
Friday, October 3, 2014

Friday---Sliding in Sideways

Have you had a nice week? Has this week flown by for you as it has for me? How has the first few days in October been for you? The mornings are perfect here. We have a bit of a warm up this weekend. But after days and days of over 100 degree temps, this is very nice.

I was looking through a book today, as I ran across this little bit that I had been reading in February. I was sitting in the doctors office. I was so scared and there were so many people in the waiting room, and I as  look back it is was only God who kept me there.

" And so beside the silent sea I wait the muffled oar:
Nor harm from Him can come to me on ocean or on shore.
I know not where His island life their  fronded palms in air,
I only know I cannot drift beyond His love and care," 

"Father, I trust you, Forgive me for being so foolish as to 
imagine that You have made a mistake. Help me to receive grace to keep a quiet heart, sure that I am in this very moment, held in the Everlasting Arms."

It was all brought back to me while standing in the post office. The last time before my eyes were fixed. I went to the post office. For some reason, the lighting in the place made it so I just couldn't see. I needed to fill out a customs label, and even though I had my glasses with me, I couldn't read anything. It was so busy that day and the people at the counter were rushed and busy and grumpy.

 All I could think,  is this here stands this woman who is trying to read but can't. I started to panic inside. I had already messed up a couple of the labels and I finally had to ask for help. That deep breath and huff from people always hits me like a horse whip.

So this week, going into the post office with my boxes, I could see, I could read labels I took my glasses but I didn't need them.  So simple and yet to me it was almost like a miracle. I had shut my Etsy store down that first time, because being proud like I am, I just couldn't say, I was afraid of the post office. All of my strong self will couldn't make me see.

This week, I can only say, as busy as it was and so many things going on every day. I love being here, seeing how things worked out and how I really thought God had made a mistake, He didn't. He always has a plan. Even though I am not there yet, in some ways, even though I don't understand, I am beginning to see that His wisdom is like a warm blanket that keeps me safe.


" He makes us wait. He keeps us on purpose in the dark. He makes us walk when we want to run, sit still, when we want to walk. For He has things to do in our souls
that we are not interested in."
---Elisabeth Elliot, Secure In The Everlasting Arms---p.45


  1. I'm so thankful for your eyes! Yay for our great Provider!
    Take it easy today! Pamper yourself, please!

  2. Alex: Sometimes I hear roosters crowing, and it reminds me of you. Susie right now is banging on the bird's cage. I like what it says at the end of the comments, about being on the porch.

  3. I'm so glad you can see again! I've thought about that all week, not being able to see at the post office. Today it's very windy here. It must be going to warm up.

  4. our health and senses - we take it for granted, don't we?

  5. Glad you can see again ! I had that years ago when I had a panic attack out of the blue never had one since strange things happen for a reason don't they ? Thanks for sharing . Have a good weekend !

  6. Isn't it wonderful to be able to see clearly now? I'm so very happy for you! xo Nellie

  7. I'm so glad you can see also. I can't read without my glasses to save my life. I'm even glad to have glasses, lol..

    I'm glad your rug sold so fast. It's great that you have your etsy store again. Hugs,

  8. When I got my new prescription sunglasses, it was amazing to see things so crisp and clear. Love them. Glad your eyes are better. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  9. I know what you mean. But I can't blame my eyesight. It's usually because I fly off the handle at those grumpy people instead of trying to be nice and make their day better. And I can't seem to stop being that way. Have you had any rain yet? We've had plenty and there's more coming. I can't complain. Well, I can, but I won't. LOL

  10. Such a great testimony Kim, and so very glad for the huge progress in your eyesight. E.Elliot says it so well, doesn't she? We are never 'out there' stranded and alone... never! I love that, it is everything to know that God KNOWS all about all of it.

  11. What a blessing that you were blind and now you see!! God does have His plans for us, even when we can't see them.

  12. Dear Kim, Thank you for your beautiful wisdom. It is helpful and encouraging to me. These are words that will sit with me.
    I am very happy for you that you are seeing better Blessings dear. Catherine

  13. Kim, you are a courageous woman and I admire you immensely. God, in all His wisdom, put you here for this purpose. xo

  14. Hi Kim,
    I can only imagine the frustration, and the fear that you must have lived with. I am so happy for you that your eyes are better now. Such a blessing for you!!!
    I am so glad that you feel the presence of our Heavenly Father, and know of his love for you.
    I'm happy for you that you are able to have your etsy store again, and that you are able to do the things that you desire to do.

    Thank you for your friendship, and testimony.
    You set such a good example of patience and faith.

    Smiles :)

  15. Glad your eyesight is better on this day and that you feel renewed.
    Your post is so soothing and amazing.

  16. So happy things are going so well! You are always so upbeat ~ it's kind of contagious. Thanks.
    Hugs :)

  17. Kim so well said . sometimes I think the good Lord allows me to go thru so much so I can walk closer to him. I keep telling myself that . Hugs cheri

  18. I am loving October. The air is cooler, the garden is ready for my hands to get dirty….I can't ask for more.

    Happy fall



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