
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Oh October!

How I love October! I love the cool mornings and the bright afternoons. I love the sounds of the honking of the geese as they fly overhead. I love walking each day hoping to spot a leaf changing color. I found one yesterday hidden in the branches of one of the trees at the back.

It made me happy to know that soon this tree will be filled with red, yellow and orange. I feel so thankful to have made it to another October. One of the things I have been doing this year, as I turn my calendar, I grab my copy of The Book of Still Meadow by Gladys Tabor and in the late afternoon I grab a cup of coffee and my favorite chair and read a chapter for what month it is, each month reading this book, I am reminded that each month has its own gifts to cherish and hold in my hand. How ever fleeting it might be.

This month she writes, " The special gift of frosty gold days comes now; time to lay down the household tasks and shut the door on routine. For every October, when I see the trees over the meadow, I think, "I shall not look upon her like again,." And every October is different, strange with new beauty."

In October, the ghosts in my mind come walking into my thoughts. Every where I see them beckoning me to come and return to the past where my grand mother stands burning leaves in the afternoons as the sunlight sifts down through the trees. Or getting off the school bus, and running in her back door to the smell of yeast and cinnamon and sitting down in her kitchen while she serves a hot cinnamon roll with a cold glass of milk. She stands at the sink in her apron tied around her waist and wants to know about my day. She listens and all around me is love.

One of my favorite ghosts as my own small children would rake the leaves into piles and spend the afternoon running and jumping into the piles of jewels out in the yard. They were always barefoot and their feet would get pink from the cold. They would have coats on and my next door neighbor would come to the door about them not wearing shoes. Every October. He didn't understand, in order to get a good hold when climbing trees you must use your toes. I would smile and I would listen as he complained. He was nice though, he always left Tootsie Roll Pops on the fence for them to find.

Such is October, filled with memories, like leaves that fall to the ground to make way for the new leaves in the spring. Each day a gift that passes too quickly to the brown days of November. I know each day I wake up, I find that every day in October, is too short to waste.

Have a lovely Thursday,


  1. Yes, October, with all its glory, passes by much too quickly! You have wonderful memories of the Octobers of your life.

    xo Nellie

  2. A hauntingly beautiful post!
    Glad it's so nice weather wise for you as we have the October gloom and haven't seen blue skies so your post brightened my day!

  3. Lovely thoughts and lovely memories from you, a lovely woman. xo

  4. when i read your words, i can almost feel it!!

    love, love, love autumn!!

  5. Tootsie roll pops on the fence... what a wonderful memory for your children! I loved this post!

  6. A beautiful post. Lovely memories!

  7. Beautiful!!!!

    Sadly, many do not look.

  8. Dear Kim, I love this post-you've shared life in October so eloquently! I haven't seen Gladys Tabor's book but must find a copy-possibly on Amazon. I love your memories of your childhood and of when your kids were young. You've made me reflect on my childhood too. Thank you for this today.
    Hugs, Noreen

  9. You've written such heart-warming thoughts..... thank you for sharing.
    October is my most favorite month, and Fall is certainly my most favorite season. It would be wonderful to freeze this time of year.

    Smiles :)

  10. sweet memories. :) cute pumpkins, too.

  11. you sold me on fall...even more than before...what a precious post, thanks for welcoming the season

  12. Happy October!! This is the best start to fall we've had in a long time!! :D

  13. You have a poetic soul and I love those ghostly memories of
    past October.

    The weather has been so beautiful here too and I have managed to get some cleaning done around the calf barn but I'm not done yet. Never enough time...


  14. Oh I LOVED the way you have described Oct., and you have done the perfect job. Such wonderful memories! ENJOY!!

  15. Oh Kim what a lovely post, perfectly said. I too have been reading Gladys Taber, I named my late hen Gladys after her...Mrs Taber can put into words what I have milling around in my head...You have such wonderful family memories and such a wonderful way of putting them on paper...Today, I have been teaching Travis the fine art of being buried in leaves and also experiencing the joy of running through the clothes hanging on the line...Simple country pleasures...Blessing my friend...

  16. Beautiful memories and post, I share many of the same, Blessings Francine.

  17. Oh, that was such a nice tribute to October. I love this good sleeping weather! So cool!
    I did wear flip flops to school today, though.
    I can just see your children jumping in the leaves! FUN!

  18. I'm so glad it's October! A cold front is forecast this weekend and the highs will be in the 80s. I'm sure looking forward to it! I love your stories. My favorite October memory is playing dodgeball in the sky fort. We only played it in the fall, and my feet would become numb sticks that hurt right up the middle. Getting warm was such bliss.

  19. Exceptionally beautiful post !
    You have a lovely, authentic way of writing...
    and might I add, I usually 'tear up', when reading some of your thoughts. Those wonderful memories...I know I wish I could do it all agian ! The days are long and yet at the same time very short !
    Love the orange pumpkin pic. ;)

  20. Poetry. I just love reading your writings.

  21. You have captured October perfectly. I just love the story of your neighbor and the tootsie pops.

  22. Love your memories and love your awesome photos. B

  23. I have those memories in October also. Do you think others do as well? We were getting cooler mornings and evenings and then summer reared its ugly head again. Hopefully, we'll be having fall temps after this weekend. I've missed 'seeing' you everyday!

  24. Love, love the fall too. Even here in North Florida, the mornings and evenings are cooler.


    P.S We are also preparing for Tropical Storm Karen (sigh).

  25. Great fall pics....fall is my most favorite time of the year!

  26. I don't remember loving Autumn the way I do this year. I loved reading the stories of the "ghosts" - you do the best kind of storytelling, and show that those people are still real, and wherever else they may be now, we know they still live in your memory.

  27. I love these white pumpkins- I can't seem to find them around here. Have a great weekend!

  28. October is full of fun memories for you! :) Your Grandmother sounds like mine...except mine served warm sugar cookies instead of cinnamon rolls!

  29. You have given October a place of honor here . . . I begin to see just how special it can be. Thank you for sharing a few of your delicious memories with the rest of us. I can smell those cinnamon buns baking in the oven!

  30. love the crock and love October...I want to fill up completely so when November rains come, my soul will be satisfied.

  31. I'm so with you on this... welcome October!! I also have some of your ghosts... so I do recognize the emotions they bring. But all in all... October is wonderful! :)

  32. Glad you got those chickens under control!! Yes, Oct is a wonderful month. We are having cooler mornings and the fair opened last fall is here!

  33. Kim, This was a beautiful post thank you for reminding me to enjoy every bit of the days we have. Denise


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