down, and next month will be peaceful, and more of a "lazy" summer, kind-of month :)
    Thanks for the sweet compliments, and the link... that is very kind of you. As I told you, I am glad that we aren't alone in our naan baking craze :)

    Love the rugs!! The mermaid is beautiful and you've captured the feeling and motion of water so well!!

    I just LOVE your bowl of tomatoes!! Lucky you!!
    We have just 2 teeny-tiny tomatoes. Hoping that they get a chance to ripen, before the deer munch them away.
    We've been diligent about using our magic deer spray, and so far we've kept them out of the yard... yay!!

    Smiles :)

  8. Good news at last! I'm glad she's doing better. My husband's boss gave him hot peppers from her garden, and I made salsa out of them. Best flavor, but SO HOT. I probably should have seeded the jalapeños.

  9. Sending warm wishes for your sister, I hope she continues to improve!! Love the rugs and your tomatoes are gorgeous. I have lots coming but so far, we are still green!!

  10. And of course I forgot, the sunflower is a stunner!!

  11. Hope you SIL makes a quick recovery and so glad to hear Ron is feeling well enough to work again!
    Your Mermaid rug does look hard, but you're an expert at hooking by now so I'm sure it will turn out as pretty as they all do. I just put my tomato plants out last week.

  12. Goodness this HAS been quite the month for you. So glad Ron is back at work and doing well, and will pray your sil continues to make a complete recovery and is able to come home soon. I am totally loving your red, white, and blue rug....soo good! Nothing like fresh tomatoes! Hope your week-end is a good one!

  13. oh my goodness ... what a time you've been having! Praying that your sister will be released and back home *soon*

  14. You certainly have had an unusual month, Kim, I can't tell how many times I have thought and prayed for you and your Dh,I have become very careful when out and about especially reaching in unseen areas, and have also asked my dh to be more careful!
    I got a tick bite earlier this month, my Dr thought I might have gotten Lyme disease, but the blood test showed negative. It still bothers me now and again.
    I hope your sister comes home and continues to mend, I will be praying for her!
    As always I adore your rugs, or any handiwork you do,you truly are gifted!
    Hope your summer weather is better than last year, and that you are getting sufficient rains, we are and have been in high 90's and 100's with high humidity for weeks, our sprinklers run way into the night, just to help them survive. Pollination are become almost nil, as the heat prevents that, I only got enough green beans for a meal yesterday, hopefully e can plant a fall crop!
    My goodness Dear, I didn't mean to write a book on this comment, it seems like forever since we last talked, I am only in the house because he heat ran me in. LOL.
    Have a blessed day.

  15. I sure hope your sister recovers quickly. You have had a difficult June, haven't you?

    I sure wish you could hand a couple of those tomatoes through the screen to me. Gosh, they look good! I like sliced tomatoes on toast, slathered in mayo and topped with salt & pepper. Yum.

  16. Garden fresh tomatoes. Yum! Love naan bread, too.
    Here's hoping your sister recovers quickly.
    Fun rugs.
    Hugs :)

  17. My've had quite the month of June. Bring on July!! I saw that recipe too, and want to try it, although I still haven't had a chance to. Sounds delicious!

  18. wow, what a rough month. I hope this is the end of it and your sister is doing much better. July is just around the corner so hopefully it's a happy month for the field of dreams


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