
Friday, January 24, 2014

Finally, Weather!

We finally have some weather. Wind, blowing dust, tumbleweeds. At least during the night, the wind must have shifted and blew the some of the tumbleweeds away from the house. The wind is blowing from the east and from the four corners area. Which means it is from the desert. This morning at 6:30 it was already 70 degrees. It always feels so unnatural. The sound of the wind blowing around the house sounds like a radio just off the station.

The old palm trees at my sister-in-laws are roaring and sound like the ocean in a storm. The sky is such a strange color and when I took this the dust hadn't started blowing yet but now like a cloud of brown it is coming toward us. We have another day and night of this but no rain yet in the forecast.

Do you know what I am happy about? No Wedding!! I can sit and watch the wind and not panic.

The mountains in the background cannot be seen now, as the dust is blowing so hard now. The taste and smell of the dust and the burning in my throat is always my least favorite thing about east winds.

Earlier this week when I was wishing for color and flowers, I dug out my favorite silk flowers and put them in my workman's tool box. It makes me happy to see some kind of color.

Now that Emilie works in a flower shop, I always cringe at my ability to arrange flowers. I need to have her teach me how to make it look very nice. She has learned so much about flower arranging now.

Here is a picture of my finally finished whale rug. Three years later. I am so glad it is finished. I got it steamed but don't have the right color to bind the edges. I need to go buy some soon.

I think I am finished now with all of my old projects. That is a nice feeling. My son Elliot, asked if he could have this rug for his room. I was so happy to oblige. He told me he had his eye on this for a long time. He never said a word to me or I might have finished it faster.

I hope you have a lovely day. I have to get off now, Ron is working from home as there is no power at his office and we have power here. My computer for some reason takes his bandwidth.

  "There's a lot of hope and a lot of faith and love mixed up in a miracle."
---Journey from Peppermint Street,---Meindert DeJong.                                  


  1. neat that your son wants the whale rug and patiently waited for it. :) i hope you can get some rain from all that dust seeding the sky. :)

  2. Wind and dust...ugh. Glad you're getting your odd projects done and out of the way. Lovely whale rug! xo

  3. I too hope you'll get some rain from this dust storm. It real cold cold cold here. I can't keep warm. My hands hurt when it's cold and I have a hard time whipping my rug.

    Flowers always cheers me up. Soon spring will be here, January is on it's way out, another week left, can you believe...

    I usually didn't find winters long but this year, it seems long some how. With way too much rain and snow. No middle ground...

    I'm so glad that you finished your whale rug and that Elliot has asked for it but God love him for being so patient. It's a beautiful rug. Congratulations for finishing it.

    Take care and rest your eyes and listen to music that makes your heart sing.

  4. I hope you get some rain soon, we have had so much this past year, the pond is almost overflowing, Dh says too much rain is worse than not enough. The farmers will soon want to prepae their land for planting, but it is way to wet their tractors would not be able to drive in the firlds. We are so cold here, in the 20's today, our water lines froze last night, took dh a few hours to unthaw, One never knows how important something is until they don't have it! ~smile~ One good thing I get to blog and sit by the fire trying to stay warm.~grin~ Our homes in the south are not insulated for long term, freezing weather,Our furnace hasn't stopped for 4 days,however thegood newsis it is going to be in the 60's Monday.
    Your Whale rug, is lovely, I think it was sweet that Elliot wanted to have it! Enjoy your weekend.

  5. I hope you get some rain soon. I have only seen one dust storm in my lifetime and that was one too many.

    Your whale rug is beautiful!

  6. I can't image the dust storms you are talking about as I have never seen one...It sounds like some rain would really help....I love your whale rug and I know you were just bursting with proud when your son asked to put it in his room....We moms love it when our kids want something we have made....Have a great weekend...

  7. Hurray for another great finish! I think that's the best compliment of your work, that your son has had his eye on it for his room!
    God bless

  8. Oh yes your son wanting your rug is the best compliment of your work.
    No stress no wedding::)
    Take care I am thinking I would like to see a palm tree right nowdarn Arctic Vortex. Have nice weekend. hug B

  9. I like the miracle true! I don't think I would do well with dust. Hope it doesn't last long. We are FREEZING here! But that's ok..we need some cold weather. And I like getting to wear my winter coat!! :)

  10. Your dust storms sound like our winter storms. The wind was howling this morning and was 10 degrees with a little snow....we had a few errands to run, almost did not want to go out. But we did our errands. Dropped the husband off to get some sleep before work. Then I went on to pay the electric and go grocery shopping. I noticed the brakes were kind of squishy....kind of wondered if husband noticed that. Anyways I went on to the grocery store....noticed the brake light on....went home instead. Honestly what next. So we are without a car this weekend.

    All that to say....God's timing is perfect. We could have been on the highway and the brakes go out.

    Cute rug, did you design that? Have a good weekend and stay warm.

  11. The power was out at dad's work? You must be having serious wind! It was cloudy and breezy here today. It finally felt winterish. It's so dry, though. We got all our rain in the summer. :-p

  12. You guys have the dust and we have frigid air. I remember your photos of the huge tumble weeds last year. Maybe because I don't have them rolling around my yard, I thought they were so neat looking. It is so cold here that you cough as soon as you go outside. Have a great weekend Kim!

  13. I keep hoping you will have some much-needed rain, Kim! I would gladly endure a blizzard if it came as rain off the Pacific into California! We hear so much about the drought situation there.

    I think your flowers look lovely! They bring a touch of spring!

    xo Nellie

  14. Oh how I keep praying that you will get some rain ... you all need it so much! Have a wonderful weekend!

  15. So, are dust storms something that are common in your area or is it just like that because it's dry? We've had a few storms but not the kind I like. I like winter snow storms. LOL


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