
Saturday, November 29, 2014

Drawing Patterns for Rugs

I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving. Ours was very nice. The weather was perfect. I wanted to draw out some patterns this whole week and I kept thinking I would get some drawn out and finally today, I thought to myself before I do anything I will draw out patterns. Ron left to go Christmas shopping and to buy chicken feed for me. The house was quiet and still. I got out my backing, my red dot tracer, a brand new sharpie, and the patterns I wanted to draw. I took the lid off my pen when:

Sasha was standing at the front door barking at me. I mean barking very rudely. I told her to go lay down, she wouldn't have it she just kept barking every time I picked up the pen. I sighed and said, " Okay, you win come on we will go outside." I had some chickweed growing in my front flowerbed that I have been meaning to pull and take to the chickens. I pulled lots and lots as Sasha lay happily on the lawn with a smug look on her face.

I walked out to the chicken pen and fed the chickens so I thought while I am out here I will just water them. I walked out into the pasture to turn on the water. I decided that it was such a nice day why not take Sasha (now called spoiled brat in my mind) for a walk. Which we did.

I thought the chickens are watered, dog walked, every thing should be good to go. I came back in the house picked up my sharpie when a cat started clawing at the door to be let in. I couldn't concentrate with that sound of claws on the glass, so I put down the pen walked over let the cat in.

I have another old cat that can't jump up on the dryer to eat anymore so you have to pick her up and put her up there. You have to do that so that Sasha doesn't eat the cat food. She came in just as I picked up the pen, and started meowing very loudly to eat. I put down the pen. I picked up the cat and took her to the dryer. Which reminded me to put the load of laundry into the dryer and put in the washing machine a load of tablecloths.

I walked into the dining room and picked up my pen. I said to myself, " I don't care if the house blows up I am drawing out this pattern." At that moment I hear a crash from my bedroom. I walked fast to my bedroom and my other cat who has lots of issues had got up on the shelf where the computer stuff is so we have internet and had knocked it all down. I picked it up but every thing was all unhooked so I left it until Ron got home.

I walked back to the dining room picked up my pen, and Ron came in the back door. He wanted me to talk to him while he unloaded feed. I walked back to my shed and helped him unload feed. We came back in the house and he had some more things to go buy so he left again. 

I walked back in the dining room and drew out two rugs. Very fast. I put my things away and cleaned the kitchen, folded a load of laundry, cleaned up the living room, made the bed and hemmed my backing.

So after all of that here is my new patterns.

This pattern is from Primitive Spirit. I have wanted to do one of these wonky houses for a long time. It looks fun to me and I thought I would try it.

I also decided to do a design I drew out. I think when the kids were small I must have watched too much Wallace and Gromit. I think all of my things I draw look like the penguin in The Wrong Trousers.

So anyway, that is my day so far. All of you buried in rain and snow I hope you are staying warm. I won't hardly hint much about our weather except that it is sunny, and warm and I have the doors open.
Supposed to be a huge storm coming this way, but you know, I have become such a cynic where weather is concerned.

Have a lovely Saturday,

" It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live, remember that."
---Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. J.K. Rowling, 1997


  1. you made me absolutely laugh! my 4 dogs do the same thing to me - playing the in/out game, the barking, the scratching at the door. ugh! but i love your cute chicken you drew out, finally! yay!

  2. As odd as it sounds, I'm a cynical weather geek ... a weather geek who's cynical about the weather. ha!

    I love those drawings ... I can't wait to see the finished rugs!

  3. Oh you definitely had the pet run around game on but that is typical when you plan to do your own thing!
    I love your patterns and hope you get peace to hook!

  4. I loved your story! sounds like my pets any time I need to just sit and hook Maulie or Morris want out. Hugs cheri

  5. What a day, Kim !!
    So funny. After the second interruption, I think I would have packed it all away ! Funny how life unfolds on some days. ;)

  6. Darling new patterns! I'm looking forward to seeing them finished. Knowing you, you'll have them hooked up in no time at all :)

    It makes me smile, reading all of your distractions. It's funny, we think when our kids get older, we'll have more time ***giggle**.
    Not so, huh?!

    Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving!
    We did too, and while it was colder outside than where you are, it was a sunny and beautiful day.


  7. Good for you and loving the sketches ~ that chicken tickles me !
    Great quote by the way ~ I'm missing the young Mr. Potter .

  8. Reminds me of some of the days here when we had our recent "company." One wonders if the original plan will ever get off the ground.:-) It will be good to see the finished product of the rugs for which you finally were able to draw the patterns. Have a blessed Sunday. xo Nellie

  9. I am looking forward to seeing the finished product...I know both rugs will be lovely...Which design are you hooking first? I am rooting for the chicken rug, you know I have a thing for chickens..I thought of you this afternoon while decorating the Christmas wonderful chicken ornament hangs front and center!!! Hugs from Maine, Julie...

  10. that is such a beautiful, tree lined path!!! your art work for the rugs is fun. I like seeing them before you hook them, then gives me a real sense of what's involved!!!!


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