
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Rest and Be Thankful

When we first moved here, I wanted to name this place " The Rest and Be Thankful." I have an old book and that is the title of it and I thought that living here was like that. We would walk out back and we would talk about our " Field of Dreams." I do think though, after very stressful days, as soon as I turn in the driveway, it is my rest and be thankful house.

One of the dreams I still have, is having people come here to share the peace and to be able to rest. There is just something about it, maybe it is the light. I don't know but in August, I am reminded of how the light begins to change, the colors though tired become warm and fall becomes more than a memory. The smell of school starting is on the air. I see tell-tale signs of the leaves starting to change and the leaves falling. It has been such a long, hot summer, that the trees are beginning to show the stress. My old tree in the front yard, is beginning to rain down its leaves. As my daughter once said, " That tree always knows school is going to start."

I think being aware of the changing of the seasons becomes more noticeable from my seat in the garden. To sit and watch and observe and to take the time to listen to the rhythm of nature is something that I know I need to do more. To be away from cell phones, and computers and all that calls me away from devotion to the One who made me and holds all I hold dear in His hands.

  This morning my very quiet, sneaky visitor was eating his sunflower in the tree. He is the same color as the leaves so I almost missed him. He was very quiet watching me. It was the sound of his breaking off the sunflower that I heard.

Then I found this guy in the flower. I loved his little boots on his feet. I also loved that his feelers were black and white striped. His little hands have tiny little hooks. I have noticed we have bugs and other things  because of the drought that we haven't had before. My sons  took a picture the other night of a scorpion on the porch. I have always wondered if we had them but have never seen one until the other night. Guess who won't be cleaning the flowerbed where he went?

 One of the things I do when I grow pumpkins is leave long stems on. I love how these pumpkins have the nicest stems. They will look so nice when fall comes.

I hope you have a lovely day. I am so glad the light is changing. I love the golden light that infuses everything with warmth. Last year, because of my eyes, I couldn't see the change. I could remember it but not see it. Today walking around and seeing it again, I really did feel like I was finally home at The Rest and Be


" Do not look forward to what may happen tomorrow. The same everlasting Father who cares for you today will take care of you tomorrow, and every day either He will shield you from suffering, or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace, then put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations.
---Frances De Sales.


  1. What a lovely post, Kim! Rest and be thankful. A wonderful bit of truth.
    I DO love fall and I'm so happy that I'll have the opportunity to be outside during the day this year!
    Take care, thankful one.

  2. i adore autum and i LOVE those white pumpkins!!!!

  3. ah, i keep flyswatters in the house in most of the rooms - ready to kill those dreaded scorpions. :)

  4. Just yesterday, I sat on the porch and noticed the warm golden sunlight was different in a small way. Yes, subtle changes, that I love ! Your morning glories are so simple and gorgeous ;)

  5. I went outside this morning, and the shadows were blue. They came from a different direction, too. And there was a smidgen of coolness in the air. Fall is on the way! An end to the blast furnace! I'm so thankful. It'll be a few more months before it really cools off, but its nice to feel the seasons changing.

  6. Hello friend,
    Such a warm post. Thank you.

    I truly love your homes name!! The name, says it all:
    Rest and Be Thankful.
    The name evokes peaceful thoughts and feelings..... so nice.

    Lucky you to see that bird in the tree.... he's beautiful.
    Amazing to see how fast your pumpkins are growing.
    I too like long, wonky stems on my pumpkins. Makes them appear more whimsical.

    Enjoy the blessings of this day, and the blessing of your sight restored, that you may enjoy the beauty of this season.

    With love, from Mill Hill Meadow...


  7. Rest and be Thankful...perfection, Kim! Love your introspection! xo

  8. Ah Kim, the perfect name for your place. I'm so needing rest right now. I get tired so fast now.

    My body tells me the season is already changing as I only get night sweats at the changing season and guess what. I'm having night sweats, although not bad, but mu body doesn't lie.

    I love the Morning Glory, they seem to bloom for ever.

    August is a busy time for us and time seem to fly by so fast. I need to put on the brakes.


  9. You have so many wonders there at your Field of Dreams, Kim!
    I'm know you have many moments of rest and thankfulness at your home place.

  10. How wonderful that you took time to sit and enjoy all that is around you! Yes, fall is approaching. xo Nellie

  11. It does feel different outside. The end is in sight! ;) I think your home really is a place for people to come and find peace. I know I always feel so much better after I have been there for a day.

  12. That quote from De Sales is just what I needed today!


  13. Passei para uma visita.
    Amei suas plantas, seu jardim e essas flores lindas.

    ✿⊱•° Boa semana!

  14. A very thoughtful post! Thanks for sharing your beautiful view of your world with us!

  15. Nice post. I'm taking a restful day today. I like your long-stemmed, white pumpkins.

  16. Ahhhh ... rest and be thankful ... wise words.

  17. I feel such a peace reading your post hugs, cheri


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Think of this as coming onto my porch and having
a visit.