
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Writing at Twilight

Most of the time when I sit down to write a post, it is in the morning. Today it is twilight. Writing at twilight is different. I have already worked all day. Maybe another reason I don't write at twilight because normally I am in the kitchen fixing dinner. Today that amazing invention called a Crock Pot is cooking dinner for me. Hence this post about writing in the dark. Really, that is the truth. I should get up and shut the blinds and turn on the light but telling you I am writing by twilight sounds like this post is going somewhere.

Do you see the rooster? He is very pretty, and I know I told you he was going to be someones dinner but I kind of like him now. He is very pretty and he is a giant softie and all of his pretty girls love him. Even the older ladies think he is handsome. My Silkie roosters only like Silkie hens and they are a bit mean to the big girls. Did you know that there is so much drama always going on in the hen house?

Do you want to hear a little secret? Twilight makes me want to have true confessions. Now that I have my Esty store I hook lots. I mean lots and lots. It started out as a something because one of the boys would ask me something I couldn't answer.

I have been listening to Coast to Coast in the afternoon. I know who killed JFK, all about Alien technology, Bigfoots are everywhere. Hitler just died a few years ago. Did you know that people get abducted out of national parks? I knew I had a problem when I could name all of the hosts by name and I also know the name of the guests. I go look up books on Amazon so my recommended reading lists are quite varied. Soon I will go back to books on tape, I am missing Charles Dickens. I just thought you should know.

 I admit to feeling just a bit left out of that polar vortex. Just normal November weather for us. I am glad though, last year we had a polar vortex when our citrus was starting to ripen and we lost most of the crop. I am okay if it holds off for a bit. I am afraid of rickets if I don't get some oranges in my system.though.

. Now you know why writing by twilight is not a normal thing around here. I hope that all of you that are going to have those very cold days and nights for awhile will not be too cold. I am still in the dark about how do you stay warm? It was 70 degrees today and I thought I needed a coat. Thin blood and all of that.

Have a lovely Wednesday.

Live in the present,
Do all the things that need to be done.
Do all the good you can each day,
The future will unfold.
---Peace Pilgrim---


  1. we're going to have our first freeze tonight - earliest in 15 yrs, the weatherman says. :)

    i like your chickens and rooster and your pretty rose!

  2. I've liked in Ohio my entire life and still haven't figured out how to stay warm :) The only time I'm not freezing is when I'm having a hot flash (and some days that is quite often...sigh).
    Hugs :)

  3. Today was a nice day but I hear a nasty rumor it's going to get a lot colder this week. I don't like it

  4. I'm very jealous of the polar vortex too! I didn't need a jacket at all today it was so warm. I kept telling Ben we needed to get that rooster before you got attached.... Oh well, at least you like him now and he's not too mean. But tell us if you get tired of him. ;) I can't believe I get to say this and I'm kind of afraid too in case I jinx myself and ruin the whole thing but.... Ben said YES to CHICKENS!! He says we can probably get some this spring if we get the garden beds moved and the coop made. So I have been dreaming about and pinning chicken coops! :D

  5. I had no idea that there was so much drama among chickens and yes he is a handsome guy…I am having a hard time getting used to these days that are getting dark so early…Changes are harder when you get older hahaha oh and yes I love my crockpot…Good dinner with little effort…

  6. You are so funny - thin blood and all that....Your posts do always go somewhere, and it's not predictable. I love your writing voice!

    I don't know if I have a best time to write my blog. I think it depends on the day. Sometimes the only thing I have energy for is writing a blog post.

    I am so happy about your rooster being a sweet guy! Do you find that sometimes they get meaner as they get older? I probably shouldn't even mention that possibility. I hope your guy stays nice - you probably like watching him hanging out with his girls.

  7. Thankfully we're going to miss the worst of that Polar Vortex, although temps will be down almost 20 degrees over the weekend ... to paraphrase my hubby, a chilly day at the beach is still better than a warm day at home. (Unless that warm day is spent with my grands - ha!). but I hear you about thin blood ... I was out on the beach yesterday in jeans and a tshirt ... 76 isn't warm enough for shorts. ;-)

  8. I'm really hoping that I don't hear of a Polar Vortex all winter long this year! Last winter was TOO cold! I've heard it already though, and I'm in denial. It's to get really cold this weekend here. Hopefully we have things ready...fodder bales and insulation in front of the basement windows. I don't need my washer drain freezing up again. These old houses just aren't insulated very well. :(
    I wish I had oranges in my back yard! That would be wonderful...that fresh fruit in the winter...yum! Sometimes we buy fruit directly from the trees in Florida (from a local person who has a house there) and it is absolutely the best! Much, better than what we usually get here. Jealous!

  9. I could skip winter this year and I think it would suite me just fine.

    Your rooster looks very dignified with his tall red crest.
    He's very handsome, of course the hens are beautiful too.

    I can imagine you are hooking more and more these days.

    I hope that your crops will ripen before it freezes this year.

    I'm rushing off to get calf feed. Have a pleasant day.

  10. gorgeous, gorgeous images today kim!! I adore my crock pot and have been using it a lot these days!!!!

  11. Time of day does affect our thoughts and outlook. Hope all goes well with you on this Wednesday. xo Nellie

  12. I'm glad you have a nice rooster! He must like you. He sure is a big one.

    I think if the cold came to Arizona, the whole state would shut down, ha ha. It is going to get pretty cold up in the mountains. And yes, the crock pot is wonderful! I'm trying to think of something to make out of diced beef. We're tired of tacos and fajitas.

  13. Nice post and nice thoughts! Yes, I am aware of the Hen House Drama, my sis in law has the Silkies (she even shampoos them!) and she also has the lovely Buff Orpintons. We get our fresh farm eggs from her, but the ladies are slowing down with the colder weather. We have those horribly cold temps here! Yikes! I don't want to leave the house and we keep the wood stove burning. Glad you reminded me of the crock pot--I'll get mine out soon, it is nice to throw it all in in the morning and forget about it. I hope your oranges far well--we're big on tomatoes here, but when it got down to 9 degrees, well, that was the end of that! How is that Guinea Hen rug coming along? And what other designs has your daughter come up with? I keep checking back to see what you are working on. Have a great twilight!

  14. Oh, yes... drama in the hen house... always. Each chicken seems to have their own little personality.
    Books on cd's sounds like a great idea... especially with all the rug hooking that you are doing right now.
    Do you get your books on cd at the library?

    We are getting the cold weather here, and to keep warm, I turn on the fireplace... it's so cozy and warm. I'm determined to thoroughly enjoy each and every season now. For years and years I detested winter and driving on icy roads, etc..
    I think I missed a lot of the beauty of winter with that mindset :)
    Seeking the good these days ..... **smile ** , at least trying to.

    Oh, how wonderful crock pots are! I use my electric pressure cooker so many times during the week too. It's nice to have dinner prepared and ready so effortlessly.

    Here's hoping that your citrus ripens and doesn't freeze.

    Smiles :)


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