
Friday, July 18, 2014

Going Barefoot and Other Things

One of the summer things, I thought I might try was going barefoot. I realized that when we moved here, I never went barefoot anymore, but always kept my shoes on, when I got out of bed to when I got back in bed at night.  But I decided I would...Go barefoot.
 I have walked through wet grass, and wiggled my toes in our sandy soil. I have sat outside and propped my feet on the railings and stared at my toes. I have ran and jumped and put them in the water of the pool. It has felt nice to go barefoot this summer. It reminds me that I can slow down, I can put my feet up, I can reflect on deep things like " Why haven't I painted my toenails yet." 

Today I picked up my copy of Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman. He has wrote other deep insightful books. Since I am in summer mode, I put it back on the shelf. I think this summer, I am going to clean off a whole shelf and put books that I am going to read starting in September. I think I will put that one there along with The Closing of the American Mind by Alan Bloom and Slouching Toward Gomorrah by Robert Bork. They have been on my book shelf for years, books I have wanted to read, but never took the time. My brain needs some challenging. I think I will put Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis and Orthodoxy by G.K. Chesterton.  I think I will take notes. I ran across a list I made 10 years ago of what I wanted to do with my life.

Six on that list was a Theology degree from Wheaton College. Four was  I wanted to study Philosophy.
I was teaching still and I wanted to be a better wife, a better mother and a better teacher. I also wanted grand children. That one I pondered. I still had young kids at home. Peter was nine.

What I found missing from that list was much more interesting. No place was blogging nor gardening.
Hooking rugs wasn't there nor was sewing. I was working on 20,000 steps a day, every day. I felt like a slacker when I only made it to 12,000 a day.
I just sat there and looked over my life now. How those things then that I thought were so important aren't now. I don't need a Theology degree, nor do I need to study philosophy. I am thankful I am a grand mother. I am thankful that what I thought I needed to be happy is so different from what I am now.

 Being a blogger has been the nicest surprise. Learning how to take photos. Writing out loud.
Making friends from all over the world. Having friends and sharing lives has expanded my life and changed my goals. For that I am thankful, I am thankful to be invited in to share your lives too.

I haven't said thank you in awhile. Thank you for sharing my life, for watching my struggles, and my joys. Thank you for laughing at my stories and for always leaving me such nice notes. You have blessed me and when my life was growing darker, you gave me something to look forward to every day. You have given to me far more than I could ever return to you.
So Thank you so much for coming into my life and for just being yourselves. You have given me the world. 


" You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose."
---Oh, the Places You'll go!, Dr. Seuss, 1990


  1. thanks for being my 'neighbor', kim. :)

    and i go barefoot as much as possible!

  2. I can understand wanting a degree in theology. And your list of books sounds pretty good to me. Learning is for a lifetime. We can bring glory to God in reading or gardening or blogging... or going barefoot and appreciating His marvelous creation, including our feet.

  3. What a nice post Kim. You had quite some ambitious goals and I'm all for being the best you can be. I love going barefoot but I always worry about going barefoot in the grass for fear of ticks. I'm almost always barefoot in the house in the summer. I think that being barefoot get you more grounded to the earth energy.

    Funny you mentioned about painting your toenails. I've been so busy this summer that I never painted mine either.

    You are so welcome Kim and I agree that blogging has changed me too. I have learned a lot more about computers and almost lost my fear of trying something new.

    Have a great weekend.

  4. The different directions we go...always guided by our Father's hand. You are right where you need to be. Have fun reading! xo

  5. I love going barefoot!

    Amazing how we think we have such a great handle on how things should go in our lives ... when God has something so much better in store for us.

  6. oh no, i must be honest....i don't like bare feet anymore. lot's of reasons, none worth mentioning......

    i do love barefoot feet, on the beach in the sand. i do love that!!!

  7. Oh Kim I feel the same way and you are so blessed to have Grandchildren. Hug B

  8. oh kim, i must be honest, no bare feet for me. many reasons, none worth mentioning!!

    i do love bare feet, on the beach...sand between my does. yes, that i love!!

  9. I'm glad you're going barefoot! It's hard to go without the lift, but your dirt is so nice and sandy, it's worth it. Out here, the ground is so burning hot, we don't leave the house without shoes.

    That's interesting that you wanted a theology/philosophy degree. Did you need validation at that point?

  10. Morning Kim, I am always barefoot, needless to say not the prettiest feet either. You always have the most beautiful flower pictures on your blog, make me smile. Hugs Francine.

  11. I love your banner picture of the daisy. I just clicked and saved....hope you don't mind, it would make a lovely greeting card.

    Oh and you are welcomed....your blogs are refreshing and honest. Love your gardens. I think I shall have to write down those book titles and check them out at the library, they sound interesting to read for those lazy hazy days of August. (good grief, we're almost there already????)

    Barefoot sounds wonderful as does painted toe nails. AND taking time to smell roses, sounds like you have a good handle on life!!!!

  12. Oh I'm so glad you are going barefoot!! It is just the best feeling to feel so connected to the ground, and God and everything around, all just by going barefoot. It's funny, I was thinking last Wednesday when we were sitting after swimming "That's weird, she never goes barefoot. She always has shoes on...."

  13. I'm so jealous! I want to go barefoot. Blazing asphalt doesn't allow it. I love the way you are being true to yourself and readjusting goals. Very inspirational! and your photos, simply gorgeous, screaming of God's goodness. So glad I found your blog today. :) I'll visit again soon.

  14. What a magnificent post. You have given me so much with each of your posts.

    Today you reminded me of how blessed I am to be barefooted. It is such an enormous pleasure to feel with your feet. A blessing there are no sand burrs and the sun does not help the sand burn your feet.

    The simple pleasures are the great ones we sometimes miss because we are busy doing what we SHOULD do instead of what we CAN do.

    Have a blessed weekend.

  15. I am impressed! I never made such a list.:-) I am reading from the UMW Reading list, but also I am reading Still Life With Bread Crumbs by Anna Quindlan. No barefoot for me. I've been told not to do that, as well as to not wear open-heeled shoes. Plantar fasciitis is the culprit.:-(

    We never know the twists and turns our lives will take.

    xo Nellie

  16. If you read those books come September you will be studying theology and philosophy alright. It might help if you read barefoot! I also am SO envious of you going barefoot. That is something I'll look forward to doing in my new body. ;-)

  17. Going Barefoot - carefree, simple, relaxed !
    I'm glad all the things we hope and wish for, don't come about.
    I would be one unhappy gal if they did ! ;)
    Love your gorgeous new banner !

  18. This is my first visit, and I love what you've written. I've grown very close to several of my blog friends. And, they've also been there during the good and not so good times. :)

    You have a lovely blog!

  19. It is a blessing for me every single time I visit here. If I had gotten nothing else from blogging than your friendship, it would have all been worth it! :)

  20. I loved this blog Kim! It is so full of all the things that make life special, one small thing at a time. I also am thankful for you... you have been a blessing to me from day one!

    I'm barefooted most of the time in the summer, and if I have shoes on, it is flip flops, even fancy ones to church on Sunday! :)

  21. You sound like you're in a wonderful place right now, KIm!
    Glad to hear you are only barefoot and not barefoot and pregnant...

  22. Barefoot, my favorite kind of 'shoe.'
    I love going barefoot in summer and when the grands are with me, they always kick off their shoes/sandals too. We don't have green grass for long so I'm enjoying it while I can. Glad you are too!

    Amazing how those lists of "to do" can change. Being a grandma and sewing and stitching are all very good things. I've enjoyed discovering you and your blog. I hope you'll keep writing and taking photos. By the way, what are the small white flowers amongst the sunflowers in the last pic?

  23. What a gorgeous post Kim!!! I live going bare foot too and yet I suddenly realise I don't really do it anymore. It's funny how things change, isn't it? I used to have great plans which I'm not so worried about now x


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