
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Odds and Ends

Yesterday we had bits of Hurricane Norbert coming through. Pretty clouds and a bit of rain. Peter said three drops. I stood and snapped picture after picture until the sun made it up over the mountains. It was nice to have a break from sunshine. ( In September, I am so tired of sunshine.)

When I was in the buying book phase of my life, I used to go to lots of used book sales. Now, I am more of a library person and if a book really blows my mind, then I buy it. I have too many books and I don't want to keep stockpiling them.

One of my used- to- be- favorite- authors was Mary Stewart. She still is but I don't read her like I used to. Another favorite was Helen MacInnes. I always thought she was brave as she was in the Resistance during WW ll. I have always enjoyed her books. I had a book on my shelf  that kept calling out to me every time I passed by, so the other day, I gave in and started reading it. I don't know where I got it but the funnest thing happens when I am reading. Old pictures keep falling out. Someones senior pictures. By his hair I think early 60s I keep shaking the book to see if I missed one and next thing another one falls out.
I stare at the pictures and I imagine I will put them back and someday someone will find this book and wonder who that person was and why are all of the pictures in this book.

I have an old book called A House of a Thousand Candles that has four-leaf clovers stuck in the pages. They have been there a long time. When I read it I turn the pages very slowly as to not disturb the clovers. I think that is what I like about used books, treasures on every page.

Today I noticed Mr. Jim Hawkins is back in town. That crazy hawk was racing up to the porch and all around the yard like he was a race car driver.

I was out in the pasture walking this morning and he would fly to a tree and wait for me to pass then fly to a next tree. He really isn't happy with my new coop. He can't even get close because it is all covered on every side and even the roof. So he sits on the fence and yells. My hens though, just go inside the nice little house they have and he stomps his little feet and flies off. This afternoon my son Elliot was playing the piano and looking out the window as Mr. Jim Hawkins flew straight at the porch and flew off. Elliot  stopped playing and said, " Did you see that crazy hawk?" I said, I am so glad you saw that too, he has been doing that all

I am so glad we don't have bears or wild cats.

Have a wonderful evening,

" Every time a child says, " I don't believe in fairies," There is a fairy somewhere that falls down dead."
---Peter Pan, J.M. Barrie, 1911

( We were watching Once Upon A Time, I clapped my hands three times and said, " I believe in fairies"
Ron looked at me like I had gone around the bend.) :)


  1. yup, you've made mr. hawk very unhappy. :) glad your hens are safe. i like the old things you find in your used books. :)

  2. Extra treat for sure in the second hand books ! Mr Hawk sound very unhappy with you but good your hens are safe . Thanks for sharing , Have a good week !

  3. Funny hawk, he knows he's been outwitted.

    Beautiful sky! May it bring more rain.

    I clap my hands too because I believe!

  4. Hi Kim,
    Mr. Hawkins is very pretty although I know they have one thing on their minds! Glad your hens are protected! No you probably don't want bears or wild cats either. Bears can be really destructive when they get hungry! Wish I could send you some of our rain. It's raining every other day here and some real downpours! They are saying 2 inches tomorrow... thinking about building an ark! LOL!
    Cathy G

  5. Hahahaha I love your little PS at the end. I have been watching Once too. I think I'm up to episode 6 or 7. I think your Mr. Hawk is very pretty, even if he does throw a fit. ;)

  6. I used to go to the library--then I discovered the Kindle. Now I check them out online and send them to my Kindle if I have to read a bunch to research for a book I'm writing. If I can, I buy them, but my budget doesn't always permit. I like the big print on the Kindle--I can set it as big as my poor eyes need it to be!

  7. I love your Mr Hawkins story. He must be getting hungry by now. I'm glad your chickens are safe from this hunter.
    Wow, that a nice shot of the sun going down. Here we have rain every couple of days just like Cathy.

    Take care and keep believing in fairies.


  8. Good Morning...
    My goodness, that first picture is stunning! Hope you sent it in to your local weather/news channel!
    It would be featured on the news, I'm sure :)

    Well, I'm glad that the hens are safe and sound from Mr. Hawkins!
    Maybe he'll become discouraged and leave your farm.

    Love the treasures that you are finding in your old books.
    Esp. the picture..... very intriguing.

    Have a great day!!

  9. That first picture ... I don't have words! That's what I do when we're at the beach ... head out to capture the sun coming up out of the ocean, taking picture after picture after picture. DH thinks I need to do it on a clear day, but I think the best pictures are the ones where there's some clouds. Yours is fabulous!

  10. Ah, Kim! The books around here just keep multiplying.:-) I have to be sure those shelves are packed tightly!:-) Right now, I have three that are in the process of being read. Someone wondered how I keep them straight.:-)

    That is a neat picture of that hawk. Good for you for giving him that impossible challenge!

    I don't think I've heard about Hurricane Norbert. I have heard that California needs rain in the worst way! Wish some would come for you.

    xo Nellie

  11. Hi Kim! We have hawks, too. They eat mice and bunnies, I think. I have some thinking to do about books. I don't want to pile more and more into our house, but some books are just KEEPERS. I know you feel the same way. It's actually chilly here today. I have my book club and I'm hoping it'll be interesting. I'll let you know.
    Take care! Soon you'll be getting some fall weather.

  12. Good morning! Love that first picture, just GORGEOUS! I am soo tired of sun too, lol. Though we did get a little actual rain. It looked wonderful, but it was hot and muggy. Funny story on that hawk! Enjoy your day!

  13. What an amazing shot!! Beautiful! I'm envious of your morning glories...mine didn't grow this year for some reason. :( Miss them!

  14. That storm has affected so many people and road ways! My sister and I had planned a trip to visit my mom that takes us through Vegas. A major roadway leading into Utah is closed due to the flooding from the storm. We are wondering and praying they get the road functional again. Your cloud photo is stunning!
    I can totally relate to finding all of sorts of odds and ends stuck inside your books. I tear pieces of paper and make bookmarks for places I love to go back to (especially in my bible). I really need to purge it out, the bindings aren't too happy with me I am sure! ;)
    Have a beautiful rest of the day!

  15. I hadn't heard of Norbert, either. I did hear about a terrible fire in Yosemite :-( but I'm not even going to take time to go find out what is happening with it.
    Your fiery sun picture is fantastic!

  16. You can almost feel the change in the air, and your picture at the top is awesome!
    As to books... I love them too, and they have a way of 'gathering' into stacks before i know it. My dad used to call his books his friends. So do I When i tilt my Bible, little papers fly everywhere, tidbits of sermons, verses, etc. I need to stop doing that!

    Have a great day Kim!

  17. oh those pesky hawks. i have a love hate relationship with them!!

    the first image is really should print and hang that!!!!

  18. Poor fella- he really does need to learn that you mean business! He doesn't look too happy. I just moved all of my books from one room to another and I didn't realize til then just how many I have. !

  19. Hi Kim, as you well know my chickens and I do not like hawks either, and they seem to be getting more braver each year! it is at the point I cannot let my chickens out for very long and they are not happy campers at all. we have also had to deal with these huge chicken snakes eating the eggs, Dh kept moving them back to the barn but they kept coming back and getting in the nests, so he did the next thing, and sent them to snake heaven.
    Our plans are to build that new chicken house as soon as we find the time, I will be so happy and I know the chickens will too!
    I love books and I bet finding those photos was really a big surprise for you, wouldn't it have been nice to have some money fall out. lol
    I apologize for my absence from blogging this summer, but it has been so busy with lots of new changes, but for now things seem to be slowing down, and I am so thankful for that.
    Enjoy your weekend,


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