
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 It was the Best of Times;It Was the Worst of Times...

I have always loved that first paragraph in not- my- favorite- Dickens . " A Tale of Two Cities." I am more apt to say, out with the old and in with the new. As I reflect on 2013 I would admit it was a year of contrasts.
But for the most one filled with abundance over flowing into our laps. We added two more people to our expanding family. I finished homeschooling. Everyone in our family, I think has met the challenges presented to them. God has and continues to be faithful. Now that we have a new year to prepare for a few things have crept into my mind.

I spent far too much time looking back. Not thanking God for all of the wonderful things that were right in front of me that I missed.
I tried to run ahead of God, instead of waiting quietly at His feet like Mary and doing too much busy work like Martha.
I listened to the whispers in my mind rather than listening to the whispers of God to come away with Him to a quiet place and sit and learn of Him. I spent far to much time with my Bible on the shelf rather than open in my lap.

I spent to much time playing the " What if game" , and letting fear be my friend, rather than being like Piglet in Winnie the Pooh, " Piglet was so excited at the idea of being Useful that he forgot to be frightened."
( Winnie the Pooh, A.A. Milne, 1956)

I forgot about my calling was to be a servant. I think I thought maybe I had made it to queen status. I want to go forward this year. To get my eyes fixed so I can see again. Not being able to see the birds in the trees or the clouds in the sky. To be able to drive again without the fear of an accident or making tons and tons of mistakes I make daily, I have spent the last year, trying to cover up not being able to see. Having Ron home this week, as I watched him cover up or try to ignore the things I do wrong every day brought it home to me. My world has grown so much smaller that I want to be free again.

I read this and I think it says what I feel about a new year, a New 2014.
" The Old Man of the Earth stooped over the floor of the cave, raised a huge stone from it, and left it leaning. It disclosed a great hole that went plumb-down.
"That is the way," he said,
"But there are no stairs,"
: You must throw yourself in. " There is no other way."
(The Golden Key," Dealings with Fairies,
George MacDonald, 1867)

So with 2014 I plan on jumping in with both feet, not looking back, going forward. Because all in all, life is a wonderful adventure waiting to be lived.
Not to mention being thankful in all things. I am thankful because even though I can't see the beauty that I once took for granted, I live in an age where it can be fixed, and  I will see again, I will be reminded of all that is beautiful in this world.
 " Be Thankful, and give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:18)

Happy New Year from me to you. Thank you for reading along in 2013 I hope to be back to not the old me but the new one in 2014



  1. i hope we all have joys to look forward to. bless you, kim.

  2. Please don't hesitate to have your eye surgery. I am your age, but had fetal cataracts diagnosed at 36, and surgery on each eye at the age of 40. I had no idea how much I had been missing for years! When the patch came off the first eye I felt like a kid at Disney World and I was only in the recovery room. Color! Wow! I'd been living in a sepia world for so long and didn't know it.
    Please make sure your doctor is one of the best at this. For years afterward I didn't even need glasses to drive, just for reading or sewing.
    I too am thankful for the technology that God has allowed to bring improved sight. Did you do any research to see how it came about that we can have implants in our eyes? Amazing! I am eager to hear about your 'epiphany' afterward and your improved lifestyle. Hope all goes well and you have a quick recovery.

  3. Pam ~ may the Lord Jesus shine on you and yours in 2014. I too have been running forward and looking back. That is the recipe for a crash. The Lord is good his mercy is great and he loves us all ~ Happy New Year. Sit and be still and listen. That's what I intend to do right now ;-)

  4. You have touched on sooo many of my thoughts here for the ending of 2013. The joy and the sorrow that walk hand in hand as we go through these lives. And yet a God who walks us patiently through it all. I too want to embrace life now and live it to the fullest, realizing it is short and a gift to be experienced. I just know you will have the surgery done and REJOICE that a whole new world will be there for you to see. I am looking forward to reading your post about that when it is over. And I too hope this might be the year I fix these knees of mine and open a whole new world to me of movement and activity. Happy new year to you sweet Kim. May the Lord bless 2014 with good health, joy and His richest blessings! HUGS

  5. Beautiful images today Kim, I love piglet and pooh!! My fab pooh saying "if you live to be 100, I want to live to be 100, minus one day so I never have to live without you"!!!

    Love that one!! Happy 2014!!!

  6. Good for you, dear Kim! You'll have that surgery and have a new lease on life, I bet!

  7. My goodness you are hard on yourself. I hope you meet your goals and I wish you and your family a happy and healthy New Year.

  8. A wonderful inspiring post.

    Let's jump in and make this the most blessed year ever.

    Happy New Year.

  9. Dear Kim, Your words reflect what so much of us are feeling and thinking. I am looking forward to see what His Plan is for the next season and year. Blessings to you today dear friend. Happy New Year.
    Hugs, Noreen

  10. Happy New Year to you, Kim! I got a good smile from your Mary not Martha statement... and of course... Piglet is awesome... it's always better to be living instead of worrying... for most of what is worried of, never happens anyways... ;-) Use time wisely...

  11. Happy New Year to you, Kim! I hope 2014 is a good year for you...thanks for inspiring me! :)

  12. A great post Kim filled with hope for the coming new year. Happy New Year Kim!

  13. Happy New Year Kim..I spent way too many days racing God to the finish line...this is one of my goals for ' be silent and still and wait for him to lead me.

  14. I keep thinking of Downton Abbey, when she goes in to the get her eyes fixed and she's so freaked out, but it turns out so good in the end. :) It will be so much better! I am hoping 2014 is much, much better than gloomy old 2013.

  15. Happy New Year Kim jumping in with both feet that will be both of us. We have to trust that things will work out the way they are supposed to. Hug B

  16. So many good thoughts here. I wish you all the best with your eyes. Vision is such a precious gift. My Hubby has lost much vision in one eye due to glaucoma and it is irreversible. I wish he could have a surgery to fix it, but it is not to be. Live life to the hilt in 2014!

  17. Happy New Year to you and yours, Kim! May the coming year be one of peace and joy!

  18. A wonderful post as we are now on the hinge of a new year before us. Your words "My world has grown so myuch smaller that I want to be free again." I remind myself of that regularly.
    Wishing you a healthy New Year. Be courageous and embrace what is before you.

  19. that sentence is the best part of the whole book, I think. LOVE George MacDonald! I know what you mean about a small world; since Dave died, my world is tiny, tiny, tiny. I'm praying, w/in the next three months, God brings a buyer to the farm so I can sell and move to be near family. I so need and want to move IF it's His will.

  20. Wishing you all the best in 2014 !
    Be well ,

  21. Don't be so hard on yourself Kim, God isn't finished with you yet, you are still a work of art in progress.

    I've been blessed to have you as a bolgging friend and always look forward to your posts.

    I'm so glad that you have your priorities straight in getting your eyes fixed. Take care and I wish you a wonder filled year with tons of God's blessings.
    Happy New year Kim.
    Brand new hugs,

  22. Happy New Year my dear friend...I am the first to say I am not a fan of the medical field. Realizing I was in need of the variscose vein procedure (if I wanted to keep up with Travis) I just had to suck it up and go through with it...It's scary, and makes me feel old, but one leg down and one to go...You must take care of your eye sight, I know you clearly want to see those beautiful faces of your grandchildren...I'm pulling for you and like me when it is over you'll be saying why didn't I do this sooner!!!! Hugs...Julie

  23. Kim:

    I loved you in 2013, and I will continue to love coming here in 2014. Your chatter is so real, and full of truth. I feel the same about 2014... it's loaded with new pages to fill... what will God do in each of our lives?

    You are a blessing and a treasure my friend.


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