
Friday, October 17, 2014

Keep It Real

Just thinking today. What is not to love about a Friday? I like weekends very much. I remember though, even sitting on the school bus riding home from school in grade school and thinking that Fridays were like magic. My Mom would go to the grocery store on Friday and for dinner, we could have anything we wanted. She called it Junk Night. We loved it. When I got into Junior high and I took a cooking class and learned to make those little pizzas out of canned biscuits, canned pizza sauce and pepperoni, I got my first taste of cooking and it became my favorite thing in the whole world to cook on Friday nights.

Once I started making cookies, my four brothers thought I was magic. Funny how those things make me smile and remember the good things about Fridays. The other thing about Fridays once I got into high school was football games. I loved going to football games. My son said yesterday, how much he loves going to football games and getting Frito boats and sitting in the bleachers with his hands wrapped around that bag of warm Frito's and chile. I still think it is one of mine too. It is funny how good times are about food.

My grandsons were telling me how much they love Friday nights because they get to eat pizza  in the living room on a blanket and have movie night. I love how their Mom is making celebrations of Friday too.
Here is something I have been thinking about and I have wondered about it for awhile. At sundown if you are Jewish, " It is considered a great mitzvah and responsibility to honor the Sabbath by lighting candles 18 minutes before sunset on Friday evening. This unique commandment, entrusted to the Jewish woman, is rich with meaning and purpose."

Which is the end of the week, when after God finished Creation. He rested. Which is Saturday. So just thinking, do you think we are all hard wired deep inside to somehow love Fridays too. Because it honors that? I think about it all of the time now.

So whatever I still love Fridays and to think like gravity since we can't really understand how it works if maybe loving Fridays is kind of the same thing. You know that age old saying of " What goes around, comes around."  There are laws that are around us, that we have to admit exist.

Things I like to ponder about as I am working on my rugs. I hope you have a lovely


" At my age, beauty is beside the point. Just staying alive is the goal...And nobody could mistake me for a corpse in this outfit. Dead people tend to dress much more conservatively."
---Dancing with Great-Aunt Cornelia, Anne Quirk, 1997


  1. how sweet to make friday nights special with 'junk' and pizza and treats. :) we didn't do that in our home, but i did get to go to friday night football games sometimes. :)

  2. I never really got into football in high school or since, but a few years ago I saw two of my nephews playing football on the same Friday night at my old high school and I was so excited I could hardly contain myself. The sounds and smells and the lights on the field -- it all added up to connect to that experience from the past.

    But I don't have anything in my roots to make Fridays eduringly special, probably because with homeschooling and a husband who worked a lot of weekends, it was possible to lose track of where we were in the week! That makes it even more interesting to read about your memories and traditions.

  3. I love that funny quote!
    I like Fridays, too! They are wide and full of promise! Sometimes we have pizza but we already had it this week!
    The air is crisp and clear today. I feel fall-ish!
    I love it that you think deep thoughts while you hook! Good girl!

  4. That's a really interesting thought, about why people tend to love Fridays so much. Never really hear people getting excited about Saturday night. ;) I'm very excited for this Friday, since the weather is so beautiful!

  5. I still think Fridays are special, and it has been years since I was at school or working...I think that it is hard wired into everyone to look forward to the weekend. I was also a huge fan of biscuit pizza! :)

  6. I do like Fridays. Love those little biscuit pizzas.

    We could be wired that way. Sounds good to me.

  7. We're doing pizza tonight, and the kids have been excited all day. Movie night would be a cool tradition to start, too. :-)

  8. Friday Blessings to you Kim, I've never heard of this tradition before, but it makes perfect sense that we have an pull toward what honors Him. We never had one specific meal for Fridays when hubby and I raised our family, but growing up we always ate fish on Friday nights.
    Now, I love when hubby and I go out for dinner on Fridays(we are going out tonight). When my girls were high school, we had friends that honored Sundays-wouldn't cook, shop or do any work.
    Have a fantastic weekend.

  9. We always tried to do family things together on Fridays. For awhile, I would take one of the girls out to eat - her choice. It gave me a chance for some one-on-one time with each one. Have a good week-end! xo Nellie

  10. When I was married and raising my family, Fridays were special because it meant real time for family things on the weekend. Pizza was always a Friday night thing at our house. Once I started working outside the home, Fridays were special because it meant I had the next two days off. Now that I am retired, Fridays don't carry as much meaning...but I still think they're special. Love your ponderings. xo

  11. I'd never thought about being "hard wired" to think Fridays are special ... maybe that's why, even though I'm retired so every day is a weekend day, I still find myself looking forward to Fridays. Interesting food for thought.

  12. At our house, Friday is the start of the weekend. Yeah !
    It sounds like your "Fritos boats" are our "walking tacos" !

  13. You are always so observant. You are right, Friday has always been so special until I started farming. Every day seems to be almost identical.
    When I was growing up Friday was so special. It meant Friday was fish day to remind us we were Christians.The fish was a sign of christians. Friday was also a "go to town" day take in a movie and have friends over because there were no school the next day so we could stay up later.

    Have a nice Saturday.

  14. I am soooo lucky because every day feels like Friday!! My first pizzas were similar, but I used English muffins, still yummy to this day!!

  15. I like your thoughts about Fridays being special -- the beginning of the weekend and fun. I used to think that way when the kids and I were homeschooling. We loved Fridays and spent that day doing art, nature study, poetry reading, and other fun projects. The books were set aside always for the weekend, even though on a ranch, there is still work to do.


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