
Monday, June 23, 2014

A Good Day

I hope your Monday is off to a good start. Today is a good day. Beautiful morning and lots of good things going on. I am spending so much time out in the garden. There is so much to look at and watch grow. I have harvested squash now.

I made jam from the blackberries and there are tiny cantaloupes on the vines now.

I just love looking at the tiny little cantaloupes.

There are lots of little tiny cucumbers. I really hope I get enough to make jars of pickles.

I finished a couple of rugs this week. I got one bound and finished but the next one is going to have to wait until it gets cooler. It is just too hot to sit and bind a rug in my lap.

I had such a lovely time working on this little rug. All of the designs just made me so happy. This little rug is a pattern by Cathy at The Orange Sink.. I also did another rug that I have done before. Just because I love this design so much.

I just love all of the designs in this one. I drew out a new pattern this weekend that I hope to start as soon as I dye some wool.

I hope to get some zucchini relish made this week. I have one jar left that I have been hoarding. It will nice to be able to use it up now. I had Ron cut up some wood for me. I hope to be able to show you a quick little project.

I hope all is well and the weather is perfect. It is after all Monday, and my list is longer than  I have daylight.


And envy and pride, like weeds, kept growing and higher and higher in her heart, so that day and night she had no peace.
---"Snow-White and the Seven Dwarfs," The Juniper Tree and Other Tales from Grimm,
Lore Segal, 1973


  1. Busy woman and never at a loss for things to do, hey? Love watching your garden grow. Your rugs...well, it's difficult to believe that you've not been hooking for very long. YAY for you!!! xo

  2. Oh, I love a brand spanking new day!! So many wonderful possibilities!!
    Darling rugs, and I still adore your sunflowers!!

    Enjoy this wonderful season.
    Also, I'm looking forward to seeing your new project.


  3. i love that last image! looks like a painting!

  4. Your sunflowers are gorgeous and your rugs are too. You've really been busy hooking and one more design on the way.

    I love that you enjoy watching your garden grow. I do too and it's always like Christmas when something new pops up. Sometimes a day makes a whole world of difference.

    Have a great week.

  5. I love looking at your garden with you! Today I picked the second zucchini of the season. And need to tie up some tomatoes....

  6. Love browsing the garden with you! Looking good! I have somehow let the morning get away with me doing less then I should have, Hopefully my afternoon will be more productive, lol! Enjoy the rest of your day!

  7. Now I know what you are doing today! Yay for harvest. We pulled one radish up and it was tiny, but Jenny ate it and was amazed!
    I love your rugs so much! All of the designs appeal to me.
    I'm so proud of my friend who grows cantaloupe! YOU!

  8. You've had a very busy day! I'm hoping our cantaloupes will mature and ripen. Sometimes that process is interrupted.:(

    A bit of an annoyance with Blogger today. The blogs I follow will not all appear on my Dashboard.

    Have a good evening!

    xo Nellie

  9. Oh, I love zucchini relish. And it's good to see your garden doing so well...
    Love your rugs. I sure understand it being a little too hot for binding!

  10. It's nice to see your pumpkin patch 'growing' in your banner !
    Your new projects are so much fun. Zucchini Relish...hmm, would love that recipe. It sounds delish !

  11. Your rugs are so adorable! I love going out a couple of times a day just to check on our garden ... whatever did I do before we had a garden? ;-)

  12. you are so very creative kim, your crafts are works of art!!

    i don't know how you manage all that gardening in the heat. it hasn't been too bad here but i know your temperatures have been high!!!

  13. Your garden looks fabulous, Kim! I'm guessing that's irrigation hose I see there? Do you always have to irrigate, or is it just super dry this year? I love looking at the tiny veggies as they form. I just couldn't help it...tonight at supper I cut a bunch of baby zucchini and fried them up. They were sooo good! Hope you have a great week!

  14. Kim, your garden looks great . I love your sweet rug! Hugs cheri


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