
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Chicken Post

I haven't done a chicken post in awhile. I thought I would tell you some things I saw today. When I got new chicks one of them turned out to be a rooster. He is very pretty, he is already destined for dinner. He is just getting fattened up. My son is going to do the honors at his house.

He is a pretty rooster. He is big too. The Silkie roosters are always pointing out the dangers of getting too frisky with their hens. Being young, he believes how tough the Silkies are and as of yet has not called their bluff.

This morning I was washing my shoes off when I was privy to something that I really wished I hadn't seen.

I have some older hens. The Silkies have never given them the time of day. The new guy, who is big like they are thinks the older, more mature ladies are beautiful. As I was watching, I noticed Mr. Young rooster sweet talking a older hen. She tossed her head and laughed and the young one took that as a come on. He of course, being young and rather Troglodytish, just jumped on and pulled her neck feathers really hard. Then he started making these sounds to her, which I took to be how he was telling her how beautiful she was and would she like to be his hen and  all sorts of junk like that.

 As he was trying to round her up and make her go with him. I had enough. I waited until she walked to me and then sprayed him with water. He ran away with this sound like crying because his hen that he wanted just doesn't want him. You know of course, hens don't need roosters unless you want chicks. Hens are very happy, with just hens. I always thought that was funny.

See those heat clouds above the sunflowers? When we get those kinds of clouds it gets so hot. I always think it is like a bug under a magnifying glass. It should be another day of 106. I am trying not to complain.
Since the weatherman says for us there is no end in sight.

I hope you have a lovely Tuesday. I have more canning to do. My garden is really producing except for tomatoes. I ate three cherry tomatoes, and that is all. Not a single red one to be seen.

Have a lovely day,

Pumpkins taking over.
Many a questioning, many a fear
Many a doubt hath its questioning here,
Moment by moment, let down from heaven
Time, opportunity, guidence given.
Fear not tomorrow Child of the king
Trust them with Jesus, Do the next thing.

From a old church yard in England.
Author unknown.


  1. Good morning! I am going to make sure my daughter gets your link as she is getting into chickens. They bought a coop last week-end and she is going to start with just 3 hens and see how it goes. She is soo excited about it. She is the queen of the researchers so she is still reading about what kind of hens to get. What she really needs to do is sit down and talk to someone who knows what's what. We've been hovering in the mid nineties which is plenty hot for me. I'm such a baby about heat, lol. It's barely begun and I've had enough. Enjoy your day!

  2. The rooster story is funny! I guess he got told off with a dash of cold water. Your garden is looking great! I hope your tomatoes ripen soon.

  3. Oh, the poor rooster...NOT! ~grin~ Stay as cool as you can while you're working away in the kitchen. xo

  4. i love a good chicken/rooster story!! the sunflowers don't look real!!!

  5. That's a very good quote, Kim!
    The next thing. I like it.
    Yikes! Don't roosters cause a lot more trouble? When will he be chicken dinner?
    I'm sorry it's so hot. You must swim and swim to escape it. Hunker down this afternoon and hook a while.

  6. well, glad you have a 'plan' for mr. rooster before he gets out of hand. love your red sunflowers.

  7. Ah, the little guy is feeling his manhood! I'm glad you sprayed him.
    I'm enjoying the monsoon everything out here. The clouds are fantastic, and in the afternoon there's storms everywhere. Mostly they've stayed west of us, but you can see them. Hot, but exciting. :-)

  8. That's very interesting. I've concluded that hens are quite brilliant. :)

  9. Too much. He just needed a cold shower :) We have a chick that seems to be a rooster

  10. So, you have a cocky young rooster, huh? Sounds like you (and the hen) showed him! ha! ha! We have harvested three tomatoes I think. We leave for our week at the beach on Sat and we were hoping to have some to take with us, Hope we don't have to buy them! We will have plenty of sounds of children next week...15 of us under one roof...4 that are two and under! It promises to be a fun and crazy time! Like you, I enjoy the noise and the activity, but I have also come to enjoy the quiet when it is just us two. And I think normal is more like the lives you and I have...not quite so perfect! :-)

  11. Haha..... rooster stew on the menu!!!
    Glad that you were able to get his attention with the squirt of water, and that the hen made her escape.....poor thing.

    You gardens are thriving! Yay!!!
    Sorry for the extreme heat. Most of the country is really suffering through summer right now. I for one, am more than happy to complain about the heat!!! Certainly is better than complaining about the bitter cold **smile***.

    Have a very happy day :)


  12. He might think twice before mounting a hen while you have the water hose in your hand. I do the same when I see a barn cat hurting a female cat. They are so rough.

    Your sunflowers are so gorgeous, especially the red ones.


  13. I wonder if that rooster has any idea where his destiny lies.

    You are a busy little bee, Kim. I hope you have had a good day!

    xo Nellie

  14. Your sunflower pictures are always so beautiful!
    If only Mr. Rooster knew...
    Hugs :)


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