
Monday, June 2, 2014

Hello June

Well hello June! How in the world did you get here this fast? I am so happy you are here. This morning, I noticed as the sun came up over the mountains that it smells like summer again. I have missed the warm mornings, and the blue skies and the sound of the mockingbirds singing in the trees. The meadowlarks were sleepyheads this morning.

Dear June, I am so happy that you show up at just the right time. My garden really does enjoy you.

The gourds are really starting to grow. One thing I love about gourds are that the bumblebees love them, and I can sit and watch them as they become regular visitors.

I think only though, because June makes them happy too. Our nights will become warm again and already each night, I should have remembered, that when you show up, the crickets sing such wonderful summer songs every night.

I think because you showed up, already the plants are bigger today than there were yesterday when I took these pictures. Today, I must wash windows, so I can see more clearly all the beauty that you brought with you. I hope dear June, that you try and stay a bit longer than May did. It seemed May was in a hurry for you to get here. In fact, some mornings I thought May was you, June. Now, I can enjoy the warm weather.

I am thankful for days like today, when at every turn there is so much to be thankful for. I am thankful that God blesses us with so many things to enjoy. I hope your day is just perfect, on this first Monday of June.


" Morning has broken
Like the first morning,
Blackbird has spoken
   Like the first bird.
Praise for the singing!
Praise for the morning!
Praise for them, springing
   From the first Word."
---" A Morning Song," The Children's Bells,
Eleanor Farjeon, 1960

( Not Cat Stevens) :)


  1. It doesn't seem possible that it's June already ... feels like it should only be late April. :-o

    Love your new blog header!

  2. i'm glad you like the heat of summer so much. i'm not looking forward to june-august. :)

  3. June is a beautiful month with so much to give and so much to grateful for. Blessings, Catherine

  4. Spending these last two weeks in Tenn really did make May short for me! Hard to believe June is here...but she has come beautifully here, too!

  5. I don't like the heat, your images are gorgeous!! And the garden is looking awesome!!

  6. Yes, I am hoping June lingers a bit, as August is unfornately just a HOT month to get through. July has been known to go either way, lol. But June...usually LOVE it! Your garden is looking wonderful!

  7. I love your pumpkin patch, you have so much planted in there. I hope that they do well this year.

    Your right about May. She was sure in a hurry to leave. She came in and went like a whirlwind.

    I sang that song Morning has Broken in our church. It a happy song.

    I had to laugh about how you make conservation with June.

    Enjoy your day. Hugs,

  8. That is one of my favorite hymns! It is in our hymnbook, and when I was responsible for planning some morning worship services, I often included that hymn.

    Yes, June has arrived! I fear it will pass as quickly as May did.

    xo Nellie

  9. I like June, too! May seemed long this year.
    Your garden DOES like June as well! It looks GREAT!
    Oh, I do love the birds. They are noisy, but they sing the prettiest songs.

  10. Love your pumpkin sign ! It seems, this year, after a hard winter, everyone is enjoying the beautiful warm weather so much more.
    Glad June has arrived ;)

  11. Oh I love to watch those Bumble Bees too. June is certainly beautiful. Enjoy my friend. Hug B

  12. Always love visiting and reading your posts...hello June, indeed! xo

  13. Cat Stevens was always are favorite of mind. I'm so glad to read that verse from one of his most popular sings. June for means school over most . WOO HOO!


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