
Friday, December 26, 2014

Moving On To 2015

Can you see it in the distance? 2015 is peeking in the windows of 2014. I have this urge to take down my old calendars and put up the new ones. I have lists lurking in my mind. Which room will I start with first. Thoughts that I love to think about and plan for, and organize my schedule. Here on my blog it says I am a 10 minute hooker. I am thinking of incorporating that into my Charles Dickens reading. See if I can get them all read this year. On the 23rd I ventured with Ron down to The Bookhounds. Our very close used book store. I thought I was being smart by not taking my purse. Taking only six dollars. I mean how much damage can I do with six dollars in my pocket?

It was a good thing that Ron went with me because he had to get me out of hock. I spent more than six dollars. They had lots of Dickens. They also had East of Eden by John Steinbeck. I had to read so much John Steinbeck in high school I said I would never read another. My brother and my nephew consider it their favorite book. It was there. I will put it on my list of books to read. I think Jane Austin is a good one for this year too. I love lining up my books to read this next year. I will also be reading Pearl S. Buck.

This year I asked my son if he would get me this lovely cleaner that he gave me back when I was cleaning my tile in the house for the wedding.  It is made by a local company and that is what they, Ben and Meg got me for Christmas. 2 1/2 gallons. Ben said that it is the real stuff and you dilute it sixty to one. Ron did the math last night for the bottle I will be using to spay it on tile and grout. One teaspoon. Yep, one tiny teaspoon per spray bottle. I think that 2/12 gallons will last my entire life. I have been playing around with all kinds of cleaners but none work as well as this. 

I wanted to share Ben's latest invention. It is called a Rocket Stove. 

It is little.  See if I can explain it the way he did. 

You open that little door and you put twigs and newspaper in there and light the fire. That 
heat is then pulled up the center and makes a sound like a rocket. Megan said it boils water for her
tea in nine minutes and has enough heat to cook hash browns in an iron skillet. After the water boils.

You set your teapot or your skillet on this right here. It has a really strong draw because of the chimney.

Megan had posted pictures of it so I thought it was big, but it is just this really little compact stove. One of the things that I like about it is you don't have to use butane or anything like that just twigs. I just thought you might like seeing his latest invention. He never ceases to amaze me at the things he can make. 

I have enjoyed reading about your lovely Christmases. We had a lovely day, I never took out my camera except when Ben brought this in the house. Today, though, it just looks normal. Christmas is put away. The house is clean and back to normal. We have lovely winter weather right now. I hope to get some hooking in this weekend. I have missed my hook. 

Have a lovely weekend, thank you so much for stopping by. 

 " I love these little people; and it is not a slight thing when they, who are so fresh from God love us." 
The Old Curiosity Shop---Charles Dickens, published 1841


  1. the little stove would come in handy during power outages!

  2. I'm so glad you like your big jug of cleaner. He felt so funny getting it for you, but kind of giddy at the same time because we love it so much. I'm so glad you have a list of books to read this year. That makes me so happy. I have been putting lots of farming & homesteading books on my to-read list and I'm excited about them. :) I hope you have a nice weekend. It's too cold outside, so I hope you stay in and hook next to a cozy fire.

  3. What a planner you are...lining up the books you will read in 2015. A great idea, actually. I have quite the mess to clean up...from all the sewing of gifts. It will help to clear my mind, though. And, a neat and tidy environment will be a great way to start the new year. xo

  4. Wow, you are organized.... My tree stays till the Epiphany as we celebrate the birth of Christ till then.

    I'd love to know what's the name of that cleaner is.

    I love the stove. It must be great for camping or to use outdoors when the power goes out.

    Enjoy your day.

  5. You sound really ready for the coming year! Very neat stove! xo Nellie

  6. My but you are planning well in advance! I'm not that organised but you have made me want to plan a book reading list!
    God bless!

  7. Here in Ohio it feels like spring. I LOVE it!
    What a cool, clever little stove.
    Happy New Year to you and your family.
    Hugs :)

  8. Kim, you must tell -- what is the name of the cleaner? I'm curious.

    The rocket stove looks very cool. Is this one of those stoves that we all should have when The End of the World comes? I think I've seen somethings similar on Emergency Planning/Survivorship websites. Very cool!

    Happy Reading to you in 2015.

  9. Hi Kim,
    Sounds like a fun day at the bookstore, and you sound like you have a great reading list for the new year!
    Glad Ron was able to help you out with your purchases too***smile**.
    Ben built a pretty nice rocket stove... great job!

    Love the picture of your house with the lights twinkling (last post) it looks so festive.

    Gosh.. I am so impressed that you've already gotten Christmas put away.

    Warm wishes...

  10. Hi Kim! The book store sounds like the PERFECT spot for an outing!
    That stove is incredible. You've raised a true inventor!
    Happy Sunday!

  11. You're so organized! That stove is pretty cool! Please do tell what the name of that amazing cleaner is.

  12. cutie, cool stove!! organization rocks, period!!!!


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