
Thursday, September 25, 2014

Home Again, and some pictures-Good Fences # 27

It is always nice to go visit some place, but I think it is always so nice to get back home. There is something about walking in the door and all that I love is all in one place. Sleeping in my own bed is nice too.

On our way home yesterday I did manage to get a few pictures. Not as many as I liked, because I was anxious to get home. We stayed in Folsom, California. It is just a beautiful place but kind of funny I thought.
We left the hotel, and went down this little two lane road out into the country side.

This is how it looked. just oak trees and rolling hills. Miles and miles of it. I expect that when it is green it is something to behold. There were cattle. Lots of cattle but that was it. As far as you could see in every direction. I know there were mountains to the east but the smoke from the fire kept the mountains hidden.

On our way to the freeway, we had to drive through this little town called Elk Grove. It was a nice place. I loved all of the fruit stands, and gardens and farms. There were lots of strawberry stands that were still selling strawberries and the apple orchards were starting to sell apples.

Then we saw this and we just had to stop.

This was a business in town and they had all of this really cool stuff around it. It was a real estate office. We walked around it and we never saw anyone. This Indian was huge and made of cement. Then there was this guy.

He was huge too. A giant buffalo.

I loved the old covered wagon. I had never seen one close up. I just can't imagine going all across the country in one for weeks and weeks. We were very close to Sutter's Mill. I wish we had time to go explore more.

Then out by the road was the sign for the business. An old boot. I thought it was great too. So many old antiques were around there. Most of it I didn't know what it was used for.

If this had had a for sale sign on it, it would have come home with me. I just loved it. I could see it in my house. Isn't is awesome?

Then on the way home I did manage to get a picture of a giant field of pumpkins.

Can you see how big it is? There were fields like this filled with them these they haven't started harvesting yet. I couldn't get the picture of the white pumpkin field but it was just as big. On the other side of the road was where they were putting them on trucks. What I thought was interesting is they harvest them just like I did, bent over one at a time. All by hand.

We finally have a cool down coming, it should be here tonight. We might even have snow in the mountains. Wouldn't that be wonderful?

I hope you have a lovely Thursday.


" A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it. "
---George Augustus Moore.---

Linking today with The Run *A* Round the Ranch, Good Fences # 27


  1. You're a good observer, Kim! I'm glad you're home!

  2. i see several fences in here! do please link up today! :) welcome home.

  3. Dear Kim, What a beautiful country! this is. I love the old covered wagon too. The people who traveled in these certainly were strong of heart and desire.
    Thank you for sharing. Blessings dear. Catherine

  4. I'm so glad you got to see interesting places! I'm glad you're home, too. :-)

  5. I know what you mean...there's honestly no place like home. At least for me. My own bed, my own chair, my own shower, my own schedule to keep (or not to keep, lol), my sewing machine, I could go on but you get the idea. But no sweet little babies to cuddle with either...sigh, Can't have everything huh? Looks like a pretty drive. Glad you enjoyed your time away!

  6. Yes I have just got home after 6 weeks in Africa so I know what you mean about 'home' Great post.

  7. Boy that area looked pretty dry there in the first shot. CA has had a very hot summer in places. I would have stopped to seeing the big Indian and Buffalo, very cool.

  8. oh yes. Nothing like bed, shower and all the comforts of home.Everyone says that. Even at the coffee shop this morning.

    I enjoyed your pictures. All.

    Mine are up.
    I had a nice adventures drive to get even a Farmer to let me take a pic of him. This bail of hay and some red leaves coming along today for fall. Just nice morning pictures got my fancy..

  9. Looks like a wonderful trip. So glad you shared some photos and I really loved seeing those carvings. Pity you didn't get the table it was lovely! But as you say home is best!

  10. ohhh Kim, it looks like a wonderful trip but there's no place like home!!

    Awesome images today!!

  11. Beauty of farm can never overrated for this one that grew up on a farm! Thanks for sharing the wonder photos.

  12. The golden hills of California... yes, the ongoing drought is no fun.
    The Indian and buffalo are cool - I would have stopped for them as well.

  13. What a fun post. Looks like you had an adventure and a road trip, how fun. Yes, good to go and every better to come back home.

  14. wonderful photos...that indian looks like my high school mascot...we were the braves! el cajon valley high school 1984 :)

  15. I am visiting from Tex's Good Fences, what great post! I love the beautiful countryside! The wagon, buffalo and Indian are all wonderful! Thanks for sharing, have a happy Friday!

  16. I can't imagine travelling all that way in a covered wagon either. The conestoga wagons...maybe you've heard of them, maybe not :) , were made in this area.
    I love that table, too! I can see it painted up...maybe a little distressed, to look old but beautiful. I'm sure you'd do something nice with it!
    Have a good weekend, Kim! I hope it really does cool down for you.

  17. So nice having you back home in your own soft bed and the comfort of home.

    I love all the pictures especially the unusual one like that big buffalo and indian. My those pumpkin fields are huge. I imagine a lot of them will make pumpkin pies filling for canning.

    So sad to hear that the firers are still going on. I hope for rain soon.

    Too bad you couldn't take that table with you. It wasn't meant to be...



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