
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Getting Caught Up

I have been having problems with blogger. It has decided to loose my posts. I will just make this one short, to see if it will work today. No, that isn't us, the last time it snowed was January 25, 1999. We had a blue moon that year and lots of snow.
We are now one week away from Christmas Eve. I can't believe how fast Christmas arrived this year.

Ron and I had this conversation. It went something like this.

For the first time I noticed the calendar. I think I have been in denial. If I don't look at it maybe it won't come at all.
Me. " Oh No!! Next week is Christmas!"
Him, "  Yay!! Next week is Christmas! I will have a whole week off!"
Me, " A whole week? I didn't know that? Since when?"
Him, " I have been telling you, didn't you listen?
Me, " Um, I thought it  meant another week I guess, Are you off New Year week too?
Him, " No, I told you that too, I am working.
Me, " ***breaking into song from Muppet Christmas Carol*** about Mr. Skinflint with vacation days."
Him, " He begins quoting, " If you give a mouse a cookie she will want two weeks of vacation in a row."

It will be here fast. I don't know why I panic, I always manage to get things done. I hope your week is very nice so far. We are supposed to be having a warm up, it might even be in the 70s tomorrow. I doubt it though, we are having that inversion layer that keeps fog trapped and the warm air above. I suppose it is better than being 17 below. That is some serious cold. I can't even imagine what that feels like.

So stay warm and safe.
So here is keeping my fingers crossed that this posts.



  1. Oh I love the conversation it sounds a little familiar to me. My Hero is off for a couple of weeks and I look forward to him doing my chores in the -23 that it is here:)
    I am sure you will get it all done and it will be wonderful. Pretty pictures even with the unusual weather it is the little surprises of life that give the most joy:) just saying:) Take care and lots of hugs B

  2. Sounds like a few times in my past...not this year tho I am ready!! Merry Christmas Kim!

  3. Anything that is essential will get done, and Christmas will come...the most important thing to get ready is your spirit. <3

  4. Not too much cold here, but LOTS of wind :)

    btw, I *love* your header photo... that is dreamy :)

  5. Good morning! I had some trouble with blogger too for a couple of days...kind of frustrating huh? A whole week off sounds wonderful to me! Christmas did come fast this year. I am just today putting my cards in the mail. Soo behind for me. But it was like I realized yesterday, wow, if I don't do this by tomorrow, most of the out of state people may not even get them by Christmas, haha. We hit 80 yesterday. But it drops into the 40's at night so it really doesn't seem too bad. Suppose to be warm again today, and then drop back down into the 60's the next....crazy! Enjoy your day!

  6. I know what you mean . Oh my I started my Christmas gift scarfs months ago then stalled out and just looked at the calendar ... eek back to the crochet chair I go !

  7. Christmas sure came in with a rush this year didn't it! Christmas means a lot to me so bring it on......
    I don't have presents bought yet or cookies made, we have too much already.... and are too well fed anyway....
    It's family, health laughter and love that I want for Christmas...
    That's the best Christmas present of all.

    I love your conversation and I think that a week off for Christmas is awesome. I wish I had a week off too.
    All the best,

  8. Cute conversation! So funny how we parents still quote lines from our children raising days, isn't it?
    I can still quote, 'Land of Counterpane' and many other poems I read so often to our little ones.
    I bet you'll manage to get everything done, Kim, you have a whole week yet!
    I sure hope you get the blogger problem worked out soon too.

  9. This past year has rushed by. I find it hard to believe that Christmas is almost here.

  10. I'm never ready but Christmas always comes anyway.

    Happy Holidays.

  11. Yay, Christmas next week! It sure seems to be coming fast. I feel like I haven't made it very fun for the kids, because having a new baby means mostly I just sit and hold her.

  12. Haha that's a cute conversation! I am very excited, Ben is taking from Christmas Eve until the day after New Years. :D

  13. Hope you enjoy the run up to Christmas and Ron's time off too!
    With lots of cookies of course!

  14. I'm sorry blogger is on the fritz! Yay for a whole week off for your hubby! I know what you mean! I'm so happy that Christmas is near!

  15. Like you, I am in denial. The temp. here in San Diego is 80 degrees. Yes. I hate it. Shorts or jeans? T-shirts or a jacket.

  16. Yes, it does seem that the time has arrived quickly! I don't know why we tend to make such "lists" of things we'd like to do. Whether the list is finished, Christmas will come! xo Nellie

  17. blogger problems happy this posted today!! thanksgiving was so late this year, christmas seems to be coming early!!

  18. As I traveled from store to store today, I found myself getting sucked into the commercialization of Chritmas...not something I want to do...In one week Christmas will be here, I am so not ready...I thought you had snow when I saw your post, it is snowing in Maine, another ten inches...I'm not complaining, not yet anyway...

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. Hi Kim, I've been enjoying your latest posts and apologize for not letting you know I've visited and read them. I love the way you express yourself and your thoughts, with humor and honesty. I agree Christmas has suddenly dawned upon us, next week already! Where did the time go? May yours be full of the blessings of family and love, laughter and all things good.

  21. I agree, where does time go? 6 days left and a million things to do, but I'm not stressing! Christmas is not about being super-woman at my house! I do wish we had your 70 degree weather, we'd be decorating a tree outside for sure!! Happy Holidays and joy to you and yours!!

  22. Nice conversation between you. Christmas is near by for us to enjoy!!


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