Friday, March 14, 2014

Chicks and Seeds

I have to say, I went a bit crazy today.  I woke up this morning and knew today was the day. I was going to get chicks. I got up, went and got all of my chick goodies out of my shed. When they are tiny I use an guinea   pig cage, the heat lamp with the red bulb and the chick water and food dish. I washed every thing and put the heat lamp on so it would be nice and warm when they got home. I did chuckle to myself. We have a small bathroom in the garage and now that is where the chicks will be for awhile. We have seeds in our bath tub and chicks in the garage bathroom.

It isn't a very good picture but it was the best I could get with trying to hold the lid open and keep from getting burned holding the heat lamp and trying to take a picture.

There are 3 Buff Orpingtons
2 Brown Australops
4 Black Wyandottes
2 Black Sex Links
I think. I will know for sure when they get bigger, all of them are breeds I have not had previously.
Something nice about having chicks to watch.

I need to clean my chicken coop tomorrow morning so I needed shavings. I stopped at my favorite store, Tractor supply and went in and looked at their chicks and ducks. Then had to buy some seeds ( as if I already don't have enough.)

My seed box is starting to get a little packed. The seeds in the bathroom are starting to sprout. There are now tomato and pepper seeds in there growing.

The pepper and the tomato seeds have a different kind of potting mix so that is why they are so much lighter. 

I was taking some wool out of the dryer today so that I can finish up my Mrs. Rabbit rug and I had that thought " I think I have too many interests, maybe I need to slow down a bit." Then I thought no, it is fun to be busy. My grandma always said, " Idle hands are the devils workshop." Well it is better to be busy I think.

I will be busy this weekend, lots of work to get accomplished. It is all good though. I hope you have a nice weekend too.

" You've got to be able to make those daring leaps or you're nowhere," Said Muskrat.
---The Mouse and His Child, Russell Hoban, 1967


TexWisGirl said...

you and chicks. now you'll get nothing else done for a while. :)

Kessie said...

Yay chicks! I hope you have at least one chicky pic every blog post. The kids were thrilled and will want lots of pics! I think having lots of interests is good. You don't have time to worry about aches and pains. :-)

Meg said...

Yay chickies! Nothing wrong with being busy! What else would you do? Sit around and be bored?

Dog Trot Farm said...

Here in Maine our choices for chicks are somewhat limited, due to the long cold winter weather our local choices are mainly the cold hardy breeds...I know you will enjoy your Buffs, they are very friendly girls and wonderful egg layers...I am looking forward to watching your little one's grow...Have they been given names? Have a lovely weekend, Julie...

Beth said...

The little chickies are so cute. It will be fun to watch them grow.

Nellie said...

How cute! I have never thought of chicks in the bathtub! xo Nellie

camp and cottage living said...

Aw, now the fun begins!
I agree, being busy is better than being idle.
Not something you seem to have to worry about!
You always have an iron in the fire....

Gail said...

My granny said the same thing.

Are these chicks straight run? I think the best layers I've ever had were Black Australorps.

Think nothing of the using the bathroom. This is our lively hood and they are important. I've had them in the living room before in a cage!

Miss Debbie said...

Goodness you are busy!! So glad you are having such fun! The chicks are cute. Do you know if they are hens or roosters? Someone gave my son chicks one time and 7 of the 12 were roosters!! Not what he was hoping for :-)

Jacque. said...

I sometimes think that, too...that I have too many interests. I am trying to keep my crafts to the ones I currently am involved with. In addition to all of the wip's I have with quilting, I have that big a** star rug to finish hooking one of these days. I think I have enough though it is nice to have a variety of things to choose from. do nothing at all. xo

Christine said...

Nothing as sweet as spring chicks! You got a good mix! should be fun going to the bathrooms in your house!!
Have a wonderful weekend!

GretchenJoanna said...

I'll be very interested to see your chicks as they grow up. What a lovely color contrast they will be, all those brown and black chickens with the golden Buff Orpingtons mixed in! You've had the best kind of exciting day.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Well no idle hands for you that is for sure:) Most people never know the potential of their bathrooms apparently:):)
Oh I LOVE baby ducks. Hug B

Patrice said...

Enjoy your new babies. Ours are having a very hard time with the cold and winds. We have heat lamps, but they are still having problems.

Rugs and Pugs said...

Those little chicks are too sweet. I grew up on a small farm and back then chicks were mailed to the post office in boxes of 50, I think it was. You'd go pick them up and the PO was so noisy with chicks.
Hugs :)

Julia said...

You are so full of interest like me and never enough time to do it all but that's OK with me, like you, I don't know what's it's like to be bored.

Your little chicks are adorable. I wonder what they will look like.

I love your heat mats and i've brrn toying with the idea of getting a few but decided to just use my spare bathroom to grow my little bit of seeds.


Sue said...

I wish blogger had something like skype, Kim you could see me smiling all the way through this post. We were at tractor Supply Monday and they were out of their ducks and chicks. We plan to get guineas, chicks and ducks this year. the hawks have eaten all of our guineas this year! I like to have them around they are great watch birds, and keep the fleas and tick population down, plus I just like to hear them fuss. ~smile~ I like how you are getting a head start on your seed planting, I will share this idea with my dh. I also agree busy hands are best, my Mom is a perfect example of that, she is 86, I called one day this week and found that she had re-arranged her whole living room by herself, of course I scolded her. lol We are going to be busy this weekend too, getting our gardens ready for planting once the weather is right. Enjoy your weekend.

Pom Pom said...

Aw! The chicks are so sweet! So fluffy! I am SO impressed with the bathtub seedling set up! You're going to have the BEST garden and flower beds this summer!

cards4ubylouise and other treasures said...

Oh what fun to have baby chicks to raise. So what do you do with all your eggs? Do you sell them or are you able to use them up???

I bought some seeds on Etsy yesterday. Heirloom tomatoes...I like those heirlooms...tase so good and I love the colors too. Have fun this weekend, nothing wrong with being busy...better then sitting around on your thumbs all day. God has lots of interests too, look at all he has created!!!

Empty Nester said...

Wow, girl! Y'all are all kinds of fancy with the seeds. No wonder your garden is so successful. :) The man's grandmother always used to say, "If you sit down, you'll get rusty." She never sat down and lived to 103! Guess I better get up. LOL

Kim said...

I'm so glad you got new chicks. I know it makes you happy

Debbie said...

Pretty blooms today Kim, where do you shower now?? hehe...

Nancy's Notes said...

Oh my, those are precious!! I use to raise chickens in 4-H! Grand Champion ones too! Love your blog header and sides are just so adorable!

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

Nothing wrong with being busy ... I know too many people with no interests or hobbies ... what boring, unproductive and unfulfilled lives they lead.

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

It's going to be lots of fun to see this little group of girls getting bigger. I have seed catalogs but nowhere to plant them. LOL